Contraceptive Use among Gender Based Violence Survivors: The Case of Matabeleland South, Zimbabwe

  • Sibusisiwe B Muperere MSc. Economics Graduate, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
  • Albert Makochekanwa Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
  • Stanzia Moyo Doctor and Lecturer, Population Studies Centre, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
  • Marvellous Mhloyi Professor and Lecturer, Department of Population Studies, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
Keywords: Modern Contraceptive Methods, GBV Survivor, Modern Contraceptive Prevalence, Intimate Partner Violence


Zimbabwe’s contraceptive utilisation has improved significantly, but this progress is not uniform across all its provinces. Matabeleland South in particular, is one province with the lowest contraceptive prevalence, against a background of significantly high spousal violence. This study sought to investigate modern contraceptive prevalence among GBV survivors in rural Matabeleland South. The study used cross-sectional data collected from 130 female survivors of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) from Bulilima and Umzingwane districts in Matabeleland South. The study found the modern contraceptive prevalence to be 56%, with the most commonly reported contraceptive method being the oral pill, followed by injectables and implants, condoms, and lastly, female sterilisation. The study also found that education, age, and level of health care access had a positive association with contraceptive use, whilst age difference with a partner and marital status had a negative association with contraceptive use. Overall, the study indicates that contraceptive utilisation is still low amongst GBV survivors in Matabeleland South. Programming aimed at improving contraceptive use should therefore emphasize increasing education among young women to raise awareness on the benefits of using contraceptives, as well as involving spouses of survivors in programming to facilitate rapid adoption of contraceptives.

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How to Cite
Muperere, S. B., Makochekanwa, A., Moyo, S., & Mhloyi, M. (2021). Contraceptive Use among Gender Based Violence Survivors: The Case of Matabeleland South, Zimbabwe. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 10(1), 11-20.