Rural – Urban Disparities in Udumalpet -A Case Study

  • K Kaliammal Assistant Professor in Economics, Sri G.V.G. Visalakshi College, Udumalpet
Keywords: income inequalities, employment opportunities, disparities, random sampling technique, households, healthcare


Rural-Urban disparities, especially in developing countries, have for long been a major concern for policy makers. The disparities can be seen in all spheres of human life economic and social. The income inequalities, lack of employment opportunities, lack of infrastructure and civic amenities, inadequate access to education, healthcare and other basic services are some of the major areas where rural areas lag behind urban ones.

On this background, the research paper aims to identify the rural-urban disparities in the levels of social, economic and human development indicators.

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How to Cite
Kaliammal, K. (2013). Rural – Urban Disparities in Udumalpet -A Case Study. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 1(2), 78-81. Retrieved from