Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: M. Chitra Author-Workplace-Name: Madurai Kamaraj University Author-Name: B. Laxmi Kanta Author-Workplace-Name: Madurai Kamaraj University Title: Empirical Analysis on Tuberculosis in India Abstract: This paper made an attempt to find the growth rate of Tuberculosis and the amount spent by the government for controlling morbidity in total public health expenditure. The growth of communicable morbidity named Tuberculosis is negative over the period. The trend value of incidence, prevalence and mortality of Tuberculosis is negative and inversely related the time. The share of Expenditure on Tuberculosis Programme on Public Health Expenditure is zig zag over the period. Keywords: Tuberculosis, Incidence, Prevalence, Public Health Expenditure Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Commerce Pages: 29-39 Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Year: 2017 Month: July File-URL: http://www.shanlaxjournals.in/pdf/COM/V5N3/COM_V5_N3_006.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:sijcom:v:5:y:2017:i:3:p:29-39 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: K. Uma Author-Workplace-Name: Madurai Kamaraj University Author-Name: G. Karthika Author-Workplace-Name: Madurai Kamaraj University Title: Growth and Development of SHG and Micro Credit in India Abstract: The present paper represents the Origin, Growth and Development of the micro credit programme in India. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development in India launched its pilot phase of the Self Help Group Bank Linkage programme in 1992. Self Help Groups have been recognized by the policy makers as the effective conducts for accomplishing the distributional objectives of monetary policy. The SHG-bank linkage programme has emerged as the largest micro credit programme in the world. The programme has made rapid progress since its inception in 1992. The progress under the SHG-Bank linkage programme has been quite impressive. Nearly 16.7 million families were assisted through this bank linkage programme. During the year 2016 loan disbursed in number of Self Help Group members are 18,32,000 and savings with bankers in number of Self Help Groups members are 79,03,652.The paper fulfills the growth of SHG from 2007 to 2016 and growth is expected to be increased by Introducing number of women beneficiaries. Keywords: Micro credit, Self Help Groups, NABARAD Journal: Shanlax International Journal of Commerce Pages: 116-121 Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Year: 2017 Month: July File-URL: http://www.shanlaxjournals.in/pdf/COM/V5N3/COM_V5_N3_018.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:acg:sijcom:v:5:y:2017:i:3:p:116-121