The Impact of Micro Credit on Employment and Income (With Special Reference to Villupuram District)

  • V Leela Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Periyar Government Arts College, Cuddalore
Keywords: Micro credit, Self-employment projects, employment generation, short-term credit, SGSY, SHGs, Mahalir Thittam


Micro credit as small loans extended to the poor for undertaking Self-employment projects that would generate income and enable them to provide for themselves and their families. In the present context, micro credit denotes a loan amount of less a Rs.50000 borrowed through micro credit programmes for income generating self-employment projects. In recent years micro credit is widely accepted as an instrument of employment generation and Income. In this regard, the present paper tries to analyse the extent of influence of micro credit on employment and income in the Villupuram District of TamilNadu.

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How to Cite
Leela, V. (2015). The Impact of Micro Credit on Employment and Income (With Special Reference to Villupuram District). Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 3(3), 41-47. Retrieved from