Impact of Navaratnalu on Manabadi (Nadu-Nedu / Education) in Andhra Pradesh State

Keywords: Impact, Navaratnalu, State, Beneficiaries, Development


Navaratnalu is in operation in Andhra Pradesh State from 30th May 2019 to provide various schemes to the beneficiaries viz, Farmers, Students, Mothers, old age Persons, Auto-walas, Weavers community, Fisherman community, Poor people in OC, BC, SC, ST, Minorities, and others for better living in the society. The purpose of one Programme of Navaratnalu is to provide infrastructure facilities for all government schools on far with corporate schools and capacity building of the teachers to improve the quality of education in the state.
Purpose of the study: The study tried to assess two issues, which are the impact of Manabadi-Nadu-Nedu/Education and to recommend suitable suggestions for the improvement of the schools under government control.
Methodology: This empirical research adopted a quantitative method by distributing a schedule to 108 beneficiaries representing from four districts in Andhra Pradesh State. The data analyzed by using statistical techniques such as mean and percentages to assess the impact of the Manabadi-Nadu-Nedu/Education.
Main Findings: MANA-BADI project is intended to develop with a provision for up-gradation of schools as model schools for the benefit of the students in rural and semi-urban areas in A.P. Majority of the respondents are aware of the manabadi /Education (nadu-nedu) program a, and everybody knows the activities being implemented by the government of A.P and are positively responded.
Application of the Study: The findings of the study are useful for the government in implementing the navaratnalu in the state. As education has increased the self-confidence level among the students of primary, higher, technical knowledge, the state of Andhra Pradesh, which is developing fast in almost all areas people to be educated so that they become part and parcel of development.
Novelty/originality of the Study: The impact of navaratnalu (Manabadi-Nadu-Nedu/Education) has been addressed categorically, empowering the manabadi-Nadu nedu. Therefore, a determined plan of implementation of further action can significantly allow the manabadi / Education (nad-unedu)

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How to Cite
Subba Reddy, P. V. (2020). Impact of Navaratnalu on Manabadi (Nadu-Nedu / Education) in Andhra Pradesh State. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 8(4), 20-28.