Proximity of Health and Education Facilities in Tamil Nadu Villages

  • P Sharmila M.Phil, Scholar, PG and Research Department of Economics, Government Arts College for Women, Nilakottai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • D Selva Sundhri Assistant Professor, PG and Research Department of Economics, Government Arts College for Women, Nilakottai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Village, Facility, Health, Education, Proximity, Rural


“India lives in its villages", said Mahatma Gandhi, a great freedom fighter and visionary leader of India. A rural area is a geographic area that is located outside cities and towns, while rural areas are also known as 'villages' in India. About 68.84 (2011 census report) per cent of the people lives 640,867 in different villages. The quality of village life largely depends on different infrastructure and facilities and natural resources available in the villages. The present research aims to assess the proximity of health and education facilities in villages in Nilakottai Taluk, in the Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu, India. The objective of the present research is the proximity of rural health and educational facilities in the villages. The researcher purposively selected the Nilakottai block of Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu. The selected Taluk has consisted of 42 villages and are included in the present research. A pre-tested interview schedule and a pre-planned to-do list were prepared by the researcher to gather necessary information about health and education facilities in villages. 57% of study villages estimated that the health facility to lie within the village. Health facilities in the villages are relatively easily available compared to the other educational facilities.

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How to Cite
Sharmila, P., & Selva Sundhri, D. (2022). Proximity of Health and Education Facilities in Tamil Nadu Villages. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 11(1), 33-36.