Health for All : Varumun Kappom Thittam
Health is defined as the state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely absence of disease. Health care is an important part of health systems and therefore it often accounts for one of the largest areas of spending for both governments and individuals all over the world, and as such it is surrounded by controversy. For example, it is now clear that medical debt is now a leading cause of bankruptcy in the
United States. In India healthcare has been a neglected area by the government. That is evident from the fact that in 2002 investment in healthcare was only 0.9% of the total GDP. India is a country was people are treated for the most basic diseases. In 2003 the patients treated for malaria were 1.65 million, for leprosy there were 2.4 million people and there were 214 cases of polio. The cases for each disease have reduced significantly over a
number of years but still even after so much technological development the diseases continue to exists. Also the number of cases for AIDS and cancer has emerged as a major concern for health authorities.

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