Multi National Companies in India– A Critical Review

  • Harish Tigari Faculty Member, Department of Commerce, Davangere University, Shivagangotri, Karnataka, India
  • R Chandrashekhar Department of Commerce, Davangere University, Shivagangotri, Karnataka, India
Keywords: MNCs, developing country, economic development, FDI


India is one of the faster growing emerging economies in the world. For this many industries are contributing that may be Indian or foreign origin company. By observing the statistics, 49.86 % of contribution by MSMEs towards nation export and the remaining by large companies only. MNCs (multinational corporations) are also contributing to the growth of the country by generating employment, the inflow of FDI, transfer of technology etc. The orientations of international business connotatively deal with ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric, and regiocentric approaches. The MNCs and their profit-making objective always influenced by entry strategies with the time of entry, size of the entry, and place of entry into the foreign market. It also influenced by way of entry into the foreign market by concentrating on FDI with green field and brown field strategies. Here the present paper addresses the multinational corporations in India and their contribution to the economic development of India and attempts to address characterization of MNCs with employment argument and growth prospects of economic variables significantly influenced on different sectors growth in India. The present study attempts to analyze the relationship between foreign companies’ mode of entry with FDI and economic variables by using Karl Pearson coefficient correlation.

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How to Cite
Tigari, H., & Chandrashekhar, R. (2019). Multi National Companies in India– A Critical Review. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 7(2), 52-57.