An Empirical Study on Women Representation in Parliament of South Asian Nations

  • Sushovan Mondal Assistant Professor in Economics, Cooch Behar College, West Bengal, India
  • Rinrin Ghosh Assistant Professor in Political Science, Islampur College, West Bengal, India
Keywords: Inter-Parliamentary Union, Leader, Parliament, Quota, South Asia, Women


Women have been discriminated in every sphere of life. In South Asia, women constitute roughly half of the population, yet they are rarely seen in parliament or as ministers. It is true that in all sphere of political leadership women are severely underrepresented or in other words, men greatly outnumber women in every sphere of decision making even in parliament also. Women need the power to break up the trap of confinement that engage them busy in domestic work and put many restrictions on them in this patriarchal society. Lack of opportunity and low representation in the political sphere deprives women of being politically empowered. This paper is an attempt to examine the study the women representation in the lower house of parliament and as well as to compare this with the average data of women members in the lower house of Asia and World.

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How to Cite
Mondal, S., & Ghosh, R. (2021). An Empirical Study on Women Representation in Parliament of South Asian Nations. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 10(1), 44-51.