Economic Development through Micro Industries – The Major Challenges

  • R Banila Assistant Professor, Department of Master of Business Administration, Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: global economy, Indian economy, industrialisation, industrial units, micro industries, MSME act


The changing factors of global economy make the industries to find many opportunities to enhance production and to look for new markets at global level. Micro industries emerge as a highly spirited sector of the Indian economy over the last five decades because it not only plays a crucial role in providing large employment opportunities but also helps in the industrialisation of rural and backward areas. Thoothukudi is one of the districts which has more number of micro industrial clusters in Tamilnadu. The challenges and performance of micro industrial units in Thoothukudi district are analysed in this study. The findings revealed that non-availability of labours is one of the major challenges faced by micro industries.

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How to Cite
Banila, R. (2017). Economic Development through Micro Industries – The Major Challenges. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 6(1), 25-30. Retrieved from