An Economic and Social Impact of Alcoholism Connectivity in Theni District

  • V Paramasivan Assistant Professor of Economics, H.K.R.H College, Uthamapalyam, Theni
Keywords: Alcoholism, psychological problems, physical violence, Alcohol sales, prohibition policy, Demographic Dividend


Alcoholism is a major social problem in India. The psychological problems with alcoholism such as, physical violence, social stigma for the family, financial difficulties, emotional problems in the spouse and children are well known for centuries. Youth form an important segment in any society. They are physically vigorous, and intellectually sensitive to their social obligations. From the view point of age span it is difficult to provide any straight forward category which is unanimously accepted as youth. The definition of youth is dependent upon various factors viz, psychological level of maturity, the sex of the individuals. Pre-adult stage, the nature of society, the level of socio-economic development of the society, and physical maturity. People consume alcohol in the form of toddy, wine, whisky, brandy, rum, arrach, dharu, etc. which contain ethyl alcohol and also propyl alcohol. The alcohol used in items like paint, varnish, paint remover, etc., is methyl alcohol. It is not drink which is consumed. It will lead to blindness and even death. Tamil Nadu stateis known for its cultural and social values. Since 1960's this state has been generated by any one of the Dravidians Parties. In the early 60's the state was governed by DMK party whose mentor was E.V.Ramasamy called Periyar a staunch social reformer who was instrumental in the implementation of Prohibition policy in the state. Later on, there has been a dramatic shift in the prohibition policy followed by the successive governments. The purpose of relocation of prohibition policy is to mobilize revenue for the purpose of undertaking various social welfare measures which will benefit the poor and vulnerable sections of the society. But, instead of impressing the welfare, the current policy on Alcohol sales in Tamil Nadu is detrimental to the long run development of the youth. Instead of reaping the benefit of "Demographic Dividend" by enhancing the productivity, the policy on alcohol sales impedes the long run growth of Tamil Nadu. Total Government control on alcohol sales in Tamil Nadu leads to many social evils like under daceity, way side atrocities against women and parents. The crime record in Tamil Nadu clearly shows that persons who engage in the above said activity are in the age group of 18-27. Now-a-days even the school going boys are prone to this evil habit of drinking. This prompted I have undertake and study on the impact of alcoholism on socio-economic profile of the Theni district.

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How to Cite
Paramasivan, V. (2015). An Economic and Social Impact of Alcoholism Connectivity in Theni District. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 4(1), 1-10. Retrieved from