An Empirical Study on Issues and Challenges in Working Conditions of Feminine Labours Engaged in Cashew Industries

  • K Madhura Research Scholar in Economics, Lecturer, Deparment of Economics, Carmel College, Modankap, Bantwal, Karnataka, India
  • B Raghavendra Lecturer, Deparment of PG Studies in Commerce, Besant Women’s College, Kodialbail, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India
  • B M Ramakrishna Research Guide, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Mangalore University College, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India
Keywords: issues and challenges, feminine labours, feminine welfare, eco-social standards, strategies engaged in Cashew Industries, female workforce


Recent Socio-cultural evolution in India shows that feminine workers play a major role in the economy. The cashew processing industry is a labor intensive industry, which provides employment opportunities mainly to women, among which most of them belong to socially backward community.
Purpose: A research model was established to analyze the various issues and challenges faced by women labor’s in cashew industries To identify suitable measures to safeguard their work-life or work environment provided by cashew industries in Dakshina Kannada (DK) district.
Findings: The research finding shows the socioeconomic conditions and health issues, mainly challenging the women labours in cashew industries. The cashew processing industry mainly depends on expensive imported raw cashew nuts due to the reduction in yield of nuts in India. It results in an increase in the cost of processing and difficult to sustain the quality of nuts, which directly effects the earnings, health, and welfare of women labours.
This paper focuses on suggesting provisions on social security incentives for improving the women’s labor welfares.

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How to Cite
Madhura, K., Raghavendra, B., & Ramakrishna, B. M. (2020). An Empirical Study on Issues and Challenges in Working Conditions of Feminine Labours Engaged in Cashew Industries. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 8(3), 56-66.