A Case Study on Unorganised Flower Binding Workers in Nilakottai Block of Dindigul, District, Tamil Nadu

  • M Ishwarya M.Phil Scholar, PG and Research Department of Economics Government Arts College for Women, Nilakottai, Tamil Nadu, India https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2269-6905
  • V Murugavel PG and Research Department of Economics Head &Assistant Professor of Economics Government Arts College for Women, Nilakottai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Vendor, Flower, Unorganised, Women


Vending in India falls in the unorganized sector category. Flower vending has been a profession since the ancient period, with street vendors an integral part of our urban history and culture. In contrast to the mechanized and sterile concept of shopping favoured by modern market and supermarket structures. The role of women in and outside their homes has become an essential feature of the social and economic life of the country. Women in our country share too many responsibilities and perform a wide variety of duties in running the family, maintaining the household, attending to labour and domestic animals and extending a helping hand in artisanship and handicrafts. In recent years, women in large numbers have joined the labour force and taken up paid employment. The women’s earnings are necessary for sheer survival and to support their families. It is inferred that flower vendors in the study area get an average annual income of Rs. 86390/. In the study area, almost all the flower vendors borrow money mainly for daily needs according to their capabilities and their average debt amount was Rs. 38836. Regarding job satisfaction and the future continuation of the flower vending business is positive.

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How to Cite
Ishwarya, M., & Murugavel, V. (2022). A Case Study on Unorganised Flower Binding Workers in Nilakottai Block of Dindigul, District, Tamil Nadu. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 11(1), 26-28. https://doi.org/10.34293/economics.v11i1.5693