Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: A Saravanan Author-Workplace-Name: PSG College of Arts & Science Title: An Economic Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Paddy Cultivation of Erode District in Tamil Nadu Abstract: The study made an attempt to identify the socio-economic characteristics of paddy cultivating farmers of various size groups selected from the sample, to examine the resource use pattern of paddy cultivating farmers of varying size groups, and to evaluate the farm level technical efficiencies in the production of paddy in Thadappalli ayacut of Erode District in Tamil Nadu. The study was confined to a sample of 150 paddy farmer households selected from 5 villages of Thadappalli ayacut in Erode District. A simple percentage, the stochastic production frontier function model of the Cobb-douglas type used to find the results. The findings of the study have policy implications since they not only provide empirical efficiency indicators that can be used to plan farm production, but they also assist us identify the potential for crop production improvement across diverse farming systems based on efficiency. The study's findings also provide insight into long-term productivity improvement approaches that do not require more resources. Given that education has a considerable impact on technical efficiency, efforts should be made to popularise both formal and informal education among farmers in the area. Keywords: Paddy, Thadappalli Ayacut, Cost & Returns, TE, OLS, Stochastic Frontier Function Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 1-11 Volume: 10 Issue: 2 Year: 2022 Month: March DOI: 10.34293/economics.v10i2.4517 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4517 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4517/4448 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:10:y:2022:i:2:p:1-11 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: A Sangamithra Author-Workplace-Name: Bharathiar University Author-Name: S Thilagavathy Author-Workplace-Name: Bharathiar University Title: Connection between Breast Cancer and Poverty Abstract: Poverty is associated with the higher cancer rates, cancer risk factors like tobacco used and obesity, and lack of access to cancer screening and the treatment. Breast cancer may be caused by the occurrence of malignant tumors, is one of the structures of composing the organs, which is formed due to uncontrolled reproduction of cells that went through a complex process of transformation and may evolve by direct extension or through metastatic dissemination. The main symptoms are palpable nodes and deformations especially the cambers or retractions in the breast part. Constitutional symptoms such as asthenia, fever and weight loss may also compose a clinical condition. People with lower socio economic status have high cancer deaths than those with higher socio economic status, regardless of the demographic factors which includes race/ethnicity. Only small things can be known about the breast cancer among economically disadvantaged women, except the two generally accepted facts, low income women are likely to be diagnosed more with the later stage of the disease and have higher mortality rates. Being uninsured may lead to health services, and thereby creating delays or even the absence of screening, diagnostic and also the treatment services. Lack of access may account for women diagnosed when the cancer is advanced, reducing the women's chances of survival. Keywords: Poverty, Breast Cancer, Health Systems, Effects of Poverty, Health and Poverty, Social and Economic Factors Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 12-16 Volume: 10 Issue: 2 Year: 2022 Month: March DOI: 10.34293/economics.v10i2.4527 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4527 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4527/4449 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:10:y:2022:i:2:p:12-16 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: A Danmaigoro Author-Workplace-Name: Kebbi State University of Science and Technology Author-Name: A Gona Author-Workplace-Name: Kebbi State University of Science and Technology Title: Determinants of Food Security Status and Coping Strategies among Rice Farmers in Kebbi State, Nigeria Abstract: This study evaluated the food security status of rice farmers in Kebbi State, Nigeria. Data were generated from a sample of 120 rice farmers using multi-stage random sampling technique. Descriptive statistic, Food security index and Logistic regression models were used for the analysis. The results revealed that 36.7% were food secured while 63.3% were food insecure. The results revealed that the coefficient of age, gender, household size and farm size were statistically significant and positively influence food security status of rice farming households at 10%, 1%, 5%, and 1% level of probability, respectively. Based on the findings, it is recommended that government should improve on education and sensitize rice farmers regarding family planning since household size worsens the food security status of rice farming households. There is the need to increase the volume of food production as well as improve access to income generating activities that are more sustainable. Policies aimed at providing farm inputs at subsidize rate will motivate farming households and also increase their productivity. Keywords: Food Security, Rice, Farming Households, Kebbi State Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 17-24 Volume: 10 Issue: 2 Year: 2022 Month: March DOI: 10.34293/economics.v10i2.4599 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4599 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4599/4450 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:10:y:2022:i:2:p:17-24 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: AK Burhan Author-Name: A Wazir Author-Name: K Riaz Author-Name: AB Syed Ahsan Author-Name: H Sajjad Title: Identification of Climate Change Impacts and Tradeoffs Established Under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways of IPCC AR6 using A Moderate Resolution GCM viz. MRI-ESM2-0 of CMIP6 over Pakistan Abstract: Pakistan will be 100 years by the end of mid-21st century. Within its continued lifespan, it has borne witness to various climate change hazards exclusively conveyed under the umbrella of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Reports (ARs). Recently published IPCC's AR6 establishes its distinctiveness by addressing co-benefits, risks, interactions, trade-offs and economic development factors associated with magnitude of climate change factors, both regionally and globally. With heavy exposure to climate change indications in recent times, implications of such factors to shared socioeconomic narratives needed attention, especially over Pakistan region. To address this, a moderate resolution General Circulation Model (GCM) viz. MRI-ESM2-0 of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) was engaged to detect magnitude of potential risks associated with five Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs) in the future. Change in mean state of global climate extracted over local realm was integrated with Gantt-like charts to depict severity and abruptness of the studied pathways to potential threats and balances over provinces and regions of Pakistan. Results revealed realms of risk that potentially placed the provinces and the regions at par with globally provoked hazards, yet simultaneously co-befitted them with tradeoff of boosts in economic development based on fossil fuel investments. Nevertheless predictions of such nature are constrained with global and local policy interventions, and hence are conveyed as spectrum of potential implications of the global climate change on national realms in the future. Keywords: IPCC AR6, Climate Change, SSP, MRI-ESM-2.0, CMIP6, Pakistan Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 25-46 Volume: 10 Issue: 2 Year: 2022 Month: March DOI: 10.34293/economics.v10i2.4615 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4615 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4615/4451 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:10:y:2022:i:2:p:25-46 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Talent Nesongano Author-Workplace-Name: University of Zimbabwe Author-Name: Teresa Nyika Author-Workplace-Name: University of Zimbabwe Author-Name: Albert Makochekanwa Author-Workplace-Name: University of Zimbabwe Author-Name: Stanzia Moyo Author-Workplace-Name: University of Zimbabwe Author-Name: Marvellous Mhloyi Author-Workplace-Name: University of Zimbabwe Title: The Impact of Sexual Violence on Women's Earnings: The Case of Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe Abstract: Sexual violence profoundly affects the social well-being of victims through its numerous adverse mental health outcomes, which may affect survivors' employment and earnings.However, scant scholarly literature examines the impact of sexual violence on women's earnings in Zimbabwe. Using data collected from 173 working women in Zvimba and Hurungwe districts, the ordered logit model results showed that sexual violence (both lifetime and past 12 months experiences) was insignificant in influencing women's earnings in Zimbabwe. While Educational attainment, location, and occupation were statistically significant in influencing women's earnings. Women who attained higher levels of education (secondary and tertiary) had greater chances of earning higher incomes than those who attained primary education. Women who reside in urban areas were more likely to earn higher incomes than their rural counterparts. On occupation, those in the Managerial and Professional workers' category had greater chances of earning incomes above $10,000 (ZWL) than those in other categories. Given the impact of education on women's earnings, the study recommends that the government consider making education up to secondary level compulsory and free for women and subsidising their tertiary education through its ministries responsible for education. Providing more education centres, including vocational study centres, particularly in rural areas, may help empower rural women and improve their chances of participating in the labour market and earning higher incomes. Keywords: Sexual Violence, Women's Earnings, Health, Education, Labour, Zimbabwe Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 47-63 Volume: 10 Issue: 2 Year: 2022 Month: March DOI: 10.34293/economics.v10i2.4649 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4649 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4649/4452 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:10:y:2022:i:2:p:47-63 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Dhulasi Birundha Varadarajan Author-Workplace-Name: Madurai Kamaraj University Author-Name: M Chitra Author-Workplace-Name: Madurai Kamaraj University Title: Global Climate Financing of Multilateral Development Banks - An Analysis Abstract: The human Community in earth understood theemergency need to integrate forces to avert dangerous climate change. This requires mobilising financial resources from a wide range of sources, public and private, bilateral and multilateral, including alternative sources. This makes it increasingly important to track and report financial flows that support climate change mitigation and adaptation to create trust and accountability with regard to climate related investment. Climate Financing by Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) comprising the African Development Bank (AFDB) the Asian Development Bank (ADB) the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) the European investment Bank (EIB) the inter-American Development Bank Group (IDBG) the world Bank (WB) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The vision of Paris agreement's in financial flows consistent with low greenhouse gas emissions and climate- resilient development plays a significant role in the MDBs work to improve tracking and reporting. At COP 24 in December 2018 the MDBs reinforced their commitment to combating climate change presenting joint approach that will align their activities with the goals of the internationalagreement. Based on the increasing role of MDB Banks in Climate Financing to different regions and sectors this paper focuses on the objectives such as To study climate Financing of Multilateral Banks and its role in minimising global CO2 emissions, To find the share of Adaptation Financeto total climate finance and also to determine the share of different banks in total adaptation funding. Based on the share, the moving pattern of financing by each group of banks would be analysed, to study the share of adaptation finance to total investments of funds in different sectors. The moving pattern of financing in different regions and sectors would also be observed. In order to study the variations in total amount allotted, amount for adaptation and amount on mitigation, Bank wise, Region wise and sector wise would be analysed. Data are collected from secondary sources for the years 2011 to 2018 from the reports of Multilateral Development joint report on climate finance. Regression was used to study the variation in variables such as total climate finance given by MDBs, Finance to Adaptation and Mitigation, Region wise financial distribution and sector wise allocation. The result of the study found that MDB banks are more innovative enough to distribute climate finance to various regions and to various sectors by pooling finance from various sources. Finance is given to countries to implement Adaptation and Mitigation measures separately. Comparatively finance to Adaptation is less to Mitigation. To utilize the Climate Finance more effectively MDB banks have to follow the approach of synthesizing both Adaptation finance and Mitigation Finance. Keywords: Climate Finance, Adaptation, Mitigation, Co2 emissions, Stability Analysis Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 64-77 Volume: 10 Issue: 2 Year: 2022 Month: March DOI: 10.34293/economics.v10i2.4747 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4747 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4747/4453 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:10:y:2022:i:2:p:64-77 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: M Dillip Anand Author-Workplace-Name: Presidency College (Autonomous) Title: A Study on Sustainability of Corporate Social Responsibility during and Post-Covid-19 Abstract: As part of the United Nations Development Programmes, COVID-19 provides an opportunity to rethink and enhance resilience in order to accomplish long-term development goals. The industrial sector, as well as multinational corporations, should concentrate on difficulties and challenges pertaining to the welfare of society, as well as identifying the priorities of the community, which is a necessity in a pandemic situation. Companies must concentrate their efforts on corporate social responsibility programmes that are aligned with global sustainable development goals during the emergency period of the crisis. Another element is that the ecosystem, which is defined as the community of living species, has been exploited, which has had an impact on the symbiotic interaction between them. Throughout this paper, we have looked at how industries and corporations should handle their ethical, social, legal, and economic duties, as well as how these responsibilities correspond with the Constitution and the Sustainable Development Goals. Keywords: Covid 19, Sustainable Development Global Goals, Corporate Social Responsibility, Ecosystem Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 78-82 Volume: 10 Issue: 2 Year: 2022 Month: March DOI: 10.34293/economics.v10i2.4523 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4523 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4523/4454 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:10:y:2022:i:2:p:78-82 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: P Shanmugam Author-Workplace-Name: Bharathiar University Author-Name: I Haripriya Author-Workplace-Name: Bharathiar University Title: Impact of GST on Rural Purchasing Abstract: The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a vast concept that simplifies the giant tax structure by supporting and enhancing the growth of a country GST is a apprehensive tax levy on manufacturing, sale and consumption of goods and services at a national level. The introduction of GST without proper preparation in the country as well as the state have made both positive and negative impacts on rural economy. Hence, an attempt has been made to analyse the impact of GST on rural households in Coimbatore district. Keywords: GST, Rural Households, Consumption, Purchasing Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 83-89 Volume: 10 Issue: 2 Year: 2022 Month: March DOI: 10.34293/economics.v10i2.4650 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4650 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4650/4455 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:10:y:2022:i:2:p:83-89 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: T Jansi Rani Author-Workplace-Name: S.M.S. College of Arts And Science Author-Name: R Seenivasan Author-Workplace-Name: Madurai Kamaraj University Title: A Study on Health and Nutrition Status of Children Abstract: Today food habits are totally changed among the people in India. The food consumption also differs from one person to another person. Recently many diseases are affected our home country especially, children are affected by many health problems. This is only come only by the consumption patterns followed by children. The important objectives of this study are to assess the high level calories of food intake by children and to know how much amount of calorie intake child per day. This study is based on secondary data. The BMI help to estimate or know about how many years' children have how much weight and height. Not enough nutrition is called malnutrition or malnourishment. The symptom of malnutrition is short height, thin body, poor energy and abdomen. The main reccomentations of this study are parents are teach to their children intake fresh vegetables and fruits If a child dislike any nutrient food, parents are must teach to the children how these food is important to our health. They are immediately understood. Keywords: Children, BMI, Malnutrition, Calories, Symptoms, Fresh Vegetables, Nutrition etc Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 90-94 Volume: 10 Issue: 2 Year: 2022 Month: March DOI: 10.34293/economics.v10i2.4666 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4666 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/4666/4456 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:10:y:2022:i:2:p:90-94