Agriculture Accounting In India

  • K Nandan Department of Post Graduation and Research in Commerce, Kuvempu University, Shimoga, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Gross Domestic Products (GDP), Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS), Agriculture Accounting, Biological Assets, Agricultural Produce


India is an Agriculture based country where 50% of the population is based on agriculture. Agriculture is a main source of income to the Government. Agriculture accounting is very useful for agriculturist which helps them to know the income and expenses by agriculture activity. Therefore, a standard is introduced to provide a guidelines for agriculture Accounting called Ind AS41.Standaerd specifies the reorganization and measurement of Agriculture Assets, Gains and losses, Government subsides. It helps the agriculturist to avoid the unnecessary expenses and better utilization of available recourses.

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How to Cite
Nandan, K. (2020). Agriculture Accounting In India. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 8(3), 110-113.