Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: V. Hariharan Author-Workplace-Name: Bharathiar University Author-Name: N. Thangavel Author-Workplace-Name: Jeppiaar Engineering College Title: A Study on Prediction of Default Probability of Automobile Dealership Companies Using Altman Z-Score Model Abstract: Over the past few years, the auto dealership company's profitability is eroded due to increasing operating cost and financial expenses. This decline in profitability is due to a higher level of stocking and working capital requirements. On account of above factors, the companies facing severe liquidity problems and leads to bankruptcy. Predicting bankruptcy is important for investor and other stakeholders to take appropriate decision on making investments. Identification of probability of default may avoid various problems shortly & may shelter the company from Bankruptcy situation. If the financial distress was predicted ahead of time, stakeholders of the companies can secure their company and could take necessary action to mitigate the risk and perhaps avoid bankruptcy itself. The financial health of the firm shall be established with detailed ratios analysis and using other Financial analytical tool. The analysis establishes the financial performance of a firm by evaluating its operational and financial status. For this specific study, we are trying to analyze the probability of bankruptcy of automobile dealer companies using Altman's Z-Score Model and their score. This study aims to evaluate the financial distress of the automobile dealership companies in India. Keywords: Bankruptcy, Altman's Z-Score model, EM-Score Model, Automobile dealership, Stakeholders, Financial distress Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Management Pages: 37-43 Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Year: 2018 Month: January File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/pdf/MGT/V5N3/MGT_V5_N3_006.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:managt:v:5:y:2018:i:3:p:37-43 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: S. Santhana Jeyalakshmi Author-Workplace-Name: Mohamed Sathak Engineering College Author-Name: M. Abbas Malik Author-Workplace-Name: Mohamed Sathak Engineering College Author-Name: C. Shalini Author-Workplace-Name: Mohamed Sathak Engineering College Title: An Overview of Digital Payments Systems in India Abstract: The Information Technology (IT) has revolutionized the various aspects of our lives; particularly it has provided an easy way to go for digital payments. During the Demonetization period, the Government of India forced the people directly or indirectly to do all commercial transactions via Digital mode. The common people started to move from traditional payment system towards Digital Payments systems which ensured safe, secure and convenience. With giant technological leaps in the smart phone and easy internet access has led Indian market to accept Digital Payments. The percentage of the digital payments through other modes is also increasing in a significant speed. The objective of the present study is to know about the various types of Digital payment transactions that are used by the common people in their day- today’s lives. This study is chiefly based on Secondary data. Result indicates that the Digital revolution has made the cash less transaction an easy one. As a result that in 2015-2016, a total of 4018 billion has been transacted through mobile banking when compared to 60 billion in 2012-13.The reach of mobile network, Internet and electricity is also expanding digital payments to remote areas. So, it is without doubt said that future transaction system is cashless transaction. Keywords: Digital Payments, Methods, Problems, Prospects Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Management Pages: 124-132 Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Year: 2018 Month: January File-URL: https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/pdf/MGT/V5N3/MGT_V5_N3_017.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:managt:v:5:y:2018:i:3:p:124-132