Economic Empowerment of Women through Self-Help Groups

  • M James Antony Associate Professor, Centre for Research in Economics, Arul Anandar College, Karumathur, Madurai (Dist), Tamil Nadu
  • J Antony Singam Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
Keywords: SHGs, empowerment, micro-credit, NABARD, social status


Women empowerment in the context of women’s development is a way of defining, challenging and overcoming barriers in a women’s life through which she increases her ability to shape her life and environment. It is an active, multidimensional process which should enable women to realize their full identity and power in all spheres of life without total intellectual and physical participation of women; it is not possible to achieve the goals of rural uplift. United Nations (2001) defined empowerment as the processes by which women take control and ownership of their lines through expansion of their choice. Empowerment as a concept was introduced at the International Women’s conference in 985 at Nairobi. Surekha and Rajamanamma (1999) described empowerment as an important process through which women are enabled to realize their full identity and power in all spheres of life. Women development in recent years emphasized of providing equal opportunities to women by removing gender bias, empowering women and creating self reliance among them. In the recent years, empowerment of women has been recognized as a central issue in determining the status of women. The participation of women in agriculture has made a significant impact on their empowerment both in social and economic aspects.

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How to Cite
James Antony, M., & Antony Singam, J. (2014). Economic Empowerment of Women through Self-Help Groups. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 2(3), 74-78. Retrieved from