Economic Changes of MGNREGA in Sengattam Patti Panchayat, Dindigul District

  • P Muneeswaran Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Arul Anandar College, Madurai
  • M Joseph Selvaraj Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Arul Anandar College, Madurai
Keywords: MGNREGA, migration, rural hunger, NREGA, moneylenders, Political intervention


The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is an Indian job guarantee scheme, enacted by legislation on 2005 and implemented on February 2, 2006. In this study on attempt has been made by the written to examine the economic impact of MGNREGA workers (Before and after) and the statement of problems concern in order to after suitable recommendations for minimizing the problem. The current study is based on both primary and secondary data (Period as 2010-11) and it selected of samples from MGNREGA workers in sample village of Sengattampatti Panchayat, Dindigul district. The study based on seven objectives like as income, expenditure, employment effect, participation size and migration level and causes of migration. It has been create rural sustainable development, employment and reduce the migration and rural hunger. NREGA did not reduce the rural poverty but it is reduced the rural hunger and it failed to provide maximum satisfaction of the rural man in terms of wage and social responsibility hence,only women participation is continuing rapidly.

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How to Cite
Muneeswaran, P., & Joseph Selvaraj, M. (2014). Economic Changes of MGNREGA in Sengattam Patti Panchayat, Dindigul District. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 2(3), 36-43. Retrieved from