Impact of High Yielding Variety of Paddy on Factor Shares in Sivagangai District

  • K Meenakshi Sundaram Full-Time Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Raja Dorai Singam Government Arts College, Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • A Marimuthu Assistant Professor, PG & Research, Department of Economics, Government Arts College, Melur, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: high yielding variety, traditional variety, paddy cultivation, human labour, profit function, cobb-douglas production function


In this paper an attempt is made to study the estimate input demand elasticties and supply responsiveness for small and large farmers producing High Yielding Variety (HYV) and Traditional Variety (TV) of paddy. In recent years, technological change has brought about a substantial increase in agricultural output and income in India. The following objectives was farmed to study the impact of new technology on factor shares and to measure the nature of factor biases in technical change. The profit function is inherently a cross-sectional approach. The application of profit function approach is warranted only under conditions of price variations between farms at a point of time. The indirect estimates of production elasticities derived from the Cobb-Douglas production function by using the results. The HYV of paddy cultivation reduces the problem of unemployment in the agricultural sector, particularly in sivagangai district. The present study that the share of land is found to be the maximum for both the varieties. The human labour share in output is observed to be higher for HYV than TV of paddy.

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How to Cite
Meenakshi Sundaram, K., & Marimuthu, A. (2018). Impact of High Yielding Variety of Paddy on Factor Shares in Sivagangai District. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 6(2), 10-16. Retrieved from