Impact of Micro Credit on Poverty (With Special Reference to Villupuram District)

  • V Leela Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Periyar Govt. Arts College, Cuddalore
Keywords: micro credit, poverty, assets, social exclusion, political marginalization, multi-dimensional


In the present context micro credit denotes a loan amount of less a Rs.50000 borrowed through micro credit programmes for poverty alleviation projects. Dudley Jackson (1972), has confined poverty to the problem of want. Want is measured by ascertaining the minimum nutritional flows, which can sustain a standard of health and by calculating the minimum income necessary to purchase those flows. This income is generally referred to as ‘the poverty line’. To Haq (1997), poverty of opportunity is a multi-dimensional concept, embracing lack of education and health, lack of economic assets, social exclusion and political marginalization. In recent years. Micro credit is widely accepted as an instrument of poverty alleviation with this background, the present paper the extent of influence of micro credit on poverty alleviation in the Villupuram dt. of Tamil Nadu.

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How to Cite
Leela, V. (2015). Impact of Micro Credit on Poverty (With Special Reference to Villupuram District). Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 3(4), 42-46. Retrieved from