Trade Relations Between India and Japan

  • K Jayalakshmi Research Scholar, Department of Economics, S. V. University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • V Ramesh Babu Assist Professor, Department of CSEAPS, S. V. University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Keywords: Direct exchange, economic co-operation, WW II, Overseas Development assistance, Bilateral Relations, economic reforms


The Indo Japanese relations have undergone a paradigm shift in recent times through Japan is the sixth largest investedin India there is the hope that the proportionof investment will significantly increase. The India will need to create an invested friendly environment by introducing for other economic reforms and changing policies to address the grievances expressed by Japanese investors to increase investment. The economic co-operation between the two nations has been steady with Japan’s total loans to India. The agreement on commerce between Japan and India was one of the remarkable treaties signed by the twonations to strengthen their trade relations. Indo –Japan Bilateral Development Cooperation has been remarkable and progressive expansion in recent years. The strong economic growth of India is predicted to continue over the long run and these are the ever-widening prospectsfor the country to become an economic power. The driving forces for further prosperity in AsiaJapan and India have continueto developedtheir friendly relations founded on along history of exchanges

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How to Cite
Jayalakshmi, K., & Ramesh Babu, V. (2017). Trade Relations Between India and Japan. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 5(3), 8-13. Retrieved from