India’s Foreign Trade and Agriculture Exports
Emerging world demand for Indian agricultural commodities offers great opportunity and Indian agricultural exports have increased manifolds. However, the contribution of agricultural exports in the total exports of the country shown as declined. The article study explores the performance of India’s agricultural exports for the time period 1990-91 to 2009-2010, by analysing Magnitude, Direction and Composition. The trade to GDP ratio in 1990-91 was around 12 per cent which has increased to more than 33 per cent in 2009-10 in India indicating tremendous growth in trades. This article clearly indicates greater degree of openness of Indian Economy. The present article discusses growth and composition of India’s agriculture export in India since economic liberalization. An in depth composition and structure analysis of the agricultural export is undertaken in the present article. The study also examines the changing dynamics of the contribution of individual group of commodities in the basket of agricultural export.

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