A Study on Customers’ Profile and their Opinion on Two Wheeler/Purchases in Madurai City

  • K Jeyakodi Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, SN College, Madurai
Keywords: automobiles, consumers, Respondents, goodwill, two wheelers, Madurai city


The customer is the pivot around which the entire business activity revolves. It is essential and inevitable for the marketing managers to understand how and why a customer prefers and buys a product. The growth and development of science and technology paved the way for tremendous changes in the field of automobiles. The two wheeler industry has been witnessing a remarkable change because of the increased purchasing capacity and modified taste of the general public.

The opinions of customers regarding two wheelers are analysed by considering their socio-economic characteristics such as age, gender, marital status, education, occupation, number of members in the family and annual family income. The rationale for considering the personal details is that the socio-economic characteristics can influence the opinion level of customers. In this context, the relationship between the personal profile of two wheeler consumers and their level of opinion has been analysed by using percentage and chi-square test.

The term ‘Respondents’ in the context of the present study refers to the consumers, the ultimate users and beneficiaries of a well-known product namely, the two wheeler which finds an important place in almost all the families residing in the study area. Among these variables, gender, age, marital status, educational qualification, occupational status and family monthly income do not influence the level of opinion of the respondents on two wheelers in Madurai city. The size of the family of the respondents influences it.

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How to Cite
Jeyakodi, K. (2013). A Study on Customers’ Profile and their Opinion on Two Wheeler/Purchases in Madurai City. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 1(3), 40-48. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/economics/article/view/1579