Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Fang Zheng Author-Workplace-Name: Singapore University of Social Sciences Author-Name: Youngho Chang Author-Workplace-Name: Singapore University of Social Sciences Title: Human Capital and Productivity Growth in ASEAN Countries for 2000-2010: A Malmquist Index Analysis Abstract: This study emphasizes a role of human capital in the measurement of productivity growth and highlights the importance of sample selections in analyzing productivity change of ASEAN countries, especially from 2000 to 2010. The productivity growth in ASEAN countries appears to deteriorate, mainly due to efficiency losses in the first half of the decade and the lack of technological improvement in the second half of the decade. Keywords: productivity, human capital, Malmquist index, ASEAN Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 1-8 Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Year: 2019 Month: September DOI: 10.34293/economics.v7i4.555 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/555 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/555/465 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:7:y:2019:i:4:p:1-8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Rupla Naik Author-Workplace-Name: Sri Krishnadevaraya University Author-Name: K Dasaratharamaiah Author-Workplace-Name: Sri Krishnadevaraya University Title: Education and Socio-Economic Development of Tribal Women: A Study Abstract: Education is one of the essential means of empowering women with the knowledge, skills and self-confidence, which is necessary to participate fully in the extension process. It begins to higher productivity, efficiency and better socio-economic development of the individual as well as society Education is a mean to secure empowerment among the marginalized tribal women Education of women is conceived as one of the most powerful weapons in the development of a nation. Economic Empowerment of Tribal women through education will contribute a lot to national development. Educational development is a far distant dream for Tribal women. The educational state of Tribal women is very low related to their male counterparts. Development of Literacy among tribal women is a challenging issue in the present scenario. Without education of tribal women, meaningful, inclusive growth of the country is not possible. Education and economic empowerment of tribal women can be measured through the power they have over financial resources to earn income and their per capita income, access to education, access and availability of professional opportunities and participation in economic decision making and their access to political opportunities. Finally, the paper concludes by arguing for and educational policy to adequately respond to essential education in Andhra Pradesh for tribal women community. Keywords: Scheduled Tribe, Empowerment, Education, Employment, Literacy, Economic Development Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 9-19 Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Year: 2019 Month: September DOI: 10.34293/economics.v7i4.608 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/608 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/608/466 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:7:y:2019:i:4:p:9-19 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: B Pradeep Kumar Author-Workplace-Name: Government Arts & Science College, Ambalapuzha Title: Trends in Major Balance of Payment Indicators of India Abstract: BOP is a very comprehensive and systematic monetary record of an economy's external transactions with the Rest of the World (RoW). For India, trends in BOP assume indomitable importance. In this background, this paper intends to present some exciting trends in valuable pointers of BOP of India. The study shows that the ratio of Imports to GDP in India (M/GDP) has still been higher than that of the Exports to GDP (X/GDP). Increasing CAD over the years especially in 2000s and 2010s also throws on the economic risks that has been facing. The growth in foreign investment albeit slow has turned out to be a positive indicator. Keywords: BOP, Exports, Imports, Current Account Deficit, FDI, FIIs, BOP equilibrium Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 20-23 Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Year: 2019 Month: September DOI: 10.34293/economics.v7i4.605 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/605 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/605/467 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:7:y:2019:i:4:p:20-23 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: S L Santhi Author-Workplace-Name: Kerala Agricultural University Author-Name: G Veerakumaran Author-Workplace-Name: Kerala Agricultural University Title: Impact Assessment of Kerala Flood 2018 on Agriculture of Farmers in Edathua Panchayat, Kuttanad Taluk of Alappuzha District Abstract: The people of Kerala have suffered the worst natural calamity, deluge from 15th august 2018, and this continued for a week. Due to the heavy rainfall, which was more than 164%, the usual rain resulted in filling dams to maximum capacity made all barriers opened and caused over flooding. A humble attempt was made to conduct an Impact assessment of Kerala flood 2018 on agriculture of farmers in Edathua Panchayat, Kuttanad Taluk of Alappuzha district. 45 flood-affected farmers were examined with a pre-structured interview schedule. The impact of the flood had distorted the life of farmers; the unexpected wave had washed away their cultivations. The surge has not only affected the fields but also their homes, live stocks, aquaculture, agriculture implements, assets, and so on. During the flood, the government has provided urgent aid and relief material promptly and without any restrictions. The major problems faced by farmers are the inadequacy of assistance, reduction in yield and lack of pure water, delay in getting support, repayment of the loan, and so on. The government should help these farmers to overcome these conditions; otherwise, they will suffer colossal debt, which would be a reason for them to leave this sector. Keywords: Flood, Agriculture, Livestock, Production, Sale Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 24-28 Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Year: 2019 Month: September DOI: 10.34293/economics.v7i4.618 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/618 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/618/468 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:7:y:2019:i:4:p:24-28 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: R Nageswari Author-Workplace-Name: Seethalakshmi Achi College for Women Title: Economic Visions of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Abstract: Dr. Ambedkar is the first Ph.D. holder in the field of Economics and the primary individual to earned twofold doctorate qualification in South Asia in a similar field. He was an expert economist in tending to the monetary issues of the country and overseeing financial issues of the nation during the time of 1923-1956. Amazing enough Dr. Ambedkar had just recommended free economy strategy such globalization, advancement and privatization as ahead of schedule as in 1923. From that point onward, the Indian government has actualized this arrangement in September 1991. He had worried on the estimation of rupee must be kept stable despite the fact that dispatch the free financial strategy effectively. He underscored the hugeness and need of 'Framework System' which is as yet working viably. He is a precursor of work division since he defined the dynamic framework and made proficient arrangement for this field subsequently numerous designers have prepared well way. These days, the power specialists are traveling to another country for preparing thus that credit goes to Dr. Ambedkar. Toward the finish of Second World War India confronted numerous issues identified with the business, horticulture, neediness, etc. His strategy was help to come up from that unfortunate casualty and was valuable to create ventures, improve agribusiness, make work and build up the economy all through the country. Recreation Committee Council (RCC) was built up by the Indian government and Dr. Ambedkar was an individual from RCC. He was the President of Policy advisory group for Irrigation and Power. The man who began the arrangement for a finance commission each year in the constitution was none other than Dr. Ambedkar. He put stock in the rule of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity which stretched out into all segments of the general public including work. Dr Ambedkar was quick to create water hotspots for quicker financial development of the nation even before Independence. He underlined that the water the board ought to be an indispensable piece of the nation. He has presented an outline for 'Damodar Valley Scheme' (Kolkata, 3 January 1945) pictured on the lines of Tennessee Valley Authority in America. He stated, The Damodar waterway task is the principal venture and will be a multi-reason venture. The principle goal of the undertaking was not exclusively to keep the general population from flood and it contain the goal of water system, route, power generation and establish the framework for a system of success for the neediness stricken a great many this nation. The primary target of this paper is to think about the commitment of Dr. Ambedkar to the field of Economics. The examination will be useful to realize the likelihood changes agreeing his ideas, considerations, assessment and proposals in the contemporary time frame do roll out practical improvements in the field of financial aspects. The article will be useful to do the possibility contemplate based on Dr. Ambedkarism towards financial development, horticulture, water the executives, neediness, rolelessness, modern development, etc. Keywords: Economics, policy, agriculture, water, poverty, changes, growth Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 29-35 Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Year: 2019 Month: September DOI: 10.34293/economics.v7i4.587 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/587 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/587/469 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:7:y:2019:i:4:p:29-35 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: T Thangalakshmi Author-Workplace-Name: Madurai Kamaraj University Author-Name: V Suthacini Author-Workplace-Name: Madurai Kamaraj University Title: Food Security in India: Issues and Suggestion to Improve the Public Distribution System Abstract: Food security in India is unfavourably affected by several biotic and socio-political situations. The current position may get worse in the future if timely and suitable actions are not executed and planned. The discipline of human population and land for cultivation, climate change, government policies of public distribution and marketing of food grains and lack of a participatory approach all are committing to check down the availability of foods. Also, crop fecundity seems to be very much unsustainable. The situation has to be remedied by all possible means and citizens must be assured of food security. This review summarises several strategies for crop production and food distribution through the public distribution system. Finally, results indicate that India has achieved self-sufficiency in grains; it is still lagging at the back in the production of oilseeds and pulses. It is also commented that there has been a meaningful increase in the reproduction of rice, wheat, cereals, fruits, vegetables, and other products. Among the specific charges made to lift the agricultural sector from its present slowdown and stagnation, we comprise decorated increased public investment and a severe review of subsidies provided to farmers. To improve the infrastructure, credit facilities, inputs, land and water management, effective marketing and price policies, the diversification of agriculture, strengthening the improvement strategies for tackling climate change, and the strict regulation of land use and diversion of land for non-agricultural activities. Keywords: Food Security, Agricultural Production, Consumtion, Public Distribution, Expansion of Credit, Water Management Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 36-40 Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Year: 2019 Month: September DOI: 10.34293/economics.v7i4.601 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/601 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/601/470 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:7:y:2019:i:4:p:36-40 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: G Angala Eswari Author-Workplace-Name: Sourashtra College Title: A Study on Role of Women in Economic Development in India Abstract: Empowering women is a critical issue in developing nations. Even though women are an integral part of any society, yet their involvement in decision making by the use of their active contribution in economic activities is shallow. Women empowerment and economic development are interlinked, where on the one hand, development alone can play a significant role in driving down inequality between women and men while on the other hand empowering women can benefit development. This paper explores the role of women in the workforce for the economic development of the country in different States. Keywords: Women Empowerment, Economic Development, Gender and Development, Socio-economic growth, women Role, Employment of women Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 41-45 Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Year: 2019 Month: September DOI: 10.34293/economics.v7i4.619 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/619 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/619/471 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:7:y:2019:i:4:p:41-45 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: N Mohana Gayatheri Author-Workplace-Name: Thiruvalluvar University Author-Name: P Chennakrishnan Author-Workplace-Name: Thiruvalluvar University Title: A Study on Slums Population in India Abstract: Slums are worldwide events and are present in almost all cities throughout the world. Unlucky children and adults living in slums are rejected from the various facilities and services needed by children and other adults, those who live in non-slum areas, so slum children need attention special. Slums provide many geographical constraints for service delivery. Most of them are built-in lowland areas and are prone to flooding; most do not have adequate drainage to avoid standing water during the rainy season including flooding, water lodging, excessive population, and narrow or muddy roads. Houses are usually made of fragile material and are vulnerable to fire and monsoon rains. Very high population density, very bad environmental conditions and very low socio-economic conditions are ubiquitous practical features. This is an important feature that has proven to be an obstacle to the education system for slum residents. Poor drainage, flooding and poor housing are mostly slums. Keywords: Slums, living conditions, slum populations in India, urbanization and industrialization, Very high population density, environmental conditions Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 46-51 Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Year: 2019 Month: September DOI: 10.34293/economics.v7i4.625 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/625 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/625/472 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:7:y:2019:i:4:p:46-51 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: V P Prince Prabakaran Author-Workplace-Name: Voorhees College Title: Revival of Agriculture in India - A Theoritical Perspective Abstract: India was recognized across the globe as an agrarian economy very first five year plan during 1951-56 gave importance to agriculture. The need of 1950's compelled or pressured the existence of agriculture sector, planners and policymakers also to formulate and shape of the country accordingly. Gradual improvements and the development of the country diverted from agriculture to service sector and industrial, really well appreciated and advancement but every Indian should realize the importance of mother earth which is providing agricultural output has been food for existence of every human being but current trend has totally changed to focus more and service sector then industrial sector least importance to agriculture sector this is the policy framework side, the other way round environmental factors climatic change, average rainfall, fertility of the soil needed input for agriculture totally disturbing. The current need of the society to think and do proactive measures has rightly pointed out by the first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, 'everything else can wait but not agriculture'. Revival of agriculture is the need of hour with this understanding, the article is classified into four divisions; firstly, it start with introduction and highlight the remarkable performance of agriculture in India. Secondly, exhibits the declined trend of agriculture during the time of new economic policy. Thirdly, it analyse the recent trend of agriculture in India. Finally, this article suggests the concrete measures for future fruitful agricultural development in India. Keywords: Agrarian Economy, Agricultural Sector, Policy Makers, Environmental Factors, Economic Policy, Performance of Agriculture, Agriculture Development, Average Rainfall, Agriculture Marketing, Farming, Agriculture Credit, Rural India, Agricultural Productivity Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 52-56 Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Year: 2019 Month: September DOI: 10.34293/economics.v7i4.467 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/467 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/467/473 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:7:y:2019:i:4:p:52-56 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: R Elizabethrani Author-Workplace-Name: Seethalakshmi Achi College for Women Title: Contribution of Industries in the Economic Development of India and Recommendations of New Industrial Policies Abstract: An economy is produced using the structure of a wide range of enterprises like agriculture, service, building, fabricating, and so on. These enterprises give such a significant number of advantages to the economy, for example, work age, production of goods and services, equivalent salary conveyance in the entire economy. Service segment contributes 60% of the Indian GDP while agriculture gives around 14% of GDP. Industrialization assumes a crucial job in the economic development of creating nations. As the chronicled record appears, the established countries of the world broke the endless loop of poverty by industrializing, as opposed to concentrating on horticultural or the production of national assets. At present, India, as a creating nation, needs to accomplish a higher expectation for everyday comforts for its kin. Thus, it is seeking strategies that help privatization and deregulation of the economy. Industry assumes a problematic job in economic development; however, these are a portion of its most significant impacts. In India, a large part of the populace is occupied with horticulture. There is an excessive amount of individuals and insufficient land for all to flourish. To increase the situation, our people are developing at a practically alarming rate. The industrial sector is the leading segment that is producing employments at a quicker pace than our populace is developing. Also, this area will draw surplus work from agriculture to it, along these lines improving farm profitability as well. Hence, the current study has been done too, highlighting the contribution of industries in the economic development of India and the recommendations of new industrial policies. Keywords: Industrialization, National Resources, Economic Development, Employment Production, Surplus, Rural Profitability, Standard of Living Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 57-65 Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Year: 2019 Month: September DOI: 10.34293/economics.v7i4.616 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/616 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/616/474 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:7:y:2019:i:4:p:57-65 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: P Muthuramu Author-Workplace-Name: Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development Author-Name: T Uma Maheswari Author-Workplace-Name: Lady Doak College Title: Tests for Structural Breaks in Time Series Analysis: A Review of Recent Development Abstract: The issue related to a structural break or change point in the econometric and statistics literature is relatively vast. In recent decades it was increasing, and it got recognized by various researchers. The debates are about a structural break or parameter instability in the econometric models. Over some time, there has been a different mechanism, and theoretical development stretching the fundamental change and strengthen the econometric literature. Estimation of structural break has undergone significant changes. Instead of exploring the presence of a known structural break, now the emphasis is on tracing multiple unknown cracks using dynamic programming. The paper an attempt has been made to review the different forms of the presence of structural break(s) over the past. Keywords: Structural Breaks, Chow, Quandt-Andrews, Bai-Perron test Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 66-79 Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Year: 2019 Month: September DOI: 10.34293/economics.v7i4.628 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/628 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/628/475 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:7:y:2019:i:4:p:66-79 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: C Thanga Sheeba Author-Workplace-Name: Scott Christian College Author-Name: B Mary Sahela Author-Workplace-Name: Scott Christian College Title: Economic and Health Conditions of Scavangers Working in Nagercoil Municipality Abstract: In Indian caste system predominantly among Hindus, each caste is usually accompanying with a particular occupation. This occurrence is so prominent that one can say that caste is nothing more than the systematization of occupational differential. The study aims to study the economic conditions of the scavengers in the study area. To evaluate the health territory of the creation in the study area. To examine the problem faced by collectors. The present study is based on original data as well as supporting secondary data. The scope of the research is restricted to the scavengers working in the organized sector in Nagercoil Municipality. These people have been involved in two types of workers, namely permanent workers and contract works. A caste is working as a remover of night soil and the cleaner of latrines drainages and street. Based on the analysis, the research concludes. The permanent workers� salary is higher than contract workers. The permanent worker�s job is secured and given all the benefits which are prescribed by the government. The contract workers do not enjoy the benefits of permanent workers. Keywords: Scavengers, Economic, Health, Permanent, Contract, Workers Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 80-83 Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Year: 2019 Month: September DOI: 10.34293/economics.v7i4.629 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/629 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/629/476 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:7:y:2019:i:4:p:80-83 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: M Sabarisakthi Author-Workplace-Name: The Gandhigram Rural Institute � Deemed to be University Title: An Exploration on Farm Crisis and Suicides in the Cauvery Delta Districts of Tamil Nadu Abstract: The Cauvery delta is the most productive food bowls in India and which cultivates more than 70 percent of paddy in Tamil Nadu. However, the situation of farmers suicides is alarming and leading to farm suicides manifested from the fragile situation during 2017, since farmer suicides are rare in this region. In this context, this study is taken-up and used descriptive research design with both primary and secondary data source. Empirical data have been collected from the 21 victim farmers� households of three Cauvery districts of Thanjavur, Thiruvarur, and Nagapattinam. The empirical research found several causes: the scarcity of water and drought are the major causes of the present agrarian crisis. It is reported that every victim farmers of the study area borrowed for crop cultivation and unable to repay the borrowings on time due to crop failure. The victim farmers are disappointed by the crop failure, agriculture policies, and schemes are failed to compensate for their needs. Thus, safety net measures like crop insurance and allowances may be provided as immediate relief from debts. Intensive counseling at the household level is another intervention, which may reduce the suicides immediately. Local educational institutions and their community service wings may be utilized for educating and counseling the distress farmers. Keywords: Cauvery Delta, Erratic Monsoon, Water Dispute, Crop Failure, Farmers� Suicides Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Economics Pages: 84-90 Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Year: 2019 Month: September DOI: 10.34293/economics.v7i4.646 File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/646 File-Format: text/html File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/646/477 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:journl:v:7:y:2019:i:4:p:84-90