Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: R Sreedevi Author-Workplace-Name: Holy Cross College Author-Name: KP Sivakumar Author-Workplace-Name: Noorul Islam University Title: A Study on Brand Preference towards Face Cream among the College Students in Nagercoil Abstract: Face cream has been used from pre-history until the present day to keep skin soft and youthful. Most people would like to be beautiful, healthy and good looking. The global world we are living in sets of stereotypes that become models. This desire and trends are growing and seen as a gold mine for the beauty care market. Face cream plays an important role in the life of people. Face cream is usually applied to the external skin. Face creams are formulated not as medicine by simply to smooth, rehydrate and soften the skin. The aim is to lighten pigmentation to given the skin as lighten rejuvenated more youthful and pleasant appearance. The cream used cosmetically for softening and cleaning the skin is known as the face cream. The present study deals with the brand preference towards face cream among the college students in Nagercoil. Buying face cream is not an easy job for a buyer because there are plenty of brands in the market. The brand preference of buyer has been influenced by internal and external factors. This study also analysis the selection of face cream brand by the college students. This study highlights the factors influencing to purchase a specific brand of face cream. To make the present research study highly effective and interesting statistical tools such as percentages and bar chart are used for analysis and interpretation of data . Likert's five-point scaling technique has been used to analysis the level of satisfaction of respondents. Simple random Sampling technique was used to select the sample respondents.  From the study, it is clear that the marketer can succeed in their field and can satisfy the target of the consumer if they have a clear idea about the customers and produce quality products according to their requirements. Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Management Pages: 1-10 Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Year: 2018 Month: July File-URL: http://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/management/article/view/89/24 File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:managt:v:6:y:2018:i:1:p:1-10