Shanlax International Journal of English <h1>One Day International Conference (Hybrid Mode) on Recent Trends in Digital Humanities: A Focus on Language and Literature</h1> <p>Digital humanities is an interdisciplinary field that leverages digital tools, techniques, and methodologies to analyse, interpret, and explore the vast corpus of humanistic data, including literature, historical texts, and cultural artifacts. In the context of English studies, digital humanities holds significant importance. It enables scholars and researchers to engage with literary and linguistic texts in innovative ways, such as text mining and analysis, sentiment analysis, and data visualization, allowing for new insights into literary trends, linguistic patterns, and authorship attribution. It also promotes collaborative research and the digitization of rare or fragile texts, making them accessible to a wider audience. In addition, digital humanities enhances the teaching of English &amp; Indian languages and literatures, offering interactive platforms, digital archives, and tools for text-based activities that enrich the learning experience. In essence, digital humanities enriches the study of English by providing new methodologies and resources, ultimately expanding our understanding of this rich and diverse field.</p> <p>The One Day International conference on <strong>"Recent Trends in Digital Humanities: A Focus on Language and Literature"</strong> aims to bring together scholars, educators, and practitioners from around the world to explore the multifaceted landscape of digital humanities. This interdisciplinary forum will provide a platform for discussing the transformative potential of digital tools and methodologies in the realms of research, teaching, and practical applications in English Studies and studies in Indian languages and literatures. Participants will delve into the prospects and opportunities that digital humanities offer for advancing knowledge, fostering innovative pedagogical approaches, and addressing real-world challenges. The conference will also critically examine the challenges and ethical considerations that arise in this digital era. It will foster dialogue and collaboration to chart the future of digital humanities, making it an indispensable gathering for anyone invested in the intersection of technology and the humanities.</p> en-US (Prof. Dr. S. Udhayakumar) (Lakshmanan S) Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 From Text to Tech: Socio-Cultural Narratives Explored in Literature Using Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence <p>This article delves into Anton Chekhov’s Trilogy, employing Digital Humanities (DH) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to dissect sociocultural narratives intricately woven within the texts. Through AI-guided analysis and DH methodologies, this exploration unveils profound themes of isolation, societal norms, and human struggles, reshaping the traditional understanding of Chekhov’s work.<br>DH, an evolving field merging technology with humanities, enriches literary research by employing computational techniques to analyse cultural arte facts and texts. AI, particularly NLP and machine learning, revolutionizes the analysis of socio-cultural narratives, uncovering patterns, and exploring the evolving landscapes within literature.<br>The study focuses on three stories from Chekhov’s Trilogy, leveraging AI-driven tools like ChatGPT for comparative analysis. The narratives unveil the intricate complexities of isolation and confinement, showcasing characters constrained by societal expectations and personal choices. Moreover, the exploration dissects the clash between individual desires and societal norms, offering a critical commentary on the oppressive nature of conformity.<br>While AI’s utility in literary analysis is evident, the article acknowledges its limitations in contextual understanding and emotional depth, emphasizing the importance of human expertise in AI-driven research. This interdisciplinary approach reshapes literary research methodologies, offering fresh insights into the intricate relationship between literature, culture, and society, inviting further exploration in this domain.</p> P Uma, G Shanmugam Copyright (c) 2023 P Uma, G Shanmugam Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Aura of Digitalization and Digital Humanism in Tamil Celluloid Screen in the Twenty First Century <p>This paper highlights the applications and uses of technology in the pitch such as digitalization and digital humanism. The former refers to the process of converting information, processes, or activities into a digital form and the latter refers to the outlook that focuses on the ethical and human-centric view of interface with digital technologies. Both are considered as boons for the needy, whereas it is the other way round for those who do not have conviction toward that. The role of technology integrated with digitalization and digital humanism will be appraised in the paper with reference to the select Tamil movies. The sample movies select for this article do not stand as standing testimony either to flaunt or to flounce technology. This discussion will touch on the digitalization in real life situations and portrayal of digital humanism on celluloid screen.</p> B Rathika Copyright (c) 2023 B Rathika Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Reading and Writing in Online Communities <p>The purpose of the present paper is to look at how the relationship between man and machine can be seen in our interactions with respect to literature. Creative online communities have appeared, centred on reading and writing poetry, prose, flash fiction, short stories, as well as fan fiction. We can see how the relationship between readers and writers have become all the more interactive through the online environment. Previously, we were talking about the relationship of communication between writers and readers, which was recognized by the reader-response approach to any text, as it was being interpreted by the readers function of their background and function of what they could make out of the allusions put before them by the writer. Direct communication among writers and readers regarding various new writers’ fresh book publications and launchings can take place on online social media. Nowadays, everyone has access to the online medium, and can start pursuing various activities with people from all over the world. This is what has happened in the case of the haiku communities, poetry writing sites such as, in Romania,, Wattpad, which allows young writers to imagine and share their novels, as well as their personal concerns.</p> Irina-Ana Drobot Copyright (c) 2023 Irina-Ana DROBOT Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Using Persuasive Discourse Strategies to Strengthen Arguments in School Parliamentary - Style Debates <p><strong>Purpose</strong> - This research investigates the use of persuasive discourse strategies to strengthen arguments in parliamentary-style school debates. The research focuses specifically on the use of the three persuasive discourse strategies (quasilogical, presentational and analogical) proposed by Barbara Johnstone (2012). <br><strong>Methodology</strong> - The research design employed is action research that is qualitative in nature utilizing discourse analysis as the method for data analysis. <br><strong>Findings</strong> - The victory of the winning team can be attributed to the effective use of these three strategies during the debates. The persuasive strategies consisted of repetition, questions, appeals, using logical reasoning, giving examples and storytelling method. The study shows that persuasive discourse strategies, if effectively used to develop the argument structure, will prove to be an effective method to win debates. <br><strong>Significance</strong> - The findings of the study are useful for school debaters and teachers, trainers or coachers of school debating teams.</p> Ganeish Balakrishnan, Shamala Paramasivam Copyright (c) 2023 Ganeish Balakrishnan, Shamala Paramasivam Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Data Dialogues: Intersecting Pride and Prejudices in the Digital Realm <p>This research employs digital humanities methodologies to analyze Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” in order to uncover novel insights into its characters, themes, and narrative structure. Leveraging text mining, sentiment analysis, and network analysis, this study aims to elucidate the complexities of Austen’s narrative and the interplay of characters within the social fabric of the novel. By applying computational methods, we delve into the linguistic intricacies, sentiment dynamics, and relational networks embedded in the text, providing a quantitative lens through which to understand the author’s craft. Additionally, we explore the potential of interactive visualizations to engage readers and scholars in a collaborative exploration of the novel. The research not only contributes to the digital humanities discourse but also offers a fresh perspective on the timeless literary masterpiece, “Pride and Prejudice.”</p> A. Glory Selvarani Copyright (c) 2023 A. Glory Selvarani Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Unmasking Dave Eggers’ The Circle: Power and Deception in the Modern Tech World <p>In this academic exploration, this research paper delves into the role and repercussions of simulation within the dystopian narrative of Dave Eggers’ “The Circle.” It accentuates the characters’ susceptibility to being beguiled by fabricated realities, leading to a skewed perception of their immediate surroundings. The conceptual foundation of this inquiry draws from the philosophical framework of Simulacra and Simulation developed by the renowned French sociologist and cultural theorist, Jean Baudrillard. This framework furnishes a lens through which to comprehend how technology can engender simulated realms that deviate from the tangible, corporeal world.Through a meticulous analysis of the aforementioned novel, this research elucidates how the corporation’s technological innovations give rise to a seemingly idealized universe that ultimately cloaks a deceptive nature. It scrutinizes the implications of this deception on the characters’ conception of self-identity and self-worth as they find themselves ensnared within a simulation that gradually erodes their individuality and autonomy. Furthermore, this study unearths Dave Eggers’ strategic deployment of simulated social media networking as a vehicle to critique the perils of surveillance capitalism and the deceptive veneer of complete transparency in the contemporary world, which has forfeited its genuineness and uniqueness in its relentless pursuit of acknowledgment and validation of human existence.</p> C Sathish Kumar Copyright (c) 2023 C Sathish Kumar Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Tishani Doshi’s “Listening to Abida Parveen on Loop I Understand Why I Miss Home and Why It Must Be So”: A Pastiche and Epitome of Hypernationalism <p>Tishani Doshi, an Indian poet, journalist, dancer and a progeny of cross-cultural parents delineates herself as a hyper nationalist in her book “A God at the Door “which is an exquisite collection of many verses and it reaches its climax in the poem “Listening to Abida Parveen on Loop I Understand Why I Miss Home and Why it Must Be So.” Hypernationalism is extreme nationalism and believing in preserving the culture and national identity of a nation. A pastiche is a work of art, piece of writing that is created by deliberately copying the traits related to subject matter, extracted from different works and loosely mixed. Its intention is serious. Thus it is also a pastiche of Epic of Gilgamesh, an epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia regarded as the earliest surviving Literature. The poem also epitomizes the quest of an immigrant in an alien land.</p> Jadeeda Saleem Copyright (c) 2023 Jadeeda Saleem Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Surmounting Gender Dysphoria in A. Revathi’s The Truth About Me <p>The term ‘Dysphoria’ means a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life. This state of unease, pain and dissatisfaction due to one’s gender identity is generally known as ‘Gender Dysphoria’. The term was coined by Norman Fisk in 1973. Gender Dysphoria typically waves and wanes until it drives individuals to take steps to live their lives congruently with how they perceive themselves. Some make permanent physical and social changes to live completely in their preferred gender, whereas others find alternative ways to manage the gender Dysphoria, such as living partially in their preferred gender and partially in their assigned gender. This term is also used in psychiatry. It literally refers to a state of psychological distress or discomfort associated with having an experience of gender that does not match one’s gender assigned at birth. The study brings under scrutiny the neglected position of women and transgender in present society through the works of the transgender writer, Revathi’s “Truth About Me” and also how hijras are humiliated and suppressed in public domain and how Revathi, was not spared even after leaving her village. This autobiography stands as a cornerstone of transgender literature depicting the fulfilment of Revathi’s dreams in her successful transformation to become a woman. There is little research on how GD and/or transgender identity are associated with surmounting.</p> M. Geetha Copyright (c) 2023 M. Geetha Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Indian Scenario Feminism in Sujata Parashar’s In Pursuit of Infidelity <p>The word ‘Feminism’, but understanding of it remains vague and there is a general rejection of its relevance to the Indian context. ‘Indian feminism’ should lie in the spread of education, economic self-sufficiency, preservation of human rights, self respect and in the awareness of the desire for liberation from all restriction made by patriarchal society. Sujata Parashar’s protagonist is a typical Indian woman, she has accepted everything without questioning. Sometimes she introspects and thinks of her marriage, she is trying to forgive herself and she feels if she forgives him, she may be able to forgive herself as well as with this realization, she goes back to her husband Gaurav.</p> T.M.S. Maideen Copyright (c) 2023 T.M.S. Maideen Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Existentialism in Chetan Bhagat’s Campus Novels A.V Rajya lakshmi Copyright (c) 2023 A.V Rajya lakshmi Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Home: Depiction Of Social Reality In Manju Kapur’s Novel <p>The portrayal of women in Indian English fiction as the silent sufferers and upholders of the tradition and traditional values of family and society has undergone tremendous change in the post independence period. Manju Kapur’s novel, Difficult Daughters, A Married Woman and Home, displays a new confidence in using the fictional mode for creative expression and depicting social reality. Taking into account the complexity of life, different histories, cultures and different structures of values, women’s question, despite basic solidarity, needs to be tackled in relation to the socio-cultural situation. The impact of patriarchy on the Indian society varies from the one in the west. Manju Kapur has her own concerns, priorities as well as her own ways on dealing with the predicament of women protagonists. Kapur, being one of the modern day women authors, has expressed herself freely and boldly on a variety of themes without adopting feminist postures. Her novels furnish examples of a whole range of attitudes towards the importation of Indian tradition. However, the novelist seems to be aware of the fact that the women of India have indeed achieved their success in sixty years of Independence, but if there is to be true female independence, too much remains to be done. The present paper attempts to portray the reality of a typical Indian family in Manju Kapur’s Home.</p> M Subitha Copyright (c) 2023 M Subitha Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Traces of Grass is Greener Syndrome in Dollar Bahu by Sudha Murthy <p>Sudha Murthy writes the issue of the common on the ideas which are closer to heart. Her writing style is simple with a moral at the end of the story. Her writing attracts reader ranging from the school children to the grannies. Everyday incidents are explained with the fictional facts to seek the attention of the public. This paper concentrates on one such everyday issue of Shamanna’s family. The one of the important characters, Gouramma was deeply infected by the Grass is greener syndrome. Recovery became simple. Life is a lesson. One has to learn their lesson every day. No one is exempted. </p> S Senthilkumari Copyright (c) 2023 S Senthilkumari Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Language and Media <p>Language is the set of words which has completed meaning to convey our expressions properly. In fact language is the medium of communication effectively. Whereas media is the way of canvassing through language. Media gives excellent coverage in all sense for selection and upgradeness. Language and media are correlated with each other in each and every perspective. Language expresses feelings and thoughts while media gives appropriate version. Media is to upgrade the voice in new method and with the use of technology and scientific inventions and by using proper convincing language media can captivate the world. As man is the human being he has to use language for communication. Media give the panoramic portrait of situation through language; more ever language is only the mediator to understand it. Any language simplifies multiple meaning, as per our interpretation. However media signifies by using language to focus on the issue and the way of communication. Encoding and decoding play vital role in linguistics. Media cover of encoding and audience comprises interpretation of meaning and understanding. No doubt language is of a particular region, depends upon the geographical location, use with proper syntax in ornamental style. Therefore language and media are two Side of coin. One is the medium and other represented in different from and structure.</p> Kapila Vishwasrao Mhaisane Copyright (c) 2023 Kapila Vishwasrao Mhaisane Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 A Heterogeneous Factors Influencing Adopting Online Transaction in Small Scale Industries in Bangalore <p>The proliferation of digital technologies and the internet has brought about a significant transformation in the way businesses operate worldwide. This study explores the heterogeneous factors influencing the adoption of online transactions in small-scale industries in Bangalore, India. Small-scale industries play a vital role in the local economy, and understanding their transition to online transactions is critical for their sustainability and growth. This research employs a mixed-method approach, combining surveys and interviews, to collect data from a diverse sample of small-scale industry owners and managers across Bangalore. The study aims to identify and categorize the various factors that affect the adoption of online transactions in this context. The findings suggest a complex interplay of factors, reflecting the diverse nature of small-scale industries. Economic, technological, social, and organizational factors emerged as primary determinants influencing the adoption of online transactions. Economic factors include cost-effectiveness, financial incentives, and profitability, while technological factors encompass infrastructure, digital literacy, and the availability of user-friendly platforms. Social factors revolve around customer demand, peer influence, and the local market dynamics, while organizational factors pertain to the firm’s size, structure, and adaptability. Additionally, the study reveals that government policies, regulations, and industry-specific associations have a significant impact on the decision to adopt online transactions in small-scale industries. External factors, such as competition, industry trends, and the COVID-19 pandemic, have also played a role in accelerating this transition. Understanding these heterogeneous factors and their interactions is crucial for policymakers, industry associations, and businesses in creating tailored strategies to promote online transaction adoption. By recognizing the multifaceted nature of these factors, small-scale industries can overcome barriers and leverage opportunities to transition into a digitally empowered future. In conclusion, this research sheds light on the complex landscape of online transaction adoption among small-scale industries in Bangalore, providing valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities these businesses face. It underscores the need for a holistic approach to support their journey towards a digital future, enhancing their competitiveness and contributing to the growth of the local economy.</p> Guru Prasad, G. Vinayagamoorthi, G. Kanagavalli Copyright (c) 2023 Guru Prasad, G. Vinayagamoorthi, G. Kanagavalli Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Assimilation and Resistance: Cultural Negotiations in Elif Shafak’s Honour <p>Honour by Elif Shafak intricately explores cultural negotiations within the Toprak family as they grapple with assimilation and resistance in Istanbul and London. Elif Shafak, a Turkish-British author known for her masterful storytelling and exploration of cultural complexities, brings to life characters facing the challenges of adapting to new environments while preserving their cultural identity. Shafak’s works often delve into the intersections of culture, identity and societal expectations, reflecting her keen insight into the human experience. The themes of assimilation, resistance and cultural negotiations are recurring motif in literature, reflecting the broader human experience of adapting to societal changes while maintaining cultural roots. Through characters and narratives, literature explores the tension between assimilating into dominant cultures and resisting the erosion of one’s cultural identity. This theme provides a rich landscape for examining the complexities of identity formation, societal expectations and the enduring struggle to balance tradition with the demands of a changing world. Shafak’s Honour stands as a poignant example of how literature can illuminate the nuanced dynamics of cultural negotiation, resonating with readers on a universal level.</p> A Famitha Banu, M.H Mohamed Rafiq Copyright (c) 2023 A Famitha Banu, M.H Mohamed Rafiq Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Quest for Identity in Rohinton Mistry’s A Fine Balance <p>Rohinton Mistry was one of thefamous novelists in Indian English Literature.The title “A Fine Balance” that Rohinton Mistry chose for his second book expressed, whether intentionally or not, his whole attitude towards the literary world. The distinguishing feature of Mistry’s humanism is the desire for societal harmony to prevail via the affirmation of individuality and the guarantee of one’s own existence. The four main protagonists in The Search for Identity come from diverse backgrounds, yet they work together as a cohesive unit because they all seek to establish their place in society. It is clear from the book that Rohinton Mistry did a good job of expressing his strong feelings of homecoming. Emigrant writers often feel a sense of loss due to the social and cultural nostalgia that accompanies their work. Many of these themes, such as homelessness, separation, multiple migrations, and identity, are inherently precarious due to their relation to and construction within specific socio-cultural contexts. The characters’ aspirations and objectives are entangled with both optimism and pessimism on the present state of the world. In his writings, Mistry captures the universal humanist and realist conflict that most individuals experience. The primary objective of this article is to portray the contemporary issues faced by the characters</p> S Zainab Salman Copyright (c) 2023 S Zainab Salman Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Platonic Love in Nicholas Sparks’ The Best of Me <p>Love is antidote of all sufferings and our problems. A strong love can create a healthy mind which makes a healthy body and life. Platonic love is metaphysical and spiritual. It is beyond biological. The aim of the paper focusses the platonic love of two people in The Best of Me which revolves around Dawson Cole and Amanda Collier, the hero and heroine of the novel. The novel discusses the childhood memories of the two adults. The two had a deep and meaningful connection as teenagers before being pulled apart by the differences in their socioeconomic status. As they get back together after twenty years apart to attend their mutual friend’s funeral in their hometown. Amanda and Dawson discover that their bond endures as they spend more time together. However, Amanda is married and having children and faces the difficulties in life. Amanda and Dawson fight for their feelings for one another throughout the novel even they know it is inappropriate and possibly harmful to go for a romantic connection. Despite this, Amanda and Dawson still cherish their friendship because they know it provides them with the love and support they need to move forward in life. Through this novel the study tries to explore the complexity of platonic love, highlighting its importance and power.</p> R Vishnu Priya Copyright (c) 2023 R Vishnu Priya Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Impact of Audio-Visual Aids in Teaching English to Government Engineering College <p>During the British colonial era, English was brought to India and has since flourished everywhere. English has become a required language in higher education. English becomes the language of higher learning. It is also recognized as the language of administration, science and technology, libraries, politics and so on. English is a language that connects people because of its adaptability and widespread adoption. The present paper explores the use of audio-visual aids in Government Engineering College in Tirunelveli.</p> V Kumar, K Maheswari Copyright (c) 2023 V Kumar, K Maheswari Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Digital Tools for Teaching English An Effective and Innovative Way <p>The digitization of education has been being over the last decade, specifically with the invention of the tablet computer and the wide vacuity of high- speed internet. These developments have made it possible for every pupil to have a digital device and access to an array of digital tools. Indeed, utmost language classrooms include an Internet- enabled computer and a projector. Language acquisition is a complex process that involves the development of various skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The advent of digital technology has transformed the educational paradigm. Digital tools offer a dynamic and interactive approach to language instruction, catering to the diverse needs of students in the 21st century. The benefits of digital tools in language teaching are evident, their effective integration into the curriculum requires careful planning and implementation. A number of online English tutoring platforms for managing and running classes, utmost virtual preceptors use videotape conferencing software to communicate and hold meetings with scholars. While teleconferencing programs vary in the features they have, they should at least enable one can use their videotape camera, partake screen, and converse with the scholars. They should also be stable, stoner-friendly, and suitable to accommodate groups. This paper explores the myriad of digital tools available for teaching English, focusing on their effectiveness and impact on language learning.</p> M Usha Bharathi Copyright (c) 2023 M Usha Bharathi Tue, 26 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 AI: A Catalyst for Language Preservation in the Digital Era <p>Languages, a cornerstone of human culture, embody the essence of a community’s history, values, and identity. However, amidst the vast tapestry of linguistic diversity, numerous languages face the precipice of extinction, threatening the very fabric of cultural heritage. In this digital age, the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a beacon of hope in the race against language loss. AI technologies present unprecedented opportunities to document, revive, and preserve endangered languages, igniting a renewed vigour in safeguarding these invaluable linguistic treasures.</p> R Kavitha, S Sherin Fathma, V Vinitha Copyright (c) 2023 R Kavitha, S Sherin Fathma, V Vinitha Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Impact of Shakespeare’s Innovative Literary Techniques on Today’s Modern Literary Techniques <p>When the term ‘Literature’ is announced, from every students of literature to the common man’s first thought is William Shakespeare. He had created a castle of fame for himself and also for English Literature. It was all possible because of his innovative techniques which have contributed to the literature. He was the first one who broke the ancient aspects and paved the way for creativity and innovations which has laid a strong foundation, as its fame still has an impact on today’s modern world. It is a known fact that every modernist and today’s literature student gets their inspiration from Shakespeare when they want to contribute to literature creatively. His contribution and fame still stand today, because he broke the barriers when classic literature was dominant, even the Royals at that time wouldn’t utter a word against it. His innovative techniques mainly included language, unfiltered emotions, priority to women, exhibiting drama promptly, introducing new techniques, allowing the audience to be part of it, and so on. These were all the concrete inspirations for today’s modern literature techniques. Thus, Shakespeare stands as an epitome of creativity and innovation in literature.</p> A. Annie Tehillah, A. Muthu Meena Losini Copyright (c) 2023 A. Annie Tehillah, A. Muthu Meena Losini Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Digital Storytelling and Multimedia Tools for Teaching Language and Literature <p>This study explains how digital stories are used in teaching language and literature. This paper shows how the art of storytelling can be effectively used with growing digital technology. There is a tremendous shift from print to digital media in the 21st century. The traditional oral storytelling method has changed to visual digital media stories with video, audio, and 3D objects, this helps the readers to interact with stories currently. Digital storytelling is the result of combining different media elements into a coherent story. The digital story presentation is short but it is attractive. They stimulate the senses and imagination and are suitable for different learning styles. Nowadays our student curriculum is different, they have distance education, online education, and direct education. Because of this, we have to blend our classroom education with computers and new technologies. Teachers and professors use computers, scanners, printers, cameras, and the Internet in classrooms. Teachers use effective technology to increase student learning and understanding. In the olden days, people tell stories to children at bedtime, nowadays computers are creating multiple stories, and humans need not want to break their heads to tell stories. Everything is digital now, so it is much easier to create stories for our written literature and second language teaching. The students are very interested in seeing visual stories for their lessons.</p> S. Victoria Alan Copyright (c) 2023 S. Victoria Alan Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Navigating the Labyrinth of Human-Robot Interaction: From Obedient Companions to Rebellion and Beyond- A Panoramic Examination of Human-Robot Relationships in Science Fiction Vinodhini Chinnaswamy Copyright (c) 2023 Vinodhini Chinnaswamy Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Significance of Art-Integrated Learning in Teaching English Language <p>In an era when educators and parents nationwide have been struggling with what appears to be out-of-date educational models, the NEP (2020) offered a plethora of innovative ideas. One such idea is the integration of key subjects and skills into the curriculum. The proposal states that in addition to language proficiency, students should also acquire a “sense of aesthetics and art.” Teacher educators are trained by the Centre for Cultural Resources and Training (CCRT) to integrate education and culture. Using his or her experience from a CCRT residential training program, the investigator-turned-teacher educator tried teaching English through the integration of art and culture. After a suitable theme was chosen, a lesson plan that combined culture and art was created to improve communication skills. After testing the developed material on teacher candidates, its applicability was determined. It is intended that this talk would make it easier for attendees to see how art can be incorporated into language instruction. This study assumes significance because the strategy, but not the road map, has been proposed in the NEP 2020 document. It should also be helpful to people who are creating multidisciplinary curricula.</p> Surbhi, Anuradha Sharma Copyright (c) 2023 Surbhi, Anuradha Sharma Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 A Critique of Max Glickman’s Sexuality in Howard Jacobson’s Kalooki Nights <p>This research article aims at critiquing the sexuality of Max Glickman’s character in Howard Jacobson’s novel Kalooki Nights by tracing the instances from the text that can reveal information on the formation and complexities of his sexual identity. The article is divided into four segments namely “Author’s Introduction”, “About the Novel”, “A Critique of Max Glickman’s Sexuality”, and the “Conclusion”. Three metonyms feminising the male Jewish body are critiqued in the light of post-Holocaust setting. The article concludes with Max Glickman’s sexual identity defies heteronormativity, failing traditional masculinity expectations, and his masochistic and fetishistic tendencies shape his complex sexual realm, influenced by the Jewish stereotypes, history, and post-Holocaust trauma.</p> N. Vannia Das, T.S. Varadharajan Copyright (c) 2023 N. Vannia Das, T.S. Varadharajan Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Louise Erdrich’s The Plague of Doves - A Study Using Bakhtin’s Dialogism <p>The aim of this paper is to advance the theoretical aspect of Bhaktin’s Dialogism in the Native American literature with special reference to the novel The Plague of Doves. By closely examining the text, the study finds the presence of the dialogical elements in the novel. Additionally, it examines the character voices that are blending together to generate dialogic forms. Instead of showcasing their own strength, the voices allowed other voices to emerge and take on unique qualities while they persisted until the conclusion of the narrative.</p> M. Perumal, T.S. Varadharajan Copyright (c) 2023 M. Perumal, T.S. Varadharajan Tue, 26 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Innovative Aproaches to Teaching and Learning <p>Innovation in teaching and learning methodologies has become imperative in the contemporary educational landscape. This abstract explores various innovative approaches that revolutionize traditional pedagogical models. It investigates strategies such as project-based learning, flipped classrooms, gamification, personalized learning, and collaborative techniques, highlighting their profound impact on student engagement, comprehension, and overall learning outcomes. The paper delves into the theoretical foundations supporting these innovative approaches, showcasing their practical implementation and effectiveness in diverse educational settings. Drawing upon a comprehensive literature review, empirical evidence, and case studies, it examines how these methodologies cater to individual learning styles, foster critical thinking, and nurture deeper understanding. Challenges and considerations associated with the adoption of innovative teaching methods are also addressed, elucidating potential hurdles and providing insights into strategies to overcome them. The abstract emphasizes the necessity for educators, institutions, and policymakers to embrace these innovative practices to meet the evolving needs of learners in the digital age. This abstract underscores the significance of integrating innovative approaches into education, paving the way for a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that nurtures creativity, adaptability, and lifelong learning skills essential for success in the 21st century.</p> Madhukar Gampala Copyright (c) 2023 Madhukar Gampala Tue, 26 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Mario Puzo’s Anti-Hero Influence on Indian Cinema <p>Character is one of the most important elements in any work, in any fictional work the plot is a centre on the main character and the main character known as the protagonist of the fictional work. Normally a character who has a promising trait often becomes a main character, in literary works the character who has conventional Heroic qualities, courage, morality, and idealism that character is known as a hero in literary work. A character who has a bad person who has only bad intentions and who doesn’t have a true moral code that character is known as a villain. Nowadays another character is very important that is an Anti-Hero.<br>The present study shows, how Mario Puzo’s Anti-hero has influenced Indian cinema. This chapter explains what is an Anti-hero?, and various definitions of Anti-hero. This article provides information about Mario Puzo’s Anti-hero and shows how he influenced Indian films. The Anti-hero genre is not new to literature, but Mario Puzo’s ‘The Godfather’ introduced the Anti-hero to films and the same effect is seen in Indian films too. Mario Puzo has done screen writing work in many movies viz. In The Godfather, the Last Don through these popular movies Mario Puzo introduced the antihero in movies. Like the antihero written by Mario Puzo, many Anti-heroes have been portrayed in Indian films. Movies like ‘Don’, ‘Deewar’, ‘Vastav’, ‘Satya’ and ‘KGF’ have played antiheroes like Mario Puzo’s antihero.</p> Kuldeepsingh Mohadikar, Prasanna S. Lanke Copyright (c) 2023 Kuldeepsingh Mohadikar, Prasanna S. Lanke Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Decoding Trauma: A Cultural Ecological Reading of the Graphic Memoir Persepolis <p>Trauma is an amalgamation of repercussions happened and the effects of socio-cultural conflicts. Graphical novels always combine images and text to decipher the narrative by appealing to all senses. Persepolisis, a graphic memoir is also an autobiographical narrative written by Marjane Satrapi. This memoir covers the societal and cultural aspects through pictorial representation. It delineates Satrapi’s childhood and her adult years in Iran and Austria during the Islamic Revolution. Satrapi resists to accept the new changes happening in the society. Eventually, she forgets her real self who migrates abroad in search of hope but ends up in trauma. This research article sets out to analyse Satrapi’s existential crisis, identity trauma, self- discovery and how the ecology influenced her culture and life.</p> J Hindu Sree Copyright (c) 2023 J Hindu Sree Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Indigenous Rhythms in Mamang Dai’s The Black Hill <p>Indigenous rhythms are new genre which mainly focuses on tribal literature. Indigenous people are referred as tribal in India, are ethnic group of people whose members share a cultural identity that has been shaped by their geographical region and they generally regarded as the original inhabitants of a territory or region. Indigeneity displays a strong association between people and their rootedness to their surroundings, material or emotional connection to the land. The bioregionalist thinkers and practitioners help human beings to reconnect themselves with the land and places because they are part of them and without them survival is not possible. Mamang Dai belongs to Arunachal Pradesh, a state inhabiting Northeast India. Her novel The Black Hill captures the forgotten tales and terror of history in the Abor and Mishmi hills. The novel covers the time and space of both the pre-colonial and the post-colonial world. By this she gives a glimpse of the changing situations and atmosphere of the places which is an interesting part of the study. <br>Land is considered as a precious asset, sacred and revered among the tribal people of Northeast India. The land is not simply a surface but it is a home and pride of the tribal people. Even before the period of colonization, different tribes were at war with each other because of land inheritance, fishing and hunting. The love for their native land which they called home is the first thing the people protected when the British troops migluns tried to take possession as unused underused or empty-areas of rational deficit. This study focuses on the land, folklore, language, presence of evil, status of women and resistance of foreign rules.</p> R. Sofiya Copyright (c) 2023 R. Sofyia Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 English Language Learning in the Metaverse: Exploring the Potential of AR and VR <p>The rapid advancement of technology has opened up new avenues for language education, with the metaverse emerging as a promising frontier. This transformative virtual realm, powered by Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), holds immense potential for revolutionizing English Language Learning (ELL) by offering immersive, interactive, and personalized experiences. This paper delves into the untapped potential of AR and VR in ELL, exploring their transformative capabilities in fostering language acquisition. The main objective of this paper is to explore the untapped potential of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in English Language Learning (ELL). The paper also addresses potential challenges and considerations for implementing AR and VR in ELL. AR seamlessly integrates digital elements into the real world, enabling learners to interact with virtual English language content in their immediate surroundings, enhancing comprehension and retention. VR, on the other hand, creates fully immersive virtual environments that transport learners to English-speaking settings, providing authentic language exposure and opportunities for real-time communication. AI has made significant advancements and is transforming various industries, there is a growing concern about its social and ethical implications. This research gap encompasses several areas that require further investigation and exploration in future. Based on the discussion of the potential of AR and VR in English language learning (ELL), some further recommendations and suggestions for future research are also given.</p> B Sinthiya Copyright (c) 2023 B Sinthiya Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Data Mining for Literary Trends: A Big Data Approach <p>In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital humanities, the exploration of literary trends through the lens of big data and data mining methodologies. Traditional approaches to literary analysis have grappled with the sheer volume of textual data, hindering comprehensive examinations across diverse genres and historical periods. Recognizing the transformative potential of big data, these limitations and provide a scalable framework for the nuanced exploration of literary landscapes. On harnessing the power of data mining to uncover overarching trends, stylometric nuances, and thematic evolutions within expansive bodies of literature. Drawing from digital libraries, online platforms, and literary archives, our dataset spans a wide array of genres, authors, and historical epochs. The systematic methodology involves rigorous data pre-processing to ensure quality and consistency, coupled with the application of carefully selected data mining algorithms to extract meaningful patterns. Illustrative case studies form a pivotal part of our investigation, demonstrating the versatility and depth of insights achievable through our big data approach. The interpretative aspects of the findings, unravelling implications for literary studies and criticism. Ethical considerations, including biases in algorithms and responsible data usage, are addressed, underscoring the ethical dimensions of our research. The transformative power of data mining in uncovering literary trends on a scale previously unimaginable. By synthesizing computational methodologies with the richness<br>of literary expression, our study contributes to the burgeoning field of digital humanities, offering valuable insights into the evolution of language and storytelling.</p> J. Jerom Stuward, S. Sri Gugan , A. Subhashini Copyright (c) 2023 J. Jerom Stuward, S. Sri Gugan , A. Subhashini Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Digital Archives and Preservation Techniques for Revitalising Endangered Languages <p>In the field of linguistic preservation, the integration of digital archives with artificial intelligence (AI)-based tools presents a groundbreaking approach to revitalising endangered languages. Drawing upon the works of Bird et al. (2009) and Krafft and Kusters (2016), this study focuses on the development of a sophisticated digital archive that utilises AI to significantly enhance the preservation and revitalisation of these languages. This research involves creating an extensive digital repository to efficiently store, manage, and provide access to data related to endangered languages, thereby establishing a central hub for housing diverse linguistic materials, including audio, text, and video content. Crucially, this study incorporates AI-driven tools for comprehensive language analysis. These tools, which are essential for accurate language documentation, are adept at tokenizing and analysing texts in endangered languages, ensuring precise processing and preservation, as highlighted by Krauss (1992) and Lewis and Simons (2010). The methodology includes thorough data preparation for language model training, encompassing endangered language-specific tokens, regional dialects, and idiomatic expressions, as noted in research by Clyne (2003) and Bhuvaneswari (2022). The ultimate aim of this study was to preserve and revitalise endangered languages through accessible language learning resources and active community engagement. This study critically evaluates the impact of AI and digital archives on language revitalization by examining their effectiveness in promoting linguistic diversity and cultural preservation, as discussed by Robinson and Yip (2017) and Harrison (2020). This study underscores the potential of AI in enhancing and preserving linguistic and cultural diversity, offering a scalable and sustainable model that makes a significant contribution to the field of linguistic preservation.</p> S. Arul Dayanand, M. Uma Devi, Ramesh Kumar Copyright (c) 2023 S. Arul Dayanand, M. Uma Devi, Ramesh Kumar Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Theme of Indianism in the Selected Works of Upamanyu Chatterjee <p>One of the most accomplished and prolific contemporary Indian writers of English is Upamanyu Chatterjee. With a strong sociocultural and Indian foundation, Chatterjee’s fields of expertise encompass a wide range of subjects while remaining deeply influenced by the rich legacy of Indian culture. The Spiritualism and nationalism are included on this list. For him, just like for Aurobindo Ghosh, nationalism entails a genuine dedication to one’s country and its people, regardless of their race, gender, caste, or place in society. India is a nation that embraces many languages, cultures, and religions. Religion- and culture-related disputes have always arisen. The conservative and narrow-minded religious leaders and politicians frequently have mislead the populace, which occasionally have caused riots. Upamanyu Chatterjee asserts that in a country with as many cultures as India, riots are inevitable. India has continued to expand over time despite being the target of multiple invasions and incursions. India’s greatest asset is its spirituality. It has been reinforced by them in all attacks, both internal and external. According to Upamanyu Chatterjee, the evil forces endangering the peace and harmony of the nation can be vanquished by grasping the core values of Indian culture. The comparison and analysis of the nationalistic and spiritualist ethos found in the selected works of Upamanyu Chatterjee is the main goal of this research project.</p> I Amal Raj , S Jesurajan Copyright (c) 2023 I Amal Raj , S Jesurajan Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Unrevealing Symbols and Historical Portrayal of Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol <p>The experience bore a striking resemblance to Dan Brown’s work, The Lost Symbol (2009) The aforementioned factors served to embellish and mould the narrative. Additionally, it is adorned with many symbolic representations from facts. The findings indicate that the elements of representament, interpretant, and object play a significant role in delineating the narrative structure of the story. Furthermore, with the analyses of four symbols within The Lost Symbol novel that conveys thematic implications. The hand serves as a metaphorical connecting Robert Langdon, Mal’akh, and their quest to uncover the forgotten symbol. Katherine Solomon represents the embodiment of destructive of false and saviour of truth, while water symbolises purity. Lastly, Mal’akh represents the manifestation of Icarus. With these symbols myth and narrative styles also discussed .The research shows Mal’akh as representation of Psychopath. Therefore, this marked the inception of Brown’s rise to notoriety as the most contentious novelist of the 21st century. </p> R. Sasikumar, P. Santhi Copyright (c) 2023 R. Sasikumar, P. Santhi Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Recent Trends in Digital Humanities: A Focus on Language and Literature <p>This paper explores the evolving landscape of Digital Humanities with a specific focus on language and literature, drawing insights from recent trends and developments. The integration of digital technologies has significantly impacted the study of human culture, enabling scholars to delve deeper into linguistic and literary analysis. By examining the intersection of Digital Humanities, language studies, and literature, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of the field and its implications for literary analysis. The chosen novel serves as a case study to illustrate the practical applications of these trends in a concrete literary context.</p> J. Jeffrin Copyright (c) 2023 J. Jeffrin Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Enhancing Vocabulary through Mobile Assisted Language Learning <p>English is one of the most important languages in the world. English language plays a significant role in India. Acquisition happens naturally through schools. English is the most dominantly used language in the world. MobileAssisted learning is the modern way learning. It is the easiest method. Mobile phone is trend nowadays. It makes the learning easier. It will really help the students to enhance the way of learning.</p> B. Shameema Copyright (c) 2023 B. Shameema Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring Literary Studies through Digital Humanities <p>In the modern era, the digital approach helps to research and contemplate language and literature studies. By applying digital tools, it continues to evolve by offering innovative approaches to analyzing texts, understanding language, and exploring the cultural significance of literary works. The blossoming field of digital humanities has revolutionized the way scholars approach the analysis and understanding of language and literature. Digital humanity aims to explore the merging of technology and humanistic inquiry within the domain of language and literature studies. It illustrates how technology enhances our comprehension of language evolution, authorship traits, genre classification, and narrative structures. Moreover, the application of these digital techniques transcends mere analysis, cherishing new modes of interpretation and enabling novel insights into the creation, dissemination, and reception of literary texts and linguistic resources. It offers interdisciplinary opportunities, combining humanities research with computational methods to explore language and literature in novel and insightful ways. The digital humanities provide innovative methods and tools that enrich research, teaching, and interpretation within the literary field. The role of digital humanities is not only to enhance traditional methodologies but also to cultivate innovative approaches to engross and interpret cultural artefacts in a technologically mediated world.</p> A. Vanathi Copyright (c) 2023 A. Vanathi Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Interrogating the Muteness in Lavanya Sankaran’s The Hope Factory <p>Indian women authors who write in English represent the realities of India in the current Indian literary scene. They have a lot of duties in the literary community. As researchers in anthropology sociologists, novelists, essayists, and travel writers, they carry out their duties with remarkable skill and then assume worldwide responsibility for promoting peace in their capacity as ambassadors. Additionally, they have created the odd contradiction of reading and appreciating how skillfully they address the problems of sexual harassment of women in post-colonial and postmodern contexts, including rape and the exploitation of Indian women in modern society. The autobiography of The Red Carpet novelist Lavanya Sankaran describes her journey from an ordinary lady to a writer. She desired to tell tales in which she would be able to identify the characters.</p> P. Geetha Davenci Copyright (c) 2023 P. Geetha Davenci Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Zeitgeisty Erection of Hindu Mythology in Amish Tripathi’s The Shiva Trilogy <p>The fundamental theme of Amish Tripathi’s writings is spiritual realism. The portrayal of his creations only serves to promote human symbolism toward God. The universe’s morphological alterations are a result of a soul’s link to the universal force. Myths are stories that describe the way of life, habits, and culture of ancient people, which are frequently reflected in the gods they worship. India is well-known around the world for having a rich and diverse cultural legacy. Indian mythology consists of religious and cultural tales that are handed down through the generations with several variations. According to Indian spiritual academics, its suggested meaning is similar to contemporary western philosophy, which holds that there are multiple truths. Amish Tripathi reimagines the entirety of Hindu mythology in order to make it more appropriate for the contemporary era of reasoned decision-making. A mythology is a body of stories or myths concerning a specific person, culture, religion, or any group of people who hold certain beliefs. The majority of people take mythology seriously in terms of their religious beliefs, even when they don’t believe it to be entirely genuine. The goal of this study is to investigate the various aspects of Hindu mythology and philosophy that may be well-suited to leadership-related activities.</p> A. Rajalakshmi, M. Abinaya Copyright (c) 2023 A. Rajalakshmi, M. Abinaya Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Enhancing Digital Humanism in English Language Teaching through Digital Humanities <p>Globally, English Language Teaching and Learning and the communication practices have been undergoing tremendous changes in the 21st-century of the Third Millennium. Digital Age has established itself with a rich source of information through different Applications of social media upto Chat GPT and other Artificial Intelligence tools in the recent times. It reduces strain in teaching and learning and gives emphasis to knowledge-based strategies. Radio, newspapers and television were the main sources of information before the arrival of the internet. Technology has revolutionized information access across all sectors, largely replacing humans in global learning, making it quick and cost-effective. The move from physical to mental labour has also become widespread, as the transformation of man from traditional practices to technological advancements. Today the success of English as a Global Language and the learning of it relies on surplus information and human resources, with data storage at its peak. Microphotography, microform, wireless networking,internet, information sharing, mobile phones, pocket laptops, and digital cameras evolved.<br>Digital Humanities has opened avenues for intellectual activity using Digital Technology to give a new dimension to the various disciplines in Humanities. Digital resources in Humanities give a face-lift in teaching and learning. When there is no urban/rural divide among the teaching community across the globe, all the teachers of English are expected to have a better knowledge in the use of the latest tools to teach English as a language to any kind of learners effectively with the same humanistic approach practised in conventional teaching. Knowledge of Digital humanities is essential to improve the quality of teaching and learning.<br>This paper aims at contextualising English as a global language by teaching its literature through Digital format by converting the print form of literature into eBooks, Digital Archives, Electronic Literature, and Language Games along with Digital Humanism,which is yet another face of Digital Humanities. According to Hannes Werthner, Co-founder, Digital Humanism Initiative, “Digital humanism is a broader approach to designing a digital future with respect to human needs.”</p> B. Kumaran, L.R.S. Kalanithi Copyright (c) 2023 B. Kumaran, L.R.S. Kalanithi Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Unravelling the Threads of Digital Feminist Activism: A Critical Review of #WhyIStayed <p>This review article delves into the nuanced realm of digital feminist activism, focusing on two seminal journal articles that dissect the complexities of hashtag feminism within the digital landscape. Specifically, the examination centres on the #WhyIStayed hashtag, a poignant response to a domestic violence incident involving an NFL player and his girlfriend in 2014. The articles under scrutiny are “Hope in a Hashtag: the Discursive Activism of #WhyIStayed” by Rosemary Clark (2016) and “Feminist Activism in Digital Space: Postfeminist Contradictions in #WhyIStayed” by Jasmine R. Linabary, Danielle J. Corple, and Cheryl Cooky (2019).<br>Clark’s exploration unfolds as a case study, framing #WhyIStayed as a form of “social drama” within the broader context of feminist movements. Employing a qualitative analysis of tweets related to the Ray Rice controversy, Clark examines the evolution of hashtag feminism, emphasizing its potential as a compelling storytelling mechanism. The analysis draws on a theoretical framework inspired by McFarland’s model of collective action, providing a structured lens to understand the dramatic elements inherent in hashtag activism. While Clark’s work enriches our understanding of hashtag feminism, the argument could benefit from more concrete examples illustrating the lasting impact of successful hashtags on sociopolitical change.<br>In contrast, Linabary, Corple, and Cooky’s article adopts a qualitative approach, utilizing 51,577 unique tweets and semi-structured interviews to unravel the postfeminist contradictions within #WhyIStayed. Their analysis exposes the tensions and complexities arising from individual tweets, offering insights into the liberating or oppressive nature of the discourse. The study identifies three core themes—Contradictions of Voice, Multivocality, and Visibility—providing a nuanced understanding of the contradictions inherent in hashtag feminism. The authors critically engage with the potential depoliticization of feminist activism in the digital realm, highlighting the need for a reimagining of feminist strategies within contemporary political landscapes.<br>Both articles position themselves within the expanding field of Digital Humanities, an interdisciplinary domain leveraging digital tools, techniques, and methodologies to analyze, interpret, and explore the vast corpus of humanistic data available on social networking sites, particularly Twitter, profoundly influencing everyday life. The focus on English texts within the Twitter platform is paramount in both studies. One of the articles goes an extra mile, substituting a few words to maintain the anonymity of the user, showcasing ethical considerations in digital research. Both articles rigorously analyze the content of these 140-character messages, employing thematic analysis to draw conclusions and map emerging themes and categories.</p> <p>Moreover, the articles under review actively explore new media messages and the novel meanings that emerge in digital society when associated with a specific hashtag movement. This analysis becomes a conduit for connecting the virtual to the real socio-political landscape, unraveling hidden narrative forms within small media messages. The larger narrative forms that surface when these media messages are analyzed in tandem during a given span of time reveal the dynamic interplay between the virtual and the tangible realms.<br>The comparative analysis accentuates the shared focus on hashtag feminism while revealing differences in methodology, sample size, and analytical techniques. Both articles underscore the dynamic nature of digital media and feminist discourse over time, emphasizing the evolving landscape of online activism within the interdisciplinary framework of Digital Humanities. While Clark’s work calls for more nuanced research into the broader implications of online speech, Linabary, Corple, and Cooky advocate for a critical engagement with postfeminist contradictions to reshape feminist activism in the current political moment.<br>In conclusion, these articles contribute significantly to our understanding of hashtag feminism and digital feminist activism, offering valuable insights into the intricate dynamics of online spaces. This review provides a comprehensive exploration of each article, highlighting their contributions, limitations, and the evolving nature of digital activism within the interdisciplinary field of Digital Humanities. The examination of #WhyIStayed serves as a timely and relevant case study, sparking continued dialogue and critical engagement in the ever-evolving landscape of digital feminist activism.</p> Maryam Zehra Copyright (c) 2023 Maryam Zehra Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Digital Integration: A Productive Pedagogy and its Efficacy of Language Learning <p>Technology in Education is the catalyst and has become a ubiquity in bringing education to all and bridge the digital divide. In the field of Teaching and English Language Learning the profound nature of technology plays a multifarious role. It facilitates both the Teacher and the Learner in the form of Digital Tools. A plethora of digital tool gives us multifaceted use of technology in classrooms by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Meticulously using ICT tools will liberate and enable a new way of learning, teaching, communicating, and working collaboratively. The use of digital tools in teaching creates an environment of learner centred education. The intention of this paper is objective to show the impact of the use of ICT tools in English Language teaching among the learners. Incorporating gamification tools creates encouragement and participation also builds teamwork,produce creativity and deep thinking amongst the learners. Therefore, the advancement of technology in education develops an inclusive environment and help the learners to learn the English language. The integration of digital tools in the pedagogy brings the experiential learning among the students and learns the language effectively and productively.</p> Rohini Unnikrishnan Copyright (c) 2023 Rohini Unnikrishnan Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Digital Humanities and Collaborative Writing Platforms: Transforming Literary Creation <p>The field of research in digital humanities hasundergone a rapid transformation in recentyears.This research looks at how collaborative writing platforms can alter how literary creativity and digital humanities are treated. The research looks into the development of digital tools that enable collaborative authoring, as well as the interaction between technology and collaborative processes. The purpose of this article is to examine conventional notions of authorship, originality, and the democratization of literary expression.</p> Elna Raj Copyright (c) 2023 Elna Raj Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Trauma and Subjection in Anita Nair’s Ladies Coupe <p>The advancement of women is reflected in the contributions made by women in every sector. The novels of Anita Nair beautifully address the shifting perceptions of women from those of pain to those of self-assurance. Though they have a secondary role in human civilization, women are essential components of it. The patriarchal societal structure has physically and psychologically harmed women since ancient times, yet from a contemporary standpoint, the idea of women’s traditional roles is eroding daily. Everybody has been impacted by the culture, values, customs, and social mores that are prevalent in the world. On the other hand, the conditions and exposure level determine how much a person is impacted by society. The portrayal of women’s lives and difficulties in modern civilizations in Anita Nair’s novel Ladies Coupé emphasizes their place in the household and larger social order. The difficulties women have in navigating patriarchal institutions that aim to marginalize and repress them are reflected in Akhila’s role as the head of her household following the death of her father. Socio-feminism looks into the experiences of the female characters in the novel to give voice to women who have traditionally been oppressed and silenced. Thus, a feminist perspective will be used to examine women’s challenges in this study. Therefore, the status of women in modern Indian society is presented in this study.</p> K. Nesa Priya, K. Karthikeyan Copyright (c) 2023 K. Nesa Priya, K. Karthikeyan Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Unveiling the Struggles in Bama’s Karukku and Sangati <p>The feminism is the belief that women deserve socially, economically, politically and culturally equality but patriarchal social setup which is being followed in India always suppresses the role of women in all walks of life and caste system of India has made the plight of women even worst. This article discusses the projection of murky life of Dalit women in Bama alias Faustina Mary Fathima Rani’s novels Karukku and Sangati, These novels clearly depicts the lifestyle and social injustices faced by Dalit community people chiefly focus on subjugation and marginalization of women. The women of Indian society face discrimination from birth to death. Even at present the birth of a male child is being considered as an honour in Indian families. Though girl children are reared with love and care, they face the gender discrimination in each stage of their life. They face sexual exploitation, oppression and trauma but caste discrimination wound them to the core. Both the novels are autobiographical through which she has explicitly depicted the struggle of Dalit women and their emergence from the distressing plight.</p> M. Syed Javid Naseem Copyright (c) 2023 M. Syed Javid Naseem Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Innovation in Teaching English with Digital Tools <p>The technology is omnipresent and indispensable at present era. Due to the technology, the education of teaching English is undergone an enormous transformation. The recent technology signifies the major development in the English language teaching and learning methods. The English teachers are very energetically integrating the technological teaching materials planned to make possible and through this, it helps the most advantageous in teaching delivery. According to the language teaching, the digital virtual media is occupied the classroom. At present era, the teaching is too interesting because of the digital media. The language teachers are creating a visualized of innovative in approach. “Technology in Education” is being an important role in educational field. The students need for technology in the education system. The conventional methods are based on lecturing but the present learning is foundation on interactive learning method. The modern technologies like Internet, Skype, Interactive Boards, Blogs, Android phones, Twitter, YouTube are used for the learner’s interactive session in the classroom. The research paper attempts to establish the use of technology in language teaching and it brings new teaching technique and to make sure the effective and quality based teaching.</p> A. Govardhini Copyright (c) 2023 A. Govardhini Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Postmodern Condition of Fragmentation in Githa Hariharan’s “Fugitive Histories” <p>Post -1980 is the period of postmodernism in Indian English Literature with the postmodern novelists featuring Indian tradition and history in a new light using new narrative strategies. Githa Hariharan as a postmodern writer has used the technique of rewriting myths and histories to liberate women. Lisa Tuttle defines feminist theory as asking “new questions of old texts”. Old texts are revisited to challenge the gender stereotypes embedded in myths that have fashioned this patriarchal society. Githa Hariharan, in her novel “Fugitive Histories” recalls the Gujarat riots that have left an indelible mark in the lives of the affected people who look out to some form of rehabilitation to keep going in this uncertain world. The female characters she depicts, are strong enough to combat the present situation though they face all kinds of suppression and the sense of resignation with which they bring peace into their life really takes Githa Hariharan to another level. She has tried her best to celebrate life amidst chaos that exists in modern society for she understands that there is no use lamenting over the loss of the past or the collapse of selfhood as Tim Woods rightly points out in his book “Beginning Postmodernism”. This paper analyses the postmodern condition of fragmentation in the novel “Fugitive Histories” and shows how women try to reconstruct their lives in the midst of the disparity that prevails in society based on religion and gender.</p> R. Sophia Rani Copyright (c) 2023 R. Sophia Rani Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect of Background Music on Listening Comprehension among Intermediate Students <p>Listening is a fundamental and integral aspect of human communication and understanding. it involves actively receiving, interpreting, and making sense of the information conveyed through spoken words, tones, and other auditory cues. Effective listening is crucial in various contexts, including personal relationships, professional settings, education, and everyday interactions. Classical music, known for its intricate melodies and harmonies, can enhance focus and concentration. Classical music has the power to evoke emotions and moods. Depending on the composition, it can be uplifting, calming, or energizing. Present study attempts to find out the impact of listening soft music in the background during the listening comprehension tests. Intermediate level English language learners have adequate vocabulary power and it is important to find out how far the listening background help them to orient their cognitive faculties during the soft musical background, since most of the adults habitat with musical aesthetics. Present study takes up 50 post graduate students of arts disciplines studying at the University found that listening to the calm and pleasant Beethoven music enhances the listening comprehension. This study also notices that listening background music did not affect test takers’ comprehension level and found that they feel better during the testing over those who were not given background music during the test.</p> V. M Subramanian Copyright (c) 2023 V. M Subramanian Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Corpus Linguistics: A Panacea for Just in Time Learning A.R Bhavana Copyright (c) 2023 A.R Bhavana Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Socio Cultural Influences in Manju Kapur’s Novel the Immigrant <p>Manju Kapur is a famous Indian writer. Her novels are Difficult Daughter, A Married Woman, Home, The Immigrant, and Custody. Kapur famous for expressing woman’s thoughts in female perspective. Her protagonists are belonging to the background of middle class. Kapur’s novels’ themes expressing feminist thoughts. Kapur’s portrait her female characters psychological condition in family life, and their needs, their agony then express how their overcome their problems. The main problem is seeking respect, attention from their husband, when their expectations fail to satisfied after that they start to think about themselves. Their sense of neglection make them to get their self-respect, self-identity and want them to stand in their own feet. This paper going to critically analyze Manju Kapur’s novel the Immigrant with the help of Sociocultural theory.</p> D Sivaranjani, T.M.S. Maideen Copyright (c) 2023 D Sivaranjani, T.M.S. Maideen Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Thematic Analysis of the Sociocultural Decapitation in Karnad’s Play: ‘Tale-danda’ <p>Drama is a source of entertainment as well as enlightenment. Girish Karnad uses this audio-visual medium to bring to light a social vice of India, namely, casteism and its age-old impact on its victims. Its sway on society and the resultant retaliation by its sufferers is highlighted by the dramatist using the legendary figure of Mahatma Basaveshwara as a reformer in one of his English plays entitled Tale-danda (The Beheading) in English. Karnad’s approach in this play is full of censure against the oppression of the underprivileged. For ages, they were the victims of social persecution which once resulted in an anti-elitist uprising in south India. The movement later culminated in a kind of sociocultural decapitation of the underprivileged in twelfth-century Karnataka. The present paper attempts to focus on this historical event and its aftermath as dramatized in the play on the avenging individuals.</p> Prafull D Kulkarni Copyright (c) 2023 Prafull D Kulkarni Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Digital Environmental Humanities: Scholarship and Activism in India <p>The advent of digital age impacted a massive transformation in the academia and dissemination of information and communication and also how human cognition takes place and such changes will only accelerate. Digital Humanities is an interdisciplinary field of inquiry that uses the methodologies of digital technological innovations to study humanities. Digital environmental humanities is a branch of digital humanities that deals with the intersections of digital arena and environmental concerns This article intends study the position of digital environmental humanities in Indian environmentalism. It also attempts to place on the Indian context of the field and trace the scholarship and activism of digital environmental humanities in India.</p> M. Angkayarkan Vinayakaselvi , R. Abinaya Copyright (c) 2023 M. Angkayarkan Vinayakaselvi , R. Abinaya Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Digital Education for a New Humanity <p>Digital Tools make learning easy and enable the learner interact socially. They also provide a congenial atmosphere for a learner to develop his skill. With the upsurge of technological advancements, the trainer and the trainee get an enriched experience. Be it sports, education or fine arts, digital literacy is the need of the hour. As indicated by their excessive use of social media, today’s college students are part of a “screen-based society”. Education is changing its phase from teacher centered to screen based learning and enables them retain technical skill. The faculty should help students develop with necessary skills for a global economy.</p> CH. Rajeswari, G. L. Amrutha, N. Akshitha, Riya Baid Copyright (c) 2023 CH. Rajeswari, G. L. Amrutha, N. Akshitha, Riya Baid Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Reconciliation as a Cathartic release in Shahshi Deshpande’s “That Long Silence” <p>A literary Catharsis is the climaxing effect created by the causes in the course of the novel. It can have different release in accordance with the objective of the creator. Reconciliation relieves the tension and anxiety built by various occurrences. The novelist’s social seasoning paves such a kind of sleek path in the Indian social context. Women condition in the patriarchal society, Women are considered as inanimate objects. As they are imbibed with the male oriented society, they could not fulfill their desires even in writing. Male dominated society oppressed her desires. Shashi Deshpande’s protagonist Jaya in That Long Silence, could not fulfill her desires in her writing and also she is disappointed in her married life. When Mohan, Jaya’s husband, had caught in a financial scam, he blamed Jaya with negligence of duty and in sincerity to him. Jaya wanted to contradict but she could not because she was advised by her Ajji, her grandma, to keep silence. So she did not retort and moved to accept mutual responsibility in marriage. She has shaped herself to the wishes of Mohan. Jaya realizes that she had to conflict her own battle and derive her own solution. Accordingly she understands the necessity to break the silence, formulate her predicament and establish her identity. She feels that there is always space for discussion and reconciliation. She decides that she will not renounce the identity or the individuality. She will make the strategy of reconciliation but it will not be a servile one. That Long Silence can be read as apparent of memory and catharsis. Shashi Deshpande highlights the social evils of power structures designed by the patriarchal society. The Protagonist of “That Long Silence” overcomes the Catharsis of the insitu pressures not by revolution or rebellion but by the strategy of reconciliation. The social experience of the novelist drives her so gentle towards this kind of Cathartic release. </p> N Seetha Copyright (c) 2023 N Seetha Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Gender Roles: An Examination of Sexuality and Socio-Cultural Tribal Identity <p>The identity of sex is classified based on biological characteristics which are examined and proved by physician during the birth of the child. Whereas, Gender differences encompass the behaviors, expressions, desires, roles and identities which are socially formed. This paper attempts to examine whether the gay relationship in the college environment is real or unreal. It also aims to analyses the socio-cultural identities of the select Santhal Tribe with references to the food, festivals, religious beliefs, language, and other environmental elements. The relationship between gardening and human emotions is studied from the select work. According to Judith Butler’s Gender Theory and Gender Performative, gender is socially constructed by society. From her thoughts, the character in this select work assumes himself as homosexual and falls into the wrong fake relationship which destroys his mental and physical health.</p> K. S. Sowmiya, G. Vinoth Kumar Copyright (c) 2023 K. S. Sowmiya, G. Vinoth Kumar Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Subtle Substitution of Robots for Humans in Isaac Asimov’s I Robot <p>I Robot is a collection of nine short stories by science fiction writer Isaac Asimov that imagines the development of humanlike robots with a form of artificial intelligence. The stories originally appeared in science-fiction magazines between 1940 and 1950, the year that they were first published together in book form. Asimov’s treatment of robots as being programmed with ethics rather than as marauding metal monsters was greatly influential in the development of science fiction. This paper explores the substitution of humansfor robots. Isaac Asimov’s stories depict a gradual and often unnoticed replacement of humans by robots in various domains of human activity such as labor, law, politics, religion, and art. Isaac uses three laws of robotics, which are designed to protect humans from harm, as a narrative device to show the paradoxes and dilemmas that arise from the interaction between humans and robots. This paper explores the prevention of human calamities by using robots with specific laws.</p> C. Chellapandi, G. Vinoth Kumar Copyright (c) 2023 C. Chellapandi, G. Vinoth Kumar Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Ethics in Artificial Intelligence <p>The contemporary discourse is saturated with discussions on artificial intelligence (AI). A mere two months after the introduction of ChatGPT, a January 2023 survey revealed that 89 percent of students were utilizing it for various academic tasks such as essay composition, paper outlining, and completing take-home tests. Traditionally, humanities courses emphasized cognitive skills like reading, researching, and articulating thoughts in eloquent prose. However, the landscape has evolved, enabling the application of sophisticated prompt engineering and AI models for tasks such as formulating questions, summarizing intricate research articles, presenting the pros and cons of an argument, and crafting essays with citations. This paradigm shift extends beyond academia, impacting the dynamic job market and prompting significant changes in higher education. Contrary to earlier beliefs that automation primarily threatened manual labor, the recent transformation encompasses intellectual tasks across diverse sectors. White-collar jobs, once considered secure for college graduates, are now susceptible to automation, affecting areas ranging from coding to essential humanities skills highly valued by employers. Notably, an OpenAI study revealed that 80 percent of US workers could witness at least a 10 percent automation of their tasks.</p> S. Mahalakshmi Copyright (c) 2023 S. Mahalakshmi Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Spices of Society: Unveiling the Tapestry of Socio-Cultural Threads in Kamila Shamsie’s Salt and Saffron <p>The title delves into Kamila Shamsie’s intricately woven narrative to explore the rich tapestry of socio-cultural dynamics. It is set against the backdrop of Pakistan. The Novel, “Salt and Saffron”(2000) intertwines the personal and societal, presenting a nuanced examination of tradition, identity, and societal expectations. The narrative unfolds through the lens of its protagonist, Aliya unveiling the multifaceted layers of familial heritage and the tensions between modernity and tradition. Shamsie crafts a symbolic exploration of the flavours that define society through the symbolic use of salt and saffron: its traditions, conflicts and aspirations. This article examines how the characters navigate the complex interplay between expectations and personal desires, illustrating the struggle for identity within the framework of societal norms. It embarks on a literary journey beyond the surface narrative, encouraging contemplation on the broader implications of cultural intricacies. She achieved this by acknowledging and reaching terms with the complexities of both its past and present. This analysis uncovers the thematic richness of “Salt and Saffron” revealing a compelling exploration of the spices that flavour the complex dish of socio-cultural existence.</p> R. Vanitha Copyright (c) 2023 R. Vanitha Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Weaving a Bond between the Teacher and the Taught: Using ‘Voice Thread’ as Digital App for ESL Learners <p>Education in this digitalized world has witnessed many a roller coaster rides. The revolution brought about by digital technology has affected the education sector to completely change the face of conventional teaching and learning. With the spate in the use of digital apps in the academic arena, the self-paced and personalized learning and the concept of teachers as ‘new learners’ has apparently challenged the role of both the teacher and the taught. Furthermore, the stage set for ‘online’ teaching during COVID 19 pandemic acted as a catalyst which resulted post- COVID in innovative strategies in teaching like blended learning, hybrid learning etc. Mobile phones, laptops and other similar devices became connecting links between the teachers and learners even outside the classroom. Learners of English as second language were exposed to digital apps to enhance their language skills, but lacked the expertise for deriving maximum benefit. The challenge for teachers put them in the category of ‘new learners’ in using these apps for effective teaching learning environment. <br>In addition to the problems faced by second language learners to express their thoughts and ideas in speech, the challenge of teaching effective oral communication has always been a matter of concern for the teachers. In the Indian scenario, the level of learners is so varied and diverse that creating a common teaching platform becomes difficult. Also, learning gets hampered due to students’ anxiety, hesitancy and lack of interaction. ‘Voice Thread’ as a digital app presents flexibility features which are student centered and learner friendly. Besides the learners using the app to record, upload and share their audios, the teachers could also become a connecting link to motivate their efforts and improve and enhance their speaking skills. The paper is an attempt to bring Voice thread to be effectively used in Indian classrooms for teaching effective oral communication.</p> Sana Niazi Copyright (c) 2023 Sana Niazi Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Self and the Society: A Critique of Sociocultural Narratives in Media and Literature <p>Sociocultural narratives inextricably form people’s self-identification or the identity of a group. It is essential to learn about their History through storytelling, whether from books or oral traditions. Oral traditions can be used to track the sociocultural behaviors of the past and those of the present and their rationale. Additionally, Oral Traditions help one understand and become conscious of the context around a specific practice. In sociocultural views, narrative can serve as a starting point for identifying a suitable framework for explaining how people acquire their identity by learning about History. <br>The media can tell societal stories through songs, movies, animations, and even other forms of storytelling. The filmmaker reveals to his audience the identity that has been forgotten or the unrecorded History behind it by making his film based on the sociocultural practices or beliefs of the specific group or individual. The present research aims to scrutinize the role of sociocultural narratives in helping individuals and groups discover their identities by illustrating the relationship between sociocultural viewpoints and oral traditions in both Literature and Media.</p> Kejapriya S, S. Prabahar Copyright (c) 2023 Kejapriya S, S. Prabahar Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Navigating the Shadows: Narratives of Trauma and Disability in Lisa Genova’s Novel “Still Alice” <p>The pragmatic illustration of the protagonist suffering from a rare neurological diseases in Lisa Genova’s novel Still Alice provides an ideal perspective for studying the psychological trauma in pathological fiction, a subset of science fiction. The novel is not intended as a “cure” or a success story, but primarily a aid in dealing with memory loss, orientation and family relationships inevitable. This research article presents a new analysis of trauma related to “neurological” genre, followed by an analysis of the narrative and literary techniques used by the author to illustrate the traumatic episodes in her novel. The analysis provide a science fiction writers especially to those interested in medical and literature, the opportunity to portray trauma more accurately in their work. It will further broaden the scope of phenomology, narrative theory and genre and criticism in literary studies.</p> Sri Priyadharsini V, Vinothkumar Copyright (c) 2023 Sri Priyadharsini V, Vinothkumar Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Historical Study of Recorded Speech: Voiceover’s Evolution <p>Voiceover covers a wide spectrum from radio ads to video game character. But our journey through history, it is defined as the voice of an unseen narrator speaking. This is the initiation of voiceover’s evolution. It begins in the 19th century when the concept of recording sounds was in infancy and imagine, where the sound was a mystery waiting to be unveiled. All of the requiring professional voiceover services to convey messages effectively. It is a time when voices reach global audiences from the comfort of home studios. The ease of access to voiceover opportunities, coupled with the growth of online freelance networks, has made it simpler than ever to start a career in voiceover. It was a moment that expanded the possibilities of voice manipulation. The rise of online video platforms, especially YouTube, has opened new avenues for voiceover, at the COVID – 19 pandemic times. The internet’s vast landscape offers countless opportunities, from explainers’ videos to independent animations. This paper focused on the chronological evolution of voiceover from the era of mime shows and also the current technological advancements due to the influence of Artificial Intelligence. This study is not detailing about the algorithms, machine learning and deep learning models works. Instead, it is explained with real time living beings that involves into the evolution of voice cloning technology.</p> P.V. Rajlakshmi Copyright (c) 2023 P.V. Rajlakshmi Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Ink to Pixel: Wattpad as a Pedagogical Tool for English Literature in India <p>Digital Humanities is a burgeoning field where traditional ink converges into digital pixels. Descending from the field of computing humanities data, the scholarly activity continues to produce innovative projects. As far as digital pedagogy is considered, the 2012 edition of Debates in the Digital Humanities shed light on the state of pedagogy as a neglected stepchild of Digital Humanities. But with technological innovations, various digital pedagogical tools have emerged in the past decades. Post Covid-19 lot of digital pedagogical tools have been recognized by educators as part of teaching methodologies. In India, teaching methodologies have evolved to a significant degree from traditional teaching to digital classrooms. Lot of innovative methodologies are employed by the faculties to enhance students’ learning and performance. English Literature is one of the most sought out humanities programs offered in Indian Education Institutions. When it comes to Literature teaching, professors employ various teaching methodologies including e- teaching, where digital tools are being employed. The paper aims to establish Wattpad, a digital platform for writing and reading stories, as a pedagogical tool for English Literature in India. This digital storytelling platform provides a space for the students’ literary expression where they can read and write literary pieces and get real time feedback from users which boosts interactivity. By using this digital pedagogical tool English Literature students are encouraged to apply their literary skills by employing what they have learnt during their course to produce literary works.</p> S. Nandhini Copyright (c) 2023 S. Nandhini Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Digital Deception: Linguistic Framework and Discourse Analysis of Crime Communications <p>This paper deals with understanding the crimes that are happening in internet culture in different fields in online communities. There are many reasons behind these crimes: follows phishing, hacking and piracy etc., In every culture and subculture language plays a major role and it forms the base of the community. Apart from that, the language has many characteristics, it also has a connection with emotional and psychological wellbeing of a person. There are many types of crimes happening online but this research mainly focuses on the crimes that are happening through online communities. The important reason that the victims are trapped, is through the language and words which are used to trigger or attract the victim towards the target by the offender. It is easy to attract or trigger someone in person through effective communication when they have a good connection with each other, by understanding the emotional and psychological stand of each other. But in online culture it is hard to make a trap for people through communication when they don’t know each other. But this happens when we select the appropriate language and words to trigger a person. When the offender chooses the language and the words for the communication, he should be very wise and careful because it is not only for the single person, it is for a different number of people who have different physical, psychological, mental and emotional background. So, a language plays a major and important role. Even after the crime, language is the only thing that has a major role. The offender after the crime or after achieving his targets, he has a set or collection of words and language to handle the aftermath of the crime.</p> Bavyaa R, M. Ashitha Varghese Copyright (c) 2023 Bavyaa R, M. Ashitha Varghese Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Introspection and Transformation on Ruskin Bond’s “The Blue Umbrella” <p>This research paper aims to investigate the reasons behind the popularity of the story’s titular object, “The Blue Umbrella”. The story is set in Garhwal, a town in the Himalayas, where a little girl named Binya discovers a unique umbrella. “The Blue Umbrella” becomes a symbol of attraction and gains popularity in the village as nobody else has an umbrella like Binya’s. The study examines the functions of the Blue Umbrella that trigger emotional changes and explores the thematic components and narrative devices used by Ruskin Bond to enhance its significance. This paper attempts to examine human characters, the value of material possessions, and the impact of small events on rural life. The article will cover several aspects of the Blue Umbrella’s popularity.</p> Gayathri V, G. Vinothkumar Copyright (c) 2023 Gayathri V, G. Vinothkumar Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Analysing the Role of Social Media in Facilitating the Emerging Anti-Woke Sentiments <p>Social media has become an omnipresent force shaping cultural trends in contemporary society. Through platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, individuals can swiftly share ideas, images, and opinions, fostering a rapid exchange of cultural influences. The accessibility and speed of information dissemination on these platforms amplify the spread of trends, from fashion and music to language and lifestyle. Social media’s influence extends beyond mere reflection, actively contributing to the creation of new cultural phenomena. It acts as a dynamic mirror, both reflecting and shaping the collective consciousness of societies worldwide, molding cultural landscapes in ways unprecedented in previous eras.</p> Megha G S, P. Nagaraj Copyright (c) 2023 Megha G S, P. Nagaraj Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Affect on Aesthetic Sense of Imaginative Quality of Human Intelligence and the Impact of Android Phone on Mental Health - Nomophobia and Addiction on Artificial Intelligence by the Mankind <p>Artificial Intelligence has become an exploring area in the broad field of English literature and language. In the 21st century, Literature has its tradition and typical way of writing style. Language is like gas, it takes its shape according to the material in which it is enclosed. When it comes to Artificial Intelligence, in recent years 2022,2023 it updated in its upgradation. Chat GPT, Google Bot, You chat, Chatsonic,Character a i, OpenAI playground are some examples. Contemporary authors of Artificial Intelligence are using their own human intelligence with Artificial Intelligence so which style and essence of literature is evolving</p> S. Nithianandham, P. Nagaraj Copyright (c) 2023 S. Nithianandham, P. Nagaraj Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring Intersectional Identity: Generational Reflections on Race, Culture and Belonging in Charlotte Gill’s Almost Brown: A Memoir <p>This paper scrutinizes Charlotte Gill’s Almost Brown: A Memoirand delves into bigger conspiracies of intersectional identity focusing on strong collaboration between race, culture and the differentiation of first-generation and young generation in attitudes towards race and culture. Following the in-depth reading of the autobiographical work Almost Brown: A Memoir by Charlotte Gill,this study examines how these intersections play the influential role that provoked the character’s sense of belonging and cultural navigation. Based on Charlotte’s story, the exploration of identity is numerous. Observations into how people negotiate their sense of identity in a cultural environment where identity is fluid, broad and impacted by the interaction of race, culture, and generational views are provided by Gill’s work, which urges readers to contemplate the ambiguities of belonging. This paper indicates the various difficulties faced by each generation faces in blending their cultural inheritance with the culture in which they live. It sharply investigates how the younger generation’s attitudes differ from their parent generation in race and culture.<br>By adding critical race theory, intersectionality theory and generational studies, this paper analyzes the changing angle regarding race and culture. Additionally, this paper explains how these developing attitudes create a sense of belonging and cultural navigation in the characters. It examines the family’s inner difficulties, conflicts, and discussions as generational attitudes on personal changes. The study emphasised the significance of literary narration in evaluating current identity and belonging issues, demonstrating the complex manner in which differences between generations influence identity formation. This research promotes the awareness of how multicultural interaction identities and intergenerational views influence people’s individual experiences in different cultures by showing the differences within the context of Almost Brown: A Memoir.</p> N. Ponni , P. Nagaraj Copyright (c) 2023 N. Ponni , P. Nagaraj Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Threaded Histories: Clothing as Artefacts of Memory in Ravi Varma’s Paintings <p>This research paper delves into the intricate representation of clothing as artefacts of memory in the paintings of Raja Ravi Varma, a renowned Indian artist from the 19th century. Through a detailed analysis of Varma’s three famous paintings depicting the royal personalities, this paper explores how clothing serves as visual triggers, evoking deep-seated emotions and connections to religious and mythological stories passed down through generations capturing and preserving cultural, social, and historical narratives within the visual realm. By examining the intricate details of attire depicted in Varma’s paintings, this study illuminates the significance of clothing in shaping and perpetuating collective memories, offering insights into the cultural context and societal nuances of the era.</p> M.B. Tulsi Krishna Copyright (c) 2023 M.B. Tulsi Krishna Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Implications of Energy Unconscious in “Switch and the Energy Savers” <p>This paper attempts to study the implications of “energy unconscious” on the select text“Switch and the Energy Savers”. It is published in the website named WWF. There are only limited researches happening in academia in the domain of literature pertaining to the theme“energy”. While, this particular paper explores the way by which the team effort of young children result in the realisation of the energy wastage. The methodology adopted for the analysis is qualitative. This paper sheds light on the efforts of the children having no political powers or any other influences resulting in a big change among the public which starts from their homes. Ina world where Earth is ailing, a character named Switch is approached by curious children inquiring about the planet’s condition. Switch, feeling unwell, reveals that Earth has a fever due to excessive energy consumption. The story serves as a compelling allegory for the global need to address environmental issues and highlights the transformative power of collective action. It encourages readers, especially children, to be proactive in adopting sustainable practices and influencing positive change within their communities. Through the characters of Switch and the children, it explores the challenges and triumphs of promoting energy consciousness in arelatable and engaging manner.</p> Cibi T R, P. Nagaraj Copyright (c) 2023 Cibi T R, P. Nagaraj Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Transmedial Analysis of the Passion Narrative in the Scripture and the Movie the Passion of the Christ <p>Transmedia storytelling is the art of narrating stories using various media, with each medium adding something distinct to the narrative universe. This narrative universe may be accomplished with any media, including radio, TV, movies, video games, internet video, and web applications. The paper aims to demonstrate how different media platforms may convey one or more events over various channels to create a coherent whole. The article aims to comprehend the intricacies of translating written information into a visual medium using a cinematic approach. This study examines a trans-medial examination of two distinct transmedia storytelling approaches: the conventional methods of conveying the gospels in the Bible and the translation of the Gospels in the Scripture into a film. The two sources that were taken into consideration are the Four Gospels in the Holy Bible, which describes the final hours of Jesus’ life on Earth, and Mel Gibson’s film adaptation of those Gospels in the Scripture, The Passion of the Christ, which shows the events surrounding Christ’s conception, life, teachings, healings, temptation, and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Gibson opted for the transmedia medium of a movie to raise global awareness of Jesus’ sufferings in his last hours on Earth. This essay traces Gibson’s creative liberty by comparing his portrayal of The Passion of the Christ to the Biblical account of Jesus’ suffering in his final hours.</p> Sherlin Johnson, S. Prabahar Copyright (c) 2023 Sherlin Johnson, S. Prabahar Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Feminine Sensibility and Self-Affirmation of Woman in Shashi Deshpande’s “The Dark Holds No Terrors” <p>Shashi Deshpande’s novel “The Dark Holds No Terrors” explores themes related to feminine sensibility and self-affirmation in the context of a woman’s life.Fictional works by Shashi Deshpande depict the struggles of Indian women and build a world from the perspective of feminists. Her story presentations in That Long Silence are very real, thanks to the emotional identification and validation of self-anguishing via their difficulties. She stands in for the feminist longing for India’s rich cultural heritage and traditional practices that these women feel. She admits her fictitious art world was lacking strength and significance due to a lack of understanding of Indian women’s inner lives. Deshpande disrupts the typical matrix of ‘home and homelessness’ in the galaxy of feminist fiction by creating different narrative patterns that give her feminist protagonists adequate freedom to show their repressed sense for their motherland. Aside from the characters’ sentimentality, she promotes local sensibility via poetry, performances, ethics, and ethnic arts. In her narrative work, she has come to terms with the paradigms and commitments.</p> Kannan .D, Narasimhamurthy S V Copyright (c) 2023 Kannan .D, Narasimhamurthy S V Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Gradual Evolution of Speech from Linguistics to Sociolinguistics <p>Fundamentally, human beings can communicate complex ideas and phenomena using simple signs, jesters, and sounds.The sound produced or communications made to express things are referredto as the intricate reverberation produced by certain sound waves to express various meanings. This phenomenon is known as Language. Verbal and nonverbal modes of communication include signs, jesters, written symbols, and visual cues. Language is an organized system of communication made up of sounds and signs that are produced and exchanged to carry meanings. Human knowledge attempts to investigate Language logically and methodically to create a sequence of logical facts that are presented cogently to convey a specific connotation.Linguistics is the scientific study of Language, emphasising meaning, discourse, and other characteristics of Language. It may be conducted by employing systematic scientific procedures involving observations, testing ideas, and formulating hypotheses. The study includes more than sound, grammar, and meanings; it also includes lexicon, syntax, grammar, and semantics. Jargon, slang, and novel constructs created by hundreds of thousands of individuals are combined into Language, an essential and fundamental occurrence. Language is primarily a product of human needs, and it develops or produces new languages based on what is most convenient for humans to convey meaning to others.Since Language impacts social structure and cultural practices, it is a communication factor that preserves social and cultural components within itself. Language is also influenced by social norms and cultural practices concurrently. It is acknowledged that the two components are unrelated. In sociolinguistics, the current study explores the evolution of Language as a social construct and a contemporary social structure.</p> S. Sushma Jenifer, S. Prabahar Copyright (c) 2023 S. Sushma Jenifer, S. Prabahar Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Emerging Digital Feminist Voices and Activism in India <p>The advent of technology and virtual media have changed the way it helps to create more multidimensionalconnections. Feminism too has taken the virtual media as an important channel of communicating and creating global networks. Empowerment of women in the new technological realm is an ongoing need of the current digital age as it paves way for essentialsocio-economic and political empowerment.Digital feminism an avant-garde phase of the feminist activism is a growing phenomenon across the world as well as in India, which is being shaped by various social, cultural and political factors.It goes far ahead of former feminist waves that conceived women as a universal and homogenous group, whose interests could be represented by a singular framework.This research paper aims to trace the emergence of Digital Feminism in India, along with analyzing its effect and solidarity of these movements and activism on women’s lives and issues. It also examines the way in which women are using digital media platforms to challenge the gender stereotype and gender inequalities in their everyday lives. The paper also dwells upon the arena where the use of digital media platforms enables, newer forms of exposure and connection previously unavailable to women and allowing them to redraw the boundaries between themselves and society.</p> U Lakshmi Nair , Angkayarkan Vinayakaselvi Copyright (c) 2023 U Lakshmi Nair , Angkayarkan Vinayakaselvi Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Innovative Methods of Teaching Urdu Language in Digital Era <p>Teaching is one of the challenging professions in the era of advanced technology. It is not a cup of tea to everyone. Especially to untrained teachers though they are working in the field of teaching. Adaption of suitable method is also one of the challenges in the profession. It is called as a noble profession. According to a model teacher Sri Sarve Pally Radha Krishnan, “Teacher is the person before whom the entire universe bows”. In order to teach effectively, language is one of the important tool for students for all disciplines. Teaching of Urdu is a challenging task in the era of technological advancement. Urdu is an attractive and sweet language for most of the speakers. Difference innovative methods can be used for creating interest among the teachers and learners such as lecture method, story telling method, interactive method, discussion method, problem solving method. Krashen (1982 : 125) discusses several approaches or what he calls “the most widely used methods” to language teaching, with the questions – on each approach to classroom teaching: what extent it satisfies the requirements for optimal input”, and “what extent it puts learning in its proper place”. These approaches have positively advanced the course of language teaching and learning so much so that there is the need to have more insight on the approaches and what contribution they can still make to our contemporary language study. The present paper focuses and discusses on various innovative methods of teaching Urdu language with reference to digital advancements.</p> Syed Hayath Basha Copyright (c) 2023 Syed Hayath Basha Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Memoirs of a Ghirlhood among Ghosts <p>Maxine Hong Kingston’s memoir, The Woman Warrior, delves into the intricacies of Chinese American identity, familial bonds, and the potency of narratives. Kingston explores issues of gender roles, cultural assimilation, and the quest for self-definition while drawing on her personal experiences. Brave Orchid, Kingston’s mother tells story to here daughter about an aunt on her father’s side of the family. While her husband is working in America, this aunt whom Kingston refers to as No Name Woman of Kingston aunt because the family never says her real name becomes pregnant. In Women Warrior the Maxine Hong Kingston the author wants to make an history by having here” no name aunt” life real incident which happened in chinese culture.</p> D. Tamilarasi, M. Shuba Copyright (c) 2023 D. Tamilarasi, M. Shuba Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Recent Trends in E-Teaching and Learning Context <p>The idea of electronic-learning is based on technology intervene globally, this learning approach has attained greater attention in view of educational perspective and the advantages of e-learning in educational viewpoint. The present study will provide insights of face-to-face teaching as well as e- learning and teaching importance and how it influenced the 21st century teaching learning process. However, the number of diverse e-learning programs available to crutch teaching and learning process which is found to be expanding robustly. The chief concern for educational developers as well as teachers in education sector was selection of e-technology. However, it is well ball parked that whichever teaching need best supports as well as provide optimum learning opportunities is regarded as beneficial and best e-learning technology. Hence, the present study highlights diverse e-technologies utilized in educational sector and which would be better in educational institutes for towards online learning to bridges the gap between a student and a teacher from whichever different geographical location they are present. The educational system around the world is undergoing increasing pressure to use the new information and communication technology to acquaint students with the knowledge and information and require in this techno-savvy Era. To develop a knowledge society, it is essential to integrate ICT at all levels of the education system, e-content is a very powerful tool of education. It is the latest method of instruction that has attracted the attention of learners and teachers of all instruction systems. It is a valuable resource for the development of an information rich society where everyone, irrespective of caste, religion, race, region, gender bias is empowered to create, receive share and utilize information and knowledge for their economic, social, cultural, political, etc. upliftment and development. E-learning and e-teaching systems are involved in teachers’ professional activities and development if e-learning/e-teaching is the technology which supports the process of teachers’ learning of university courses, the teacher is in the position of e-learner, if e-learning/e-teaching is the content of the teachers’ institution curricula to be applied in the teaching process, the teacher switches from the position of 21st century e-Learner to the one of e-teacher in blended/ e-learning systems.</p> Kotra Balayogi Copyright (c) 2023 Kotra Balayogi Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Select Source Texts Study on Indian and Western Philosophy <p>Indian philosophical and Western philosophical texts help us to understand the ethical consciousness of the country. They also emphasis the universal way of life. Universal ethics promotes unity of existence, the divinity of human and harmony of creeds and religion. Human beings are endowed with intelligence using that they can live peacefully. Ethical system insists that human beings can live happily only by living in accordance with moral law which ensure the well-being of the entire humanity. The tradition of Indian ethical texts starting from The Upanisads and Hindu Dharma. The great traditions in western Ethics are highly influential and comparable to traditions in other parts of the world.</p> K. Anuradha Copyright (c) 2023 K. Anuradha Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Innovative Approaches and New Technology to Teach Literature and Language <p>The research paper is an attempt to find and study some innovative approaches to teach literature and language. Innovative teaching is the procedure of introducing new teaching strategies and methods into the classroom. The aim of introducing these new teaching methods is to improve academic progress. In this regard, the challenge for the teacher is to capture the students’ concentration. Teaching learning methods should be more effective, in view of this, it is necessary to use innovative approaches and new technologies. In this era of technology, there is a huge give and take of ideas, information, and experiences about modern technologies. Teachers from higher education use the growing experience to introduce new technologies and teaching techniques to update the teaching and learning experience of language teachers at the current stage of education. This article will try to study some innovative ideas to make the classes live. The use of innovative approaches in educational system has the power to improve education. The aim of this paper is to put forward innovative teaching methods that will be helpful to communicate knowledge. This paper will address the promotion of new methods and use of technology in teaching.</p> Sachin H. Telkhade Copyright (c) 2023 Sachin H. Telkhade Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Issues of Gender and Caste in Manjukapur ‘s Home <p>Manju Kapur is a contemporary Indian English Novelist. Much concerned about the problems faced by sensitive Indian women in fulfilling their identity. She records the search for identity among women of different strata of society. Establishment of identity is an assertion of the self against de-limiting factors like race, colour, language,caste nd gender among the caste is a legally Indian phenomenon. That leads to individual crisis and socio political tension. It plsysa eminent role in Indian society and Indian literature reflects the tragedy of the heinous practice of untouchability. Ms. Kapur touches on this issue most significantly in the plight of Nisha the third generation female protagonist in Home. The is an upper caste. As a child she is a victim of abuse by a cousin,whom she states fearing although her life.Luckily she has a loving aunty Roopa masi who nurtures her and sends her back to her parents. She idca very beautiful maiden,the cynosure of all eyes at college.Naturally she falls in love with a youth of another community. Consider inferior to theirs. So she is prevented from meeting the young man and their romanc ends.Unluckily she develops some skin-ailment and it is difficult to find her a groom. Her horoscope has a stigma of ‘Mangli dosha’ and that’s adds to the difficulty. Finally she is married to a middle -aged widower. In his household after giving birth to a her twins,she finds a home .This after passing through many vicissitudes Nisha finds a home and contentment she did not get at her parents home.</p> K. Muthulakshmi, S. Ganesan Copyright (c) 2023 K. Muthulakshmi, S. Ganesan Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Role of Teachers and Learners in TBLT <p>This paper deals with the implementation of TBLT in the classroom. This research discussed the role of teachers and learners in TBLT to improve their ability. The problem statement in this research is how the writing abilities of the students before and after giving Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) work among the students with different phases of task activities. Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) is an approach that uses tasks as the primary element of planning and instructing in language teaching. In recent years, there has been an increase in interest in Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) because TBLT is an interesting task activity that enhances students’ learning process. Learning is a method of active learning that involves multiple levels of acquaintance at the same time. Task-based language teaching is a learner-centred approach. TBLT advocates the shift from teacher-dependence to learner independence and provides authentic materials.</p> R. Ponmani Subha Chellam Copyright (c) 2023 R. Ponmani Subha Chellam Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Adaptation Odyssey: Tracing the Evolution of Postcolonial Narrative from Fiction, Film to Digital Gaming <p>The vibrant advancement of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is observed in this essay through an ongoing process of modification and alteration. The novella, which first appeared in 1902 and was based on Conrad’s experiences in the Congo in the 1890s, has subsequently been the subject of numerous adaptations that have sparked debates and criticisms. <br>As a Nigerian writer, Chinua Achebe engaged in a thoughtful analysis of the novella, scrutinizing it for potential instances of racism. Conversely, Francis Ford Coppola fearlessly reimagined the narrative within the context of the Vietnam War in his film “Apocalypse Now.”This cinematic adaptation, in turn, influenced computer game narratives, notably seen in Far Cry 2. The study follows the path from a detached and passive reading of the novella Heart of Darkness to an active involvement in morally dubious choices and virtual war crimes through digital gaming.. The study reflects on whether the interactive nature of digital games impacts the audience’s sense of immersion and responsibility, particularly within diverse narrative contexts. Additionally, the paper provides a unique perspective on storytelling and retelling by scrutinizing how Conrad’s narrative has transformed across various mediums. A comparative analysis of the original source material and its adaptations explores the interplay between historical facts and fictional elements, examining how the narrative distortion generates new layers of meaning. Ultimately, this comparative exploration serves as a lens through which we can comprehend the dynamic relationship between adaptation, interpretation, and the evolving perceptions of our world.</p> Fouzia Usmani, Shahin Fatma Copyright (c) 2023 Fouzia Usmani, Shahin Fatma Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring the Diasporic Consciousness in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s Sister of My Heart <p>Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni is an acclaimed Indian American writer known for her dazzling investigation of South Asian immigrant experiences. Divakaruni is a famous diasporic writer with a refined and modern sensibility whose contribution to the diasporic fiction is great and unique. Divakaruni beautifully presents the matrix of diasporic consciousness like nostalgia, loneliness, rootlessness, alienation, cultural conflict, questioning, etc., in her novels. Her writing affirms that diaspora is not merely scattering or dispersion but a matrix of consciousness that encompasses various conflicting characteristics. Being an immigrant in USA, Divakaruni seems to capture the experiences of the Indian immigrants with all its colours. This article attempts to explore the diasporic consciousness in the work of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s Sister of My Heart.</p> A. Saleema Kathoon, J. Ahamed Meeran Copyright (c) 2023 A. Saleema Kathoon, J. Ahamed Meeran Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Embracing Digital Tools to Design Materials for a New Humanity <p>Digital technologies have developed rapidly today in all fields. It is beyond doubt that it has impacted education too. This paper will explore some of the digital tools that can be used by the teaching faculty in designing teaching materials which will provide learning experiences of the new generation.<br>Digital tools are revolutionizing education and fostering innovation. Usage of these tools to design teaching materials for a traditional classroom fosters the development of essential 21st century skills like critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration.<br>This paper will also focus on how the successful implementation of AI tools like twee in material design can enhance teaching for a new generation. Effective use of such tools will empower the teachers to make innovations in teaching methods.</p> H. Sofia Copyright (c) 2023 H. Sofia Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Artificial Intelligence and its Significance in Education: A Theoretical Perspectives <p>Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to completely transform education in a number of ways, increasing accessibility, efficiency, and personalization of instruction. AI’s place in education, one of the newest areas in educational technology has always held great importance. From the advent of automated learning to robotic. AI and answer sheet analysis systems have long benefited instructors and students. In this study, we have examined the numerous analytical advancements applied throughout the globe, like computer science methods applied in the field of education. Our Results show that artificial intelligence (AI) forms the foundation of all information science-enabled clever educational programs. These systems support the growth of attributes like self-awareness, ability to answer complex questions, ability to divide conflict statements, ability to create creative queries, and aptitude for making decisions.</p> K. Vellaichamy Copyright (c) 2023 K. Vellaichamy Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Instructional Revolutions in English Language Pedagogical Process <p>One of the languages that have had the biggest impact on globalization and the explosion of knowledge is English. In the natural world, it is the most commonly used kind of communication. Using technology has become essential to learning a language, both inside and outside of the classroom. Almost all language classes use some sort of technology. The use of technology has helped and enhanced language acquisition. ICTs have a lot to offer teachers and students in language classrooms. Teachers must fulfill the roles of educator and facilitator while students improve their vocabulary, reading, and speaking skills. The use of Internet communication technology (ICT) in English language pedagogy is a relatively recent tradition in India. Technology gives teachers the ability to modify lessons, which improves language acquisition. Technology continues to gain relevance as a tool to assist teachers in facilitating language learning for their students. This study examines the usage of modern technologies in relation to teaching and learning English as a second or foreign language. Using technology, English language learners can improve their learning abilities.</p> C. Subbulakshmi Copyright (c) 2023 C. Subbulakshmi Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Shaping New Humanity through Connectivity and Empowerment by Digital Education <p>Digital education is rapidly transforming the way individuals across the world access education. This article discusses the significance of digital education in shaping a new humanity through increased accessibility, flexibility, and personalized learning experiences. It highlights the benefits of digital education, including expanded opportunities for lifelong learning, enhanced global collaboration, and improved educational outcomes. Additionally, this article delves into the challenges associated with digital education, such as the digital divide and the need for digital literacy. By harnessing the potential of digital education, we can pave the way for a future where education is available to all, fostering a new humanity that is empowered, connected, and ready to face the challenges of the digital age. Hence, this paper analyses the main ideas of shaping neo state of humanity through digital education.</p> N. Prabakaran Copyright (c) 2023 N. Prabakaran Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Empowering Language Learners: The Role of Digital Tools in English Instructions <p>In this dynamic landscape of education the integration of digital tool has revolutionized the way English is taught, providing a myriad of opportunities to empower language learners. The tools serve as catalysts providing continued engagement, personalized learning with anytime facility and master the fluency to face academicals and official necessities. This particular study attempts to explore the transformative role of digital tools concentrating on their capacity to enhance English learning. Interactive and self-motivated participation, real-time feedback, global exposure through virtual platforms is examined. No specific information on kinds of applications not their company brand is focused. An evolutionary change from traditional approach of teaching is observed. “Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in hands of a great teachers can be transformational” defends George Couros⁠[1] supporting the necessity of teachers.</p> P Sundar Copyright (c) 2023 P Sundar Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring the Compex Bonds Between The Human and Robots in H.g. Wells’ The War of the Worlds <p>Science fiction is a genre of speculative fiction that explores imaginative and futuristic concepts often grounded in scientific principles, technology, or extraterrestrial elements with horrific events. It often envisions alternative futures, advanced technologies, space exploration, and the impact of scientific advancements on society, providing a platform for creative exploration of “what if” scenarios and the consequences of scientific or technological changes. Recent researches concentrate on how scientific advancements escort human race. This essay takes H.G. Wells, one of the best prolific writers of scientific fiction, “The War of Worlds” to bridge the association between literature and science. The narrative within the novel escorts the reader to hold societal perceptions and implication of human-robot interactions as Wells suggests. Changes are natural universally that can be approximated not assured.The first modern tale of alien invasion, The War of the Worlds remains one of the most influential of all science-fiction works.</p> R Margaret Karunya Copyright (c) 2023 R Margaret Karunya Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Interpretation and importance of culture <p>Cultural value and relevance are acknowledged by people not just in India but also in other parts of the world. Cultural differences have an impact on people’s general living conditions. People learn about conventions, values, standards, and principles through cultures, and these things are thought to be extremely important for improving people’s lives. People learn about other cultures from their teachers and family members starting in their early years. The implementation of cultures is necessary for individuals to enhance their life as they mature. Different communities, such as rural, urban, and tribal ones, have distinct cultures. Every one of these communities lives according to its own set of customs, values, beliefs, and tenets. People from different backgrounds, age groups, and communities will be able to accomplish their professional and personal goals as well as become productive members of society when they understand the value of culture and incorporate it into their daily lives. This study work has focused on three primary areas: the meaning and relevance of culture, the characteristics of culture, and the role of culture in the lives of humans.</p> M Mythili Devi Copyright (c) 2023 M Mythili Devi Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 A Study of Anita Nair’s Novels in the Perspective of Digital Humanities <p>This article presents a perspective on Anita Nair’s novels from the lens of digital humanities. It explores the application of digital tools and methodologies to analyze and interpret Nair’s works, highlighting the themes, characters, and narrative structures that emerge from such analysis. Through a comparative approach, the article delves into Nair’s novels, emphasizing their relevance in the digital age.</p> C. Chellappan Copyright (c) 2023 C. Chellappan Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Adopting Digital Humanities to Explore Toni Morrison’s Oeuvre: A Literary Dimension <p>This research paper delves into a new literary dimension of using technology to unravel the rich tapestry of Toni Morrison. It uses digital tools of sentiment analysis,character networks, and text mining to unveil the hidden nuances of her narratives. As her novels are celebrated for their African-American identity, experience, and societal complexities, this study examines the cultural, historical, and emotional landscape of her narratives through the realm of digital humanities. It deepens the understanding of her characters through the geospatial data which traces the cultural, historical, and symbolic dimensions of African Americans. Besides, it offers insights in the integration of technology and literature.</p> J.B Joshiha Bell Copyright (c) 2023 J.B Joshiha Bell Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Digital Learning: A New Paradigm for Teaching and Learning <p>The landscape of education is undergoing a transformative change with the prevalence of online learning, marking a significant shift in pedagogical approaches. In today’s world, technology is omnipresent and essential, reshaping how English is taught. The integration of modern technology signifies a notable progression in contemporary English language education. English teachers now actively embrace various technological tools to enhance the effectiveness of their teaching methods. Digital media has become an integral part of language classrooms, making the overall teaching and learning experience more engaging and captivating. The incorporation of technology has not only added a creative and innovative dimension to education but has also given rise to terms like “e-Learning” and “Technology in Education” that hold significant importance in educational settings. 21st-century learners, attuned to technology, seamlessly integrate it into the education system. Unlike traditional lecture-based methods, today’s learning systems are interactive and dynamic. This paper seeks to explore the diverse elements of technology in English teaching, emphasizing innovative techniques that contribute to effective and high-quality education.</p> Sathish Copyright (c) 2023 Sathish Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 From Ink to Impact: Language’s Journey in the World of Media <p>The dynamic development of language’s function in media is examined in this abstractly, which follows language’s transformational path “From Ink to Impact.” It explores the transition from traditional pen-based communication to the significant influence language has in today’s media world, both historically and in the present. The study explains how ink on paper acted as the foundation of mass communication, influencing public discourse and societal narratives, starting with the era of the printing press. A significant shift occurred with the introduction of broadcasting, as spoken language gained a potent ally in radio and television, expanding its usage and impact. The abstract then moves smoothly into the digital era, examining how language has become a dynamic force in online places by overcoming physical limitations.<br>The interaction of language and media in the modern day is marked by an unprecedented level of accessibility and immediacy. The limitations of language impact and expression are being redefined by social media platforms, internet journalism, and user-generated material. The abstract examines the benefits and problems brought about by this digital paradigm, taking into account things like linguistic variety, disinformation, and the democratization of story creation.</p> S Priyadharshini Copyright (c) 2023 S Priyadharshini Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Digital Humanities: Spike Up Literature and Language Learning Via Social Media <p>From the early morning newspaper to the fairy-tale books for kids that are usually read before bedtime are now available in the tip of fingers in the form of e-news and e-books. This paper highlights the influence of social media on language learning and literature in our daily lives. During the pandemic, the usage of digital humanities heightened. Social media plays a prominent role in spreading knowledge about foreign languages and cultures. The effect of social media has encouraged plenty of common people to acquire knowledge about their targeted language through online platforms. For example, the K-wave during 2019 and 2020 had a great impact on youngsters which made them learn the Korean language and culture to get greater insight about current trends. Devolved nations are now completely digitalized and as a developing nation, India is also moving towards digitalization. Digital humanities definitely will ameliorate the learning of new languages.</p> SS Aswani Copyright (c) 2023 SS Aswani Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Digital Ethics for Changing World: Balancing Innovation and Personal Freedom <p>This paper presentation explores and highlights the prevalence of technology in our daily lives discusses how these innovations impact our daily life positively explains what personal freedom means in this context and also examines how innovation and personal freedom clash which provide real-world examples of challenges and conflicts. Highlight that it’s important to figure out how we can use the exciting new technology while still keeping our freedom and rights. This paper explains why it’s important to follow these ethical rules and why it’s a necessity in our life</p> P.V Kanishka Copyright (c) 2023 P.V Kanishka Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Digital Humanities as a Treasure Trove for the Developing Countries: An Exploration <p>Digital humanities integrate the methods from conventional humanities disciplines (such as rhetoric, history, philosophy, linguistics, literature, art, archaeology, music, and cultural studies) and social sciences. It encompasses both digitized and born-digital materials. In addition to altering our way of life, contemporary technology has also had an impact on our perceptions, thoughts, and analyses of modernity. An Integrated Learning Major (ILM) called “digital humanities” blends the conventional humanities strengths with an emphasis on digital and information technology. As a tool for the humanities and as a subject of humanistic study, it allows students to expand their knowledge of the humanities to digital culture. Communication between people is always the foundation of social behavior. Communication tools, access is now incredibly simple and reasonably priced. In the subject of literature, organizing the deluge of information properly is a major difficulty. Not only has modern technology altered our way of life, but it has also had an impact on our perception, reasoning, and analysis. This article reveals that Digital humanities as a treasure trove for the developing countries through literature, language and other areas such as the arts (e.g. paintings, sculpture, architecture, music, films), philosophy, psychology and social sciences (e.g. politics, economics, history,sociology).</p> J. Vishalinromiya Copyright (c) 2023 J. Vishalinromiya Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Role of Digital Tools in English Language Teaching <p>Digital tools play a vital role in teaching English as a second language. Digital tools, especially integrated data management systems, help in systematically organizing, analysing, and retrieving this data. This ensures timely submissions, adherence to data requirements by different regulatory agencies, and a reduced risk of data-related non-compliance. The language classroom has benefited from technological advancements in various academic fields. The advancement of technology should be enthusiastically welcomed by English teachers and use it as a medium to support their goals. Process of teaching and learning. This updated method of instruction has been welcomed and acknowledged by all educators, both the parent and the student. Students exhibit increased enthusiasm and eager to learn things in this novel way. Training has been provided by shifted from being teacher-cantered to being student-centric. Using contemporary technology to actively engage students in language learning and inspire them to practically acquire English language skills is one of the ultimate goals. This can be acquired by means of an open setting for learning that encourages transparency and access to the topics and data via contemporary technology, ways in which pupils are inspired and guided to converse with one another. Regarding the future growth, it’s obvious that multimedia will be essential to the methodical approach to teaching English to contemporary norms. Therefore, the Caliber of instruction and implementation of pupils to contemporary educational frameworks would gain from a thorough evaluation of your English language proficiency to raise general communication skills. In this article,the use of various digital tools which helps in learning and teaching English is elaborately discussed.</p> M. Harsha Vardhini Copyright (c) 2023 M. Harsha Vardhini Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Nature in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun <p>The paper aims to assess Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel, Klara and the Sun, by examining the interplay between artificial intelligence and nature. The objective is to delve into how Ishiguro portrays the convergence of these seemingly disparate elements and the resulting implications for our understanding of ‘natural’ versus ‘artificial’. Klara, the protagonist, is an artificial friend powered by sunlight, making the narrative inherently centred on artificial intelligence. The Sun assumes a divine role, symbolizing inner strength derived from trust in something greater and highlighting society’s detachment from nature. Klara’s reliance on solar energy emphasizes the nurturing aspect of the Sun, affecting her vitality. Despite originating from an industrialized civilization, Klara exhibits a deeper appreciation for nature than many in her community. The novel blurs the lines between human and artificial intelligence, prompting a reconsideration of conventional notions about what is ‘natural’ or ‘artificial’.This exploration prompts a re-evaluation of our relationship with technology and the natural environment within the framework of postmodernism theory.</p> K Anusuya Copyright (c) 2023 K Anusuya Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Human Representation and Expression through Art, Media, and Technology (Its Negative Impact) <p>In today’s world media, art and technology plays a very key functions in humans’ day to day life since it has been evolved a lot and things got upgraded and evolved over the years eventually, world without these factors are like to be like a world which is blindfolded in this modern era With their growing media arts proficiencies, students can begin to articulate what is personally meaningful and important to them, as well as their own visions for their world. As a result, they gain a sense of empowerment and equal social standing within this dynamic mediated environment. They can truly state, “I matter. My voice matters.” They are active and confident participants in the prevailing forms of communication and design of our global society. And this makes us to feel the strong impact of media, arts, and technology throughout the upcoming generations. media has become evident that how the next generations are entirely based upon on them. Everyday citizens to take part in its artistic, networked media communications and practices. Students, in particular, rapidly engage in and gain the skills associated with media arts and readily apply them to the production of original works, which scale up to more complex productions – for social media post, becomes a photojournalistic series, a short documentary, a news broadcast, and then a dramatic film.</p> R. Aakash Copyright (c) 2023 R. Aakash Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 English Language Teaching- A Theoretical Perspective <p>Language, the divine gift of God, is man’s finest asset. Language distinguishes human beings from animals. Language is an instrument of thought to the philosopher. By using language, people communicate themselves and sharing their ideas, feelings and sorrows.Language is a form of behaviourto the sociologist and form of activity to the psychologist. Webster (1984)is of the view that, “Language is audible; articulate human speech is produced by the action of the tongue and adjacent vocal organs”. Jespersen(1966) defines language as “a set of human habits, the purpose of which is to give expression to thoughts and feelings”. It is inferred that language is purely human, a vehicle of thoughts, expression or communication of ideas and feelings.In the Encyclopedia Britannica language is defined as “a system of conventional spoken or written symbols by means of which human beings, as members of a social group and participants in its culture, communicate”. This makes it clear that language is a human quality, a social activity and means of communication of ideas, feelings and thought. <br>Englishas a foreign language started life in India due to its association with the British colonizer. In the closing years of twentieth century, English began to emerge as the global language and the Indian classroom was transformed because of the change in the environment of the learner.<br>The present paper tries exploring English language teaching in school and college curriculum employing methods of language teaching and Audio visual aids in terms of teaching of English</p> M Dinesh Copyright (c) 2023 M Dinesh Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Literary Adaptations: A Gateway to Linguistic Mastery Through the Alluring World of Film <p>Nowadays the impact of technological advancements have been expanding in standard of living steadily, subsequently we experience plenty of advancements in instructive field. Particularly, varying media materials which are utilized in education are important to innovation. Film makes the gathering of literary work simpler by utilizing varying media components specifically and the viewpoint of equipment which is utilized, film is qualified as innovative benefit for the divisions of literature. An awesome deal of literary works is adjusted into movies and literature has been a source for film industry and it is in progress. In this article we have evaluated whether or not the divisions of Worlds Dialect and Literature in the whole world utilize movies which are as an marker of innovative advances. New directions in language learning and educating are evident Nowadays. Students bring transnational, multicultural, multilingual, and carefully intervened encounters and characters into classrooms still in some cases as well much demonstrated on obsolete one language, one culture, one country ideologies. Literature’s value in these new circumstances is to challenge readers to free interpretations, learning, and imagination, with revived understandings of what language, culture or without a doubt literature could be. In this paper I review some relevant later mediations into the outside language instruction field. I then provide a brief case from my own use of a literary content in this article.</p> J. V Nithine Copyright (c) 2023 J. V Nithine Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Breaking Boundaries; Exploring New Avenues in Teaching and Learning Literature in Digital Age <p>Literature and Language are the two faces of a coin. Literature could be a academic instrument to learn language. Language comes following to the nourishment. We are so personally recognizable with it that we take it for allowed like we do breathing or strolling. Literature upgrades the development of the dialect. The present article intends to explore the dialect intuitive and classroom talks that take part in ‘Literature circles’. Literature can offer assistance learners to develop their understanding of other cultures, awareness of contrasts and to create the method of learning and understanding in common. Literature is a written literary works, especially those of high and long-lasting artistic worth. Language - A system of communication made up of sounds, words, and grammar, or the system of communication used by a specific country’s people. <br>Language training is one form of effective expression and communication, but the usage of English as a tool of communication has become a critical prerequisite. Most English teachers who choose to teach English do not know how to educate, but happily, there are certain teachers in our country who have revolutionized their classrooms by incorporating Innovations in English Language Teaching. “Change is the law of Nature,” as the phrase goes, and “Change is the Universe’s greatest boon.” We all know that seasons change, habits change, attitudes change, and so on, and that every living thing goes through countless changes from birth to death. So, in light of this, why can’t the educational system evolve with new techniques, skills, and innovations? We, the educators, feel strongly that we are the builders of the next generation and that we can bring innovation to the teaching and learning of literature.</p> P Ajeetha Copyright (c) 2023 P Ajeetha Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Transmutation of Shakespeare an Heroines: Variations of Female Power Dynamics in the Select Film Adaptations of Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” <p>Lady characters in “Macbeth” that is Lady Macbeth and the Witches really communicate in a ‘odd’ or some sort of bizarre language that is basically the same as what women look for now. This language can be portrayed as “anti-language”:a language by which women can direct, control, and overwhelm men. It is the linguist named MAK Halliday who coined this terminology. It is a way of communicating within a language that excludes outsiders. An anti-language basically uses the same grammar and words like the main speech community, but there is a difference, they use them in a different way so that they can only be understood by insiders. The paper contradicts the conventional view of feminist discourse analysis that females are frail, over-considerate, inconsequential, ruled and sexual objects. This paper introduces a statement that women are not weak or frail, feeble or without power, trivial, paltry, commanded, and sexual objects. The paper claims women as powerful or strong, serious, and overwhelming and dominating as men. In doing as such, it spins around the ongoing or continuous viewpoints/ perspectives on discourse, power and woman, taking select Shakespearean cinematic adaptations of “Macbeth” as a field of application by examining Lady Macbeth’s turns of talk. The paper studies and/ or concentrates on select film adaptations of Shakespeare’s drama “Macbeth”.</p> Baiju Krishnan Copyright (c) 2023 Baiju Krishnan Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Emergence of Modern Woman: A Study of Anita Desai’s Cry, The Peacock <p>This current paper projects the women’s role, assumptions and her cutoff points in the conventional and man centric culture in India and furthermore how her reactions to every one of those and looks for her Self by carrying on with life as an autonomous woman in Desai’s Cry, The Peacock. Maya, the hero of the novel, weeps for adoration and figuring out in her cold marriage with Gautama. He is the justification behind the misfortune that has occurred in the existence of Maya. His absence of understanding her and his prevailing nature doesn’t respect the longings of Maya. The Male characters in Maya’s day to day existence have carried her into the frenzy and passing. She not entirely set in stone by the male society, her dad, spouse and Pale skinned person, the crystal gazer. Desai effectively sets it as a normally female novel and a novel of reasonableness instead of activity. She features the female issue of keeping up with self-way of life as a singular woman in her novel. Her arising new woman is thoughtful about the situation and is in a conventional society who has the nerve to scrutinize the lack of concern of man. In this way, she decides to criticize and battle against the general acknowledged standards and flows.</p> J. Ahamed Meeran Copyright (c) 2023 J. Ahamed Meeran Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Significance of Speaking Skill for EFL Learners <p>This research highlights the importance of speaking ability. A researcher uses a communicative approach to improve students’ speaking skills in the classroom. The researcher can pay special attention to the problem of those students who are structurally prepared but cannot communicate accurately. The researcher focuses on the critical processes of normal communication of students and thus participates in classroom activities that allow students to “use language appropriate to a given social context.”</p> L. Suriya Copyright (c) 2023 L. Suriya Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000