Occupational Health Hazards among Women Workers in Healthcare Industry: An Analysis

  • S Jayaselvi Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Amrita College of Engineering and Technology, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Health, Health status, Occupational health hazards, women workers, safety measures


A healthy population is an asset for an economy, while the ill and aged is a burden. A healthy workforce is more productive as it can effort for a longer duration. When a worker is incapable of working due to serious health problems, such as disability, then he/she is also unable to assist the nation in raising the standard of living. The number of workers employed in the health care industry was identified in each category based on the number of units, and total workers have been chosen randomly. The study consists of 120 samples that were collected from various healthcare industrial women workers at Thoothukudi in Tamilnadu. The Frequency Table, Cross Tabulation, and the Chi-Square test used to analyze the data.
The current world scenario shows how healthcare workers are exposing to various threats or risks in the healthcare industry. Occupational health hazards emerge due to various factors such as communicable diseases, pestilence, psychological stress like work-related pressure in the workplace, work shifts, and so on. Healthcare workers face a huge challenge to overcome health hazards and ensure safety. The working women’s occupational health problems in the healthcare sector are a matter of urgent concern. There is also a definite need to develop a database on the occupational health of women in developing countries to promote their health status, and it is essential to create awareness among the health personnel in the industry. Health status influence the occupational health hazards among women workers in the health care industry. The study is focusing the occupational health hazards and the safety measures provided to the healthcare women personnel.

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How to Cite
Jayaselvi, S. (2020). Occupational Health Hazards among Women Workers in Healthcare Industry: An Analysis. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 8(2), 65-73. https://doi.org/10.34293/economics.v8i2.2092