A Study on Working Conditions of Workers Inpoultry Farms at Selected Areas of Namakkal District, Tamilnadu

  • T Ramanathan Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Economics, School of Economics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • R Sathiyaseelan Guest Lecturer, PG & Research Department of Econimcs, Arignar Anna Government Arts College, Musiri, Tamil Nadu, India


The study is topical as it carried out research in the area of contract farming which is gaining importance in the entire agricultural sector. The poultry industry in India is a pioneer in the field of contract farming and many of the procedures have been standardized and serving as a barometer for other crops as well. However, many pitfalls and constraints still exist and the model is constantly evolving and black boxes and bugs still exist. This study will help in identifying these constraints so that corrective action and interventions can be collected and the experience could be shared to areas of agriculture and livestock production. Market Risk is the bane of Poultry farming in the country which has not been clearly understood by the stake holders fully. This study will address the issue of price risk in poultry farming. The sole limitation of the study is that it is location specific,
i.e., in Namakkal district

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How to Cite
Ramanathan, T., & Sathiyaseelan, R. (2019). A Study on Working Conditions of Workers Inpoultry Farms at Selected Areas of Namakkal District, Tamilnadu. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 8(1), 75-78. https://doi.org/10.34293/economics.v8i1.1466