Nutritional Status and Factor Influencing among Adolescents – An Overview

  • N Radha Ph. D Research Scholar, Department of Sociology & Social Work, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
  • Saraswati Raju Iyer Coordinator and Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology & Social Work and Coordinator, Centre for Community Social Responsibility, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
Keywords: Adolescent, Nutrition, Factors


Adolescence is a phase which transfers a person from adolescent to young. Also, it has a vital role for growth and development of everyone's lifespan. The teenage year is an intense embolic period when requirements for all nutrients increase. When they failed to intake of all kind nutrients, they may face a lot of nutrient disorder or related health problem. To overcome this kind of health problem the adolescent group has to take an intake of protein, carbohydrate, vitamins, and calcium in enough level. Among these, the calcium is more essential to build strong bones for everyone. In India adolescents (10-19) constitute 21.4% of the population, comprising one-fifth of the total population. They are going to be a Pillar of the nation, and they have a responsibility to produce healthy children in future. Therefore their nutritional status needs to be studied and focused at a higher level. Also adolescent is a period of rapid growth and maturation in human development that demands extra nutrients and energy to support growth. Focusing on their nutrition particularly among girls provides a unique opportunity to break the intergenerational cycle of malnutrition.

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How to Cite
Radha, N., & Raju Iyer, S. (2018). Nutritional Status and Factor Influencing among Adolescents – An Overview. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 6(4), 17-21. Retrieved from