The Awareness, Enrolment and Willingness to Participate in the Health Insurance Schemes among the Women Industrial Workers

  • G Vanithamani Department of Econometrics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Keywords: medical care, health insurance, unorganized women workers,, Personal savings, Mediclaim, Out of Pocket Expenditure


The health insurance is a vital method of financing the spiraling costs of medical care. The high cost of health services coupled with the unpredictability of health needs and the inadequacy of personal savings is the primary reason for the growing importance of insurance as a means of financing health services. But, In spite of the growing importance of health insurance schemes, the number of people covered by health insurance is very less in India. In this background, an attempt is made to know the awareness, enrolment and willingness to pay for health insurance among the unorganized women workers in the study area. It has been discussed through analysing the variables such as age, marital status, social status, nature of family, educational qualification, occupation, monthly income, total family income, awareness, enrollment, willingness to participate in the health insurance schemes.

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How to Cite
Vanithamani, G. (2013). The Awareness, Enrolment and Willingness to Participate in the Health Insurance Schemes among the Women Industrial Workers. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 1(3), 21-29. Retrieved from