Problems and Prospects of Implementing ICDS in the States of Tamil Nadu and Assam

  • L Ganesan Professor & Head, Department of Economic, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Ananya Kashyap Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Anganwadi Centres, ICDS, Nutrition, Malnutrition, Health


Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme was launched on 2nd October 1975 as a centrally sponsored scheme with a view to improve the health condition of Children and pregnant and lactating women. The researcher will make a comparative study of two states of India, namely Assam and Tamil Nadu on the performance and development of scheme in these states. The paper will study the facilities provided to the anganwadis workers and helpers in both the states. Taking leakages as one of the common practices of various schemes which prevents the scheme from proper implementation, the paper makes note on issues and concerns of ICDS to reach the Millennium Development Goal. The study will reveal the facts about the limitations of the states while performing this scheme. The researcher has planned to use basic statistical tools as a part of analysis. The objectives of the study are a) To analyse the performance of ICDS in Tamil Nadu and Assam in terms of existing Number of centres, appointing number of Anganwadis workers and its beneficiaries since 11th Plan till current year. b) To describe the constraints in delivering the health services in terms of nutritional coverage and pre-school services provided by the ICDS in both states of Tamil Nadu and Assam and c) To suggest suitable policy measures to overcome the issues in performing ICDS and its prospects in the selected study area.

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How to Cite
Ganesan, L., & Kashyap, A. (2016). Problems and Prospects of Implementing ICDS in the States of Tamil Nadu and Assam. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 4(4), 52-63. Retrieved from