A Study on Sustainability of Corporate Social Responsibility during and Post-Covid-19

  • M Dillip Anand Lecturer in Economics, Presidency College (Autonomous), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Covid 19, Sustainable Development Global Goals, Corporate Social Responsibility, Ecosystem


As part of the United Nations Development Programmes, COVID-19 provides an opportunity to rethink and enhance resilience in order to accomplish long-term development goals. The industrial sector, as well as multinational corporations, should concentrate on difficulties and challenges pertaining to the welfare of society, as well as identifying the priorities of the community, which is a necessity in a pandemic situation. Companies must concentrate their efforts on corporate social responsibility programmes that are aligned with global sustainable development goals during the emergency period of the crisis. Another element is that the ecosystem, which is defined as the community of living species, has been exploited, which has had an impact on the symbiotic interaction between them. Throughout this paper, we have looked at how industries and corporations should handle their ethical, social, legal, and economic duties, as well as how these responsibilities correspond with the Constitution and the Sustainable Development Goals.

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How to Cite
Dillip Anand, M. (2022). A Study on Sustainability of Corporate Social Responsibility during and Post-Covid-19. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 10(2), 78-82. https://doi.org/10.34293/economics.v10i2.4523