An Economic Analysis of Dairy Sector in India with Special Reference to Milk Dairy Co-Operatives in Karnataka

  • N. Munishami Gowda Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Kuvempu University, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India
  • S.N. Yogish Senior Professor and Chairman, Department of Economics, Kuvempu University, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Deficit, Production, Dairy, Fodder, Schemes, Member, Operation Flood, Per- Capita, Federation, Societies


Dairy activities play a predominate role in the Indian economy. Due to fail in agricultural crops the farmers not only depending upon cropping pattern alone, indeed they depend on other allied agricultural activities like poultry farming, fishing, agro based activities, family enterprises, food products. Among the allied agricultural activities, dairy is one of the prominent activities to the farmers. Dairying is not only cheap but also yield more returns. This is especially where more of woman are engaged in this activity. Due to various constraints in this dairy activity, co operative sector play a very important role in not only protecting the dairy activities but also promote it with various polices and packages of co operative sector. With this background the present study is more relevant as well to identify various issues of the cooperative dairy sector both in Karnataka and Tamilnadu.

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How to Cite
Munishami Gowda, N., & Yogish, S. (2024). An Economic Analysis of Dairy Sector in India with Special Reference to Milk Dairy Co-Operatives in Karnataka. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 12(4), 55-59.