Urban Agriculture in Kerala: A Case Study on Terrace Farming in Ernakulam District
Over the past fifty years, the world has witnessed tremendous progress in the field of economic development. Urbanization which is considered as one of the most important indicators of economic development has led people to concentrate around cities. Uncontrolled urbanization which arises as an aftermath of industrialisation, lead to migration of people to urban areas. At present more than 54 percent of people reside in urban areas and by 2050, it is expected to be more than 70 percent. Rapid population growth and migration towards urban areas increased the demand for food, shelter, water and basic necessities. Due to migration of people to urban areas, the fertile agricultural land has been converted into concrete structures. In many developing countries, due to hunger, demand of food produce, growing poverty, lack of employment opportunities, and the availability of cheap resources including organic wastes and wastewater in cities have resulted in the development of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA).While urban agriculture practices become widespread and have become a hot topic of discussion in major cities across the country, an exact picture of urban agricultural practices in Kerala has not yet been studied. Traditionally people In Kerala used to grow vegetables in the backyards of home. As development progressed, the land around the houses disappeared. At present no place is left for kitchen gardens at home. Ernakulum is just an example. Terrace farming which forms a part of Urban agricultural movement is gaining popularity in the city of Ernakulum. The District Administration has launched ‘Zero Waste and Safe-to-Eat Vegetable’ project in 2012. The project is implemented as a joint initiative of the District Agri Horticulture Society (DAHS) and Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council (VFPCK), by utilising the funds from National Horticulture Board (NHB). Large number of households are engaged in terrace farming activities in Thiruvankulam Panchayath. So in this context it is important to analyse horticulture production by households through terrace farming. This study aims to analyse the Economic Impact of Terrace Farming in urban area.

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