Sustainable Development in Indian Agriculture

  • S Anantha Selvam Assistant Professor, PG and Research Department of Economics, Raja Doraisingam Government Arts College, Sivagangai
Keywords: Sustainable development, technological development, Indian agriculture, agricultural development, investment on irrigation, green revolution


Sustainable development is a process of change in which exploitation of resources, the direction of interests, orientation of technological development and the institution change are in harmony and enhanced both current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations. Sustainable agriculture is the system of raising crops for greater human utility through utilization of resources with better efficiency with out disturbing, imbalancing or polluting the environment. India has achieved green revolution due to the increased use of high yielding variety seeds. But intensive use of land without taking enough care to maintain its productive capacity leads to loss of top solid due to erosion, loss of organic matter, loss of poras soil structure and water logging and build up oftoxic salts and chemicals. Over use of pesticides caused localized health hazards. Indiscriminate use of modem technology may endanger ecological security and imbalance the environment.

The paper highlights the sustainability in Indian agriculture through the prevention of diversification of land suitable for farming to non farm uses, integrated forest management, through preserving genetic resources and management of marine resources. To achieve sustainable agricultural development in India some policy measure are suggested.

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How to Cite
Anantha Selvam, S. (2015). Sustainable Development in Indian Agriculture. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 4(1), 42-45. Retrieved from