Private Space and Scheduled Caste Colonies in Kerala

  • Siyar Manuraj Associate Professor of Economics, Sri C Achutha Menon Government College, Thrissur, Kerala, India
  • K.S. Nisha Assistant Professor, Sri C Achutha Menon Government College, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Keywords: Private Space, Adequate Housing, Social Space, Overcrowding, Coffin Homes


Central and state governments have been spending huge amounts year after year for the development of scheduled caste people in India. The state of Kerala is also a good role model in this regard. Social integration of the Scheduled Castes in India with the rest of the communities is still an unfinished agenda of independent India. In this regard, Kerala, one of the states in India having highest rate of social development, is not an exception. The present article tries to theoretically contextualize the socio-economic backwardness of Scheduled Castes in Kerala by analysing to what extent a scheduled caste house property in Scheduled caste Colonies is an economic good. The study uses a theoretical concept-private space which is extracted from Henri Lefebvre’s social space.

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How to Cite
Manuraj, S., & Nisha, K. (2024). Private Space and Scheduled Caste Colonies in Kerala. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 12(4), 48-54.