An Analytical Study of Inter District Variation in Quality of Life in Tamilnadu

  • R Annapoorani Professor, Department of Economics, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore
  • S Sudhakara Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore
Keywords: Quality of Life, Literacy Rate, Life Expectancy, Infant Mortality Rate, Per Capita Income


Quality of life is a concept to formulate welfare development and is related to social, psychological and environmental issues. In this context a research study on “An analytical study of Inter district variation in quality of life in Tamilnadu” was formulated with the objectives of computing quality of life index for different Districts of Tamil Nadu, to find out the extent of variation in different components of quality of life and identify the factors causing inter district variation in quality of life in Tamil Nadu. The study was related to 30 districts in Tamil Nadu and the required data were compiled from. Statistical Hand Book of Tamil Nadu (2010), Census of India 2001 and District Level Estimates of Infant and Child Mortality (2001). The study estimated Gini co efficient ratio and applied multiple regression analysis. As per the study quality of life index was the highest in Chennai (0.70) and lowest in Theni and Krishnagiri (0.52). The application of multiple regression analysis revealed that total population and per capita income were significant factors influencing quality of life. The estimated multiple regression was statistically valid as indicated by the R2 value (0.60)and F value (1.77). To improve quality of life in various districts of Tamil Nadu the study recommends establishment of more number of colleges and schools, setting up of more number of primary health centres and strengthening income generating activities in backward districts.

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How to Cite
Annapoorani, R., & Sudhakara, S. (2013). An Analytical Study of Inter District Variation in Quality of Life in Tamilnadu. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 2(1), 12-23. Retrieved from