Study About UAE Migrant Employees from Tirunelveli, Problems and their Experiences

  • R Mayakannan Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Sri Sankara Arts and Science College, Enathur, Kanchipuram
Keywords: Overseas Employment, Migrant Workers, Work Environment, International Migration


Work evolution is seen as a major brand name that gets a huge cash related changes each home and spot to move away in general district. In this setting the overall evaluation dissecting the two or three factors and implying conditions of faraway place work. The chief spotlight is laid on the most focal weights glanced through framework for the use of the voyager. The work force in UAE from Tirunelveli region. Moreover the decision checks moderate on the issues of transient individuals and endeavours to give fitting plans.

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How to Cite
Mayakannan, R. (2017). Study About UAE Migrant Employees from Tirunelveli, Problems and their Experiences. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 6(1), 147-152. Retrieved from