Performance of Lead Bank Agriculture Credit in Madurai District
Indian agriculture is gifted with the fertile land and abundant availability of the prosperity of India. The life of Indian is based mainly on the development of agriculture because majority of itspopulation is engaged directly or indirectly in agriculture. Hence the development of agriculture would mean the development of the rural masses and development of India, further increase in agricultural productivity depends on the adoption of new farm practices such as high yielding variety seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, farm machinery and assured irrigation facilities. The adoption of these practices depends on the availability of larger and larger amounts of finance. The creation of adequate and requisite credit avenues is therefore essential for agricultural progress; credit is a condition that enables a farmer to extend his control over his ownership of resources. Most of the developing countries, aiming to strengthen their agriculture have evolved rural financial institutions to provide agricultural credit. Credit plays the role of an accelerator for agricultural development. Lack of access to credit is one of the most pressing issues that hinder rural India’s progress. Farmer’s suicide within the agricultural sector does not occur as a shocking matter as these poor citizens are deprived of monetary assistance when they are most in need survival is at stake here. The farmers cry for help and have been ignored as the damaging effects from the absence of credit loans tickles down the absence of credit loans tickles down the population. Hence, the present paper aims to focus lead bank agriculture credit in Madurai District.

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