Impact of GST on Rural Purchasing

  • P Shanmugam Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • I Haripriya Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: GST, Rural Households, Consumption, Purchasing


The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a vast concept that simplifies the giant tax structure by supporting and enhancing the growth of a country GST is a apprehensive tax levy on manufacturing, sale and consumption of goods and services at a national level. The introduction of GST without proper preparation in the country as well as the state have made both positive and negative impacts on rural economy. Hence, an attempt has been made to analyse the impact of GST on rural households in Coimbatore district.

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How to Cite
Shanmugam, P., & Haripriya, I. (2022). Impact of GST on Rural Purchasing. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 10(2), 83-89.