Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - An Overview

  • S Ramamoorthy Associate Professor, Department of Economics, N.M.S.S. Vellaichammy Nadar College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India


CRM is a business technology that aids in the understanding, improvement, and management of an organization’s customer relationship and engagement. It’s a marketing strategy that focuses on customer retention and acquisition. CRM is critical in all major businesses, including education, finance, automobiles, and healthcare. CRM delivers important business solutions such as sales management, inventory management, channel network management, and service, among others. The aim and importance of CRM, information technology and CRM, face-to-face CRM, the benefits and drawbacks of CRM, adopting CRM, main CRM platforms, CRM’s present market scenario, future, and cloud-based CRM are all covered in this article.

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How to Cite
Ramamoorthy, S. (2020). Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - An Overview. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 8(2), 82-88.