The Socio Economic Status of Unorganised Migrant Construction Labourers in Karnataka: A Case Study in Bangalore

  • B Shamala Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Bangalore University, Karnataka, India
  • T Rajendra Prasad Professor and Chairman, Department of Economics Bangalore University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Migrant labourers, unbalanced growth, Economic inequality, unorganized workers, unskilled workers, semi-skilled workers, agriculture labourers, non-remunerative, Landless laborers, contractors, illiterates


Migration is an important feature of development of any economy. It occurs as a response to unbalanced growth and economic inequality. Construction industry is one of the fastest growing industry in the country. The infrastructural development and construction sector is in full swing in Bangalore attracting semi-skilled and unskilled labourers from different parts of the country. While it may seem that construction industry would fetch workers higher income and better working conditions, these unorganized migrant labourers are denied of basic facilities that any citizen of the country is entitled to. This paper tries to study the economic position of labourers before and after migration, their living conditions, food security, health facilities etc., primary data are collected from randomly selected labourers especially interstate migrants and secondary sources of data are collected to analyses the conditions of migrant labourers.

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How to Cite
Shamala, B., & Rajendra Prasad, T. (2019). The Socio Economic Status of Unorganised Migrant Construction Labourers in Karnataka: A Case Study in Bangalore. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 7(2), 62-67.