Determinants of Awareness about Social Security Measures among Industrial Workers in Coimbatore: A Logistic Regression Analysis

  • R Veerachamy Ph. D Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Keywords: Social security, Informal industrial workers and Logistic Regression Technique


In this article aims at analyzing determinants of awareness about social security measures among informal industrial workers in Coimbatore.The current study explains the importance of satisfaction with the wages / salary that plays an important role in awareness about social security measures among informal industrial workers.Workers’ satisfaction in salary seems be sensitive to employer-employee relation. The higher degree of salary satisfaction exists with higher degree of satisfaction in employer-employee relations in both the segments. It is a key ingredient in workers performance improvement. The study comprises 750 sample respondents from different foundry/engineering and textile industries in Coimbatore were interviewed by the researchers. Logistic Regression Technique is used to analyse thedeterminants ofawareness about social security measures among informal industrial workers. Results have implication that satisfaction with thewages / salary plays a lead role in determining the awareness about social security measures among industrial workers.This study gives suggestions major insecurities for workers in the unorganized sector is the frequent incidences of illness and need for medical care and hospitalization of such workers and their family members. Despite the expansion in the health facilities, illness remains one of the most prevalent causes of human deprivation in India. The workers in the unorganized sector practically have no social protection. The massive poverty in our country is partly due to low wages and partly due to lack of secure employment throughout the year. The employment generation schemes cannot deal with the problems of low wages in the unorganized sector, especially when there is large scale unemployment. Most of the social security benefits in our country basically cater to the needs of the organized work force, which constitutes only one-tenth of the total work force. Given the weak state of voice and representation of the unorganised workers, the state and the civil society organisations have an important role in contributing to an industrial and labour relations environment in which the minimum conditions of work of the unorganised workers can be secured (Dharmaraj 2007).

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How to Cite
Veerachamy, R. (2015). Determinants of Awareness about Social Security Measures among Industrial Workers in Coimbatore: A Logistic Regression Analysis. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 3(2), 56-62. Retrieved from