Determinants of Food Security Status and Coping Strategies among Rice Farmers in Kebbi State, Nigeria

  • A Danmaigoro Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, Nigeria
  • A Gona Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, Nigeria
Keywords: Food Security, Rice, Farming Households, Kebbi State


This study evaluated the food security status of rice farmers in Kebbi State, Nigeria. Data were generated from a sample of 120 rice farmers using multi-stage random sampling technique. Descriptive statistic, Food security index and Logistic regression models were used for the analysis. The results revealed that 36.7% were food secured while 63.3% were food insecure. The results revealed that the coefficient of age, gender, household size and farm size were statistically significant and positively influence food security status of rice farming households at 10%, 1%, 5%, and 1% level of probability, respectively. Based on the findings, it is recommended that government should improve on education and sensitize rice farmers regarding family planning since household size worsens the food security status of rice farming households. There is the need to increase the volume of food production as well as improve access to income generating activities that are more sustainable. Policies aimed at providing farm inputs at subsidize rate will motivate farming households and also increase their productivity.

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How to Cite
Danmaigoro, A., & Gona, A. (2022). Determinants of Food Security Status and Coping Strategies among Rice Farmers in Kebbi State, Nigeria. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 10(2), 17-24.