ComFin Research <p>Previously (Shanlax International Journal of Commerce)<br>ISSN: 2582-6190</p> Shanlax International Journals en-US ComFin Research 2582-6190 Online Food Delivery Apps in the Modern Era: A Contemporary Perspective <p>Online food ordering is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the Indian e-commerce market. Online ordering is perhaps the easiest and most convenient option whether through a fast food&nbsp;chain’s website or mobile application, or a site or app that offers more options for food delivery from various eateries. The platforms offer varieties of cuisines like fast food, Indian, Chinese, Italian, and more. In these days, the culture of eating out is replaced by the culture of eating in.&nbsp;Due to this, it is seen that more Indian households have online food delivery services. The best&nbsp;well-known food online delivery services include Zomato, Swiggy, Food Panda, and many more.&nbsp;This paper is conceptual in nature and mainly deals with the Notion of OFD Apps, Role of OFD&nbsp;Apps in current Scenario, various technologies adopted by online food delivery apps, Copious&nbsp;business models and revenue streams of Zomato, SWOT analysis and the future of Online food apps and their potential innovations.</p> M Madhuritha G Nedumaran ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-01 2025-01-01 13 1 1 12 10.34293/commerce.v13i1.8357 Transforming Human Capital: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Revolutionize HR Strategies in the Modern Workplace <p><strong>Objective:</strong> This article discusses an evaluation on the present innovative Human Resource Management (HRM) strategy and its transformation using AI in changing the face of the modern workplace. Theoretical Framework: Given the changes in technological landscapes, demographic trends, and current market forces, an organization must rethink their approach to HRMs. With this view, this article explores innovative HRM strategies in key areas such as talent acquisition, employee engagement, and skill development through the application of technology and new methodologies. It looks at the shift toward an employee-centric model, with an emphasis on more positive workplace culture, on greater and deeper diversity and inclusion, and on nurturing continuous learning. <br><strong>Method:</strong> Stratified random sampling was used in a mixed-methods technique to gather data from 100 respondents, which included employees, managers, AI specialists, and HR professionals, which used SPSS software to look at perceptions, advantages, and difficulties of AI in HRM.<br><strong>Results and Discussion:&nbsp;</strong>The predominant findings found in the study reveal that AI substantially improves management of talent by (49.5%) and enhances the experience of employees by (29.7%). However, challenges such as bias in AI algorithms (34.7%) and absence of full disclosure (29.7%) emphasize the necessity of execution that is both ethical and responsible.&nbsp;<br><strong>Research Implications:</strong> The study reinforces laws that guarantee accountability, equity, and openness in AI-driven decision-making. the requirement for multidisciplinary strategies that integrate AI and HRM in order to reduce algorithmic bias and promote sustainable workforce&nbsp;development is accentuated.</p> S Poorani Mithila M Gurupandi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-01 2025-01-01 13 1 13 17 10.34293/commerce.v13i1.8396 Fringe Benefits and Employee Performance in Private Sector Organizations in the UAE - An Insight <p>Fringe benefits are evidently a motivation factor for the employee in any organization anywhere in the world. Companies are offering a variety of fringe benefits to their employees based on their performance, skills and employee commitments etc. Sometimes fringe benefits are playing as part of work recognition. The UAE job market relies on expat employees and businesses rely on private sectors mostly. The multinational multi-cultural and multi-linguistic situation in the UAE coupled with strong labor law takes this study into understanding the necessity of fringe benefits, implementation and impact of fringe benefits and employee performance in the UAE’s private sector organizations. This study has brought insight and evidence of fringe benefits</p> AA Sathakathulla ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-01 2025-01-01 13 1 18 30 10.34293/commerce.v13i1.8454 Determinants in Selecting Cement Brands <p>Customers’ preferences for cement brands are influenced by various factors including price, quality, brand image, durability, and availability. However, the relative importance of these factors and their impact on customers’ purchasing decisions are not well-documented. The present study aims to identify the highly preferred cement brand in the study area and to reveal the factors influencing their preference. One hundred fifty respondents were selected to express their opinion by adopting convenience sampling technique it is non probability sampling. The data was analyzed using Simple percentage and Friedman Rank Test. Ramco is identified as highly preferred cement brand in Tiruppur district. Price was the most prioritized factor while Packing was the least factor influencing the preference for cement brands. By maintaining&nbsp;competitive pricing and the value proposition effectively, the companies can strengthen its market and sustain customer loyalty.</p> T Anitha N Maliqjan R Gopi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-01 2025-01-01 13 1 31 34 10.34293/commerce.v13i1.8455 A Comprehensive Analysis of Fiscal Deficit, GDP, Money Supply and Inflation in India <p>This paper is to analysis the complex relationship between fiscal deficit, money supply, GDP growth, and inflation in India, Research has given more importance on these factors for economic stability and growth during 1970- 2020. Fiscal deficit occurs when the government revenue is less than expenditure made by the government, the result of which is an increase in the national debt. Government borrowings will leads to an increase in the money supply that will result to inflation introduce the purchasing power government uses fiscal and monetary policy to prevent and control the inflation and to support the growth of the economy. From 1971 to 2020, India’s GDP growth, inflation, and money supply were volatile. Ordinary Least Squares applied the long-run model to estimate the relationship between variables. Due to the risk of spurious results from unit root issues, further analysis was conducted using Augmented Dickey-Fuller test. ADF test results showed that GDP and inflation were stationary at their levels, and the money supply was stationary at its first difference. The ECM indicated that any short-term disequilibrium in GDP growth adjusts back towards its long-run path over time. The finding show a significant result which leads to confirmation that change in inflation and money supply has a significant impact in Indian economic growth in terms of short run and long run.</p> Santosh Sahu Shalini Choithrani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-01 2025-01-01 13 1 35 41 10.34293/commerce.v13i1.8222 Exploring the Impact of Women Directors’ Education on Corporate Financial Performance: Evidence from Indian Firms <p>This research aims to understand the relation of female directors’ education qualifications with the financial performance of Indian corporations. Using an exploratory approach, the study is analyzed based on data from 452 firms in BSE 500 index between 2014 and 2023, while the financial performance of these firms is measured by Return on Assets (ROA) and Tobin’s Q. Our results indicate that there is a positive and significant association between the educational levels of women directors and corporate financial performance, which supports the proposition that the more educated directors are, the more qualified they would be taking decisions and apply strategic insights. Finally, the research shows that women executives who are educated provide intellectual capital and help create an efficient, innovative board, strengthening board governance. Additionally, the study supports the potential of merit-based selection policies as a means to support board diversity and thwart tokenism. This brings hope for diversity as educational qualifications in an appointment should be taken earnestly in both gender and corporate governance discourse. In addition to financial outcomes, the research argues for the inclusion of leadership with diverse educational backgrounds that enhance the organization’s perspectives and inject requirements for enhanced governance mechanisms.</p> Ajaya Kumar Naik Aditya Prasad Sahoo ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-01 2025-01-01 13 1 42 49 10.34293/commerce.v13i1.8498 Customer Perception and Shopping Behavior towards Supermarkets: An Empirical Study in Tirunelveli Corporation <p>The Indian supermarket industry is under-going a transformation as a result of shifting consumer preferences and lifestyles. To thrive in this changing context, super markets must prioritize knowing customer profiles through extensive market research, with a focus on demographics, interests, and spending habits. Localizing product assortments to meet regional tastes, increasing health-focused offers, and improving convenience through online services are all critical tactics. Furthermore, using sustainable practices and integrating technology can help to streamline operations and increase consumer engagement. To attract a varied consumer base, product offerings must be culturally sensitive and inclusive, as well as adapted marketing techniques. Creating a great shopping experience and implementing feedback mechanisms can help supermarkets better respond to consumer requirements. Embracing these methods allows supermarkets to position themselves for success in a competitive market.</p> G. S. Yogesh Ram P. Hemalatha B. Amali Prabha ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-01 2025-01-01 13 1 50 57 10.34293/commerce.v13i1.8481