India’s Foreign Trade Under Plan Periods

  • U Sajeev Assistant Professor, PG Department of Economics, Government College Malappuram, Kerala, India
  • V.P Akhila PG Department of Economics, Government College Malappuram, Kerala, India
Keywords: Foreign trade, Export, Import, Trade balance, Economic planning, Exchange rate


International Trade is an engine of growth of an economy. Trade is just not a transfer/exchange of goods and services, but it is more than it. So, when we date back to the history of trade, there we can see its been long back people started to travel and trade with various countries. Here, the study focuses on the India’s Trade during plan periods, especially under five year plan. Through this research work, it tries to study and evaluate the India’s foreign trade and its value, composition and direction.

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How to Cite
Sajeev, U., & Akhila, V. (2021). India’s Foreign Trade Under Plan Periods. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 9(2), 66-72.