Food Insecurity in India: Natural or Artificial?
The issue of food security, especially in a developing nation like India, raises the twin problems of uncertain food production and unequal food distribution. The impact of unequal food distribution can have adverse effects on the rural and urban population living below the poverty line. Food insecurity is not only economic problem but also problem of non-humanity approach in India. There availability of the food grains is enough to satisfy their needs. Daily food grains availability per person in India has dropped by nearly 7 grams in the last five years. According to the statistical data published by the 'Food Corporation of India' and the government of India food grain availability is 259.32 million tonnes in 2012 - 2013 which is 241.56 million tonnes in previous year. While it is happening because, food grain traders are doing speculation practice and sealing them in high prices than fair prices. We may say that, Food insecurity is not only natural but also manmade.

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