The Impact of GST in Various Sectors
The final worth of products and services generated inside a country's geographic limits for a specific period of time, usually a year, is referred to as GDP. The GDP growth rate is a key indicator of a country's economic performance. The most significant tax reform is on the way, and the Goods and Services Tax will soon be a part of the Indian economy. For indirect taxation, a new and unified tax structure will take the place of various existing tax laws such as excise duty, service tax, VAT, CST, and so on. The new tax regime will undoubtedly eliminate the cascading effect of tax on product and service transactions, resulting in product and service availability to consumers.
According to a Morgan Stanley analysis, economic activity in the country slowed due to GST-related delays, but underlying growth momentum remains strong, and the economy might increase by 6.7 percent this fiscal year. In April-June, India's economic growth slowed to a three-year low of 5.7 percent, highlighting the disruptions caused by uncertainty around the GST rollout, as well as a decrease in industrial activity.
Copyright (c) 2016 S. Ramamoorthy

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