Prevalence of Different Factors Responsible for Female Infertility in Coimbatore

  • A Sangamithra Assistant Professor, Department of Econometrics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
  • S Bhavani Priyadarshini Ph.D., Research Scholar, Department of Econometrics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Keywords: World Health Organisation, infertility, pregnancy, genetic abnormalities, In Vitro Fertilization, Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection


World Health Organisation (1991) defines infertility as failure to conceive despite one year of cohabitation and exposure to pregnancy. If the couple has never conceives despite cohabitation and exposure to pregnancy (i.e. sexually active, non- contracepting, and non- lactating) for a period of one year, it is called primary infertility (Saoji, A. V., 2014). It is estimated that million couples suffer from infertility every year of which probably between 15-20 millions (25%) are in India alone. (Sharath KC et. al 2013, Chander PP et. al 2000).As per study published at the end of 2012 by WHO, one in every four couples in developing countries had been found to be affected by Infertility (Mascarenhas MN, et. al 2012). There are many reasons for infertility both in male and female where this study examines the causes of female infertility such reasons that may cause infertility condition in female are genetic abnormalities, infectious or environmental agents and behavior. Age is also one of the most important factor that determines infertility among females. Thus, infertility is mainly classified into two types; Primary Infertility is the term used to describe a couple that has never been able to conceive a pregnancy, after a minimum of one year of attempting to do so through unprotected intercourse. Secondary Infertility is the term used to describe couples who have previously been pregnant at least once, but had not been able to achieve another pregnancy. (Patel Mital., et. al 2012).

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How to Cite
Sangamithra, A., & Bhavani Priyadarshini, S. (2015). Prevalence of Different Factors Responsible for Female Infertility in Coimbatore. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 3(2), 49-55. Retrieved from