Region-Wise Growth of Co-operatives in Karnataka: A Comparative Analysis

Keywords: Working, Co-operatives, Density, Defunct & liquidated, Physical performance


Today cooperatives are represented as a strong, vibrant, and viable device for achieving development goals in any country of the world. Cooperatives will meet the peoples’ mutual needs. They provide exclusive tools for achieving one or more economic goals in an increasingly competitive global economy. The co-operative sector plays an imperative function in a country’s socio-economic development since 1904. Karnataka has been at the forefront of co-operative endeavors and has performed well in the development of co-operatives at the national level. Cooperatives are the Self Help Organizations currently used by the government as the more effective devices for rural development. This paper is devoted to evaluating the region-wise growth of the co-operatives in Karnataka over 2010. The study is purely based on secondary data. Simple statistical tools like average, standard deviation, GCR, a percentage have been employed for the data analysis.

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How to Cite
Yuvaraja, U. (2020). Region-Wise Growth of Co-operatives in Karnataka: A Comparative Analysis. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 8(4), 29-36.